Archive for February, 2020

Debate Night

February 26, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay guys, this has been sitting in my DRAFT box since 8:00 this morning.  I thought I posted it but I didn’t.  I apologize.  Here it is – 8 hours later. 

I slept on it and I am still disgusted, but I can still laugh so it must not be all that desperate.

Matthew Dowd posted a picture this morning that seems to be reminding people of something … I dunno … something familiar.  Hummmmm … the Democratic field?



Yeah, there is an uncanny resemblance.

And to put things in perspective, Deb T reminds us that 4 years ago, things were really weird.


And lastly, I really know how Amy feels.  I think she became every woman last night.



I’ll get over it, y’all.  It might take a couple more cups of coffee, some dark chocolate, some girlfriends coming over for lunch, and a nap, but I’ll get over it.  The sun is shining, the humidity dropped, and we’re expecting a cool front this afternoon.  We’re getting a high freeze tonight.


Debate Night

February 25, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

You can post your thoughts on the debate here either before, during, or after the debate.



Just Like a Child. Just Like a Damn Child.

February 25, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Trump’s former goofy doctor, Ronny Jackson, who is now running congress oh dear God, had a chat with the staff of the New York Times.  They reported that he chatted about Trump’s health  …

“The exercise stuff never took off as much as I wanted it to. But we were working on his diet. We were making the ice cream less accessible, we were putting cauliflower into the mashed potatoes.”

Like a damn child.

I think this is even more embarrassing that Jackson saying that Trump was at a good weight.


Here’s My Deal

February 25, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I’m not a very lucky person when it comes to Bernie Sanders.

I want to make it perfectly clear that I like Bernie Sanders personally. I’ve had several opportunities over the years of being able to sit down with him and talk in small groups of three or four.  A long time real life friend of mine was Bernie’s campaign treasurer for his senate campaigns for years and years.  I like Bernie personally and I think he has some great ideas.

I cannot stand most of his supporters.

It’s kinda like I feel about Jesus – love the guy, but strongly dislike most of his supporters.

There’s a Bernie guy in my county who slithers out to lie, destroy, and secretly plot against candidates in the Democratic primary on Our Revolution letterhead. I called the head of Our Revolution to file a formal complaint and they told me that they don’t regulate who can use their name or letterhead. Seriously.

Bernie’s campaign tanked in Texas four years ago. For their Texas campaign manager, they hired a hack who had been fired by the Texas Democratic Party in a hotel hallway four years before (I’m serious about this. I was there. Not in the actual hallway but a few doors down.) for some creepily egregious behavior. The next time anyone sees him, he’s in charge of Texas for Burnie Sanders.

This time they hired a notoriously lazy guy who is unable to raise money, and who has run in four races all in a row and lost them all except the first one where he won by 100 votes in an 8,000 vote contest. The rest he  generally came in a distant third. Why would you hired that guy? It scares me think who he’d hire for Secretary of State.

These are just a few example because I have errands to run today.

I could go on and on.  I was thinking that I had just been unlucky meeting Bernie supporters. But, apparently not.  Apparently, I got off light.



You don’t have to read the whole article.  It’s gross beyond measure.

(Heavy sigh.)  I really do like Bernie personally.  And that’ a shame


I Dunno

February 24, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Check this out.



Y’all, when the Acting Director of Homeland Security seems a tad frantic because he can’t get information about the Coronavirus except through the internet and it has to be free, I think we’re all pretty screwed.

So if somebody asks, “Are terrorists sending big balloons filled with Coronavirus over the countryside, the guy in charge would have to answer, “Hold on a minute and let me check the internet.”

And then he’s gotta find somebody with a credit card to let him see it.

Totally screwed.


World Health Organization Says Coronavirus Not at Pandemic Levels “Yet”

February 24, 2020 By: El Jefe Category: Healthcare

Nothing says, “I’ve got this,” like Bruce Aylward of the World Health Organization discussing the Coronavirus outbreak in a goddam medical exposure mask:

Today, the WHO gave a briefing saying that the Coronavirus outbreak COVID-19 has not reached pandemic level -yet.  But there is a large outbreak now in South Korea and Italy. China has tried to tamp down concern for the growing crisis, and that has certainly not been helpful.  COVID-19 sounds like a ComicCon convention name, but no, it’s not that fun.  This whole thing gives me the willies.