I Dunno

February 24, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Check this out.



Y’all, when the Acting Director of Homeland Security seems a tad frantic because he can’t get information about the Coronavirus except through the internet and it has to be free, I think we’re all pretty screwed.

So if somebody asks, “Are terrorists sending big balloons filled with Coronavirus over the countryside, the guy in charge would have to answer, “Hold on a minute and let me check the internet.”

And then he’s gotta find somebody with a credit card to let him see it.

Totally screwed.


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0 Comments to “I Dunno”

  1. Brad in Dallas says:

    Y’all keep in mind that Covid-19’s case-fatality rate (1-2%) and age severity pattern (it’s mostly the elderly and people with preexisting chronic diseases that are dying, babies seem pretty resistant) is a whole lot like good old influenza A. It’s just the novelty of Covid-19 that has the news folks so excited, basically what we have here is a new flu. And humanity has survived flu a long long time, even if it occasionally gets rowdy for a season.

  2. Jane & PKM says:

    Ms. Juanita Jean Herownself be impressed that the Cooch can actually log onto the internet. Credit his wife while lacking the sense not to have married him at least Alice has the sense to not allow him to carry a personal credit card. And, guess we should be grateful the Cooch isn’t using this as an excuse to further attack little children on our border.

    Please, please, please MS JJ indulge the urge for some ice-cream or a coffee or any excuse to consult with Alfredo. We have concerns like: what about the Cooch’s government credit card, why is it over the limit, and what exactly has he been charging on it. IOW a mission for Alfredo.

  3. I believe the Johns Hopkins School of Public Health is named the Bloomberg School of Public Health.

  4. Jane & PKM says:

    Sally @3, indeed, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health.

    Brad in Dallas @1, thank you. We’ve read other reassuring data, too. Then someone from the IQ4.5* maladministration ‘speaks’ and there goes the fear factor, again.

  5. Chloe Bear says:

    DHS Secretary receives two daily reports from HHS re: Convid 19 as well as Spot Reports. Like tRump he does not read the reports. Perhaps the reports should be filled with more pictures and fewer words.

  6. Jane & PKM says:

    Chloe Bear @5, it is my burning ambition to become a delivery boy, if part of the job includes delivering reports on fire via crossbow to those who richly deserve fast and premier service. I feel that more than 3 years of auditing courses at the Offal Orifice branch of Trump* U qualifies me for the position. While having never committed a felony or consorted with any Russian oligarchs and/or criminals, I submit my resume in the hope that Donnie* will overlook my inexperience with two of his* major qualifiers.

  7. Buttermilk Sky says:

    Acting deputy secretary, have you tried unplugging your computer and plugging it in again?

  8. as much federal taxpayer funds that flow to nearly every school in the country, the interested federal agencies should have carte blanche on all these sites.

  9. The Gang That Couldn’t Shoot Straight I’m tellin’ ya.

  10. C.D.C., H.H.S, C.I.A., F.B.I., same difference.
    They’re all part of the deep state. (not capitalized to stay under the radar) So obviously not to be trusted. I’m just surprised he didn’t tweet about his real main sources of Intel.
    Infowars and Breitbart.
    Buttermilk Sky @ 7:
    That cracked me up. But it’d probably be more accurate to ask he’d tried to turn his iPhone off and restarting it to continue his critical work as Acting Deputy Secretary of Homeland Security.
    I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again.
    trump was right about one thing.
    I’m definitely tired of all that winning.

  11. Would love the d’s to tell the demented one to just take the money out of the defense budget, just like he is doing for his bogus emergency to build a wall that falls over if the bid bad wolf blows on it.
    Bogus emergency false wall.
    Real emergency nothing is left.
    Make him and the R’s apply pay go rules just as they did for Puerta Rico disasters.

  12. It’s worse than you think, the Trump-GOP regime intends to CUT the CDC [federal Centers for Disease Control agency, and also cutting HHS, NIH] in this years’ budget by 16% [as it has in previous years, which I’ve posted before].
    The CDC is the most important US [and global] tool against there is.
    Why the Fock would any rational being hobble the best defense we have against this medical threat? Perhaps to help their team steal or compromise another election?


    Guess what? Global markets today [most have been open many hours, or are now closed] are continuing to nosedive:

  13. PS: The most concise and useful summaries I could find on COVID-19.
    Of course they are sourced from other nations [Australia, Canada], plus our CDC.

    PSS: It’s been my recent experience that the CMS [Medicare, etc., now under Rump appointee Ms. Veema ‘something’] and the SSA too, websites have gotten worse compared to previous years. This wouldn’t be ‘intentional degradation’, would it?

    Informative COVID-19 websites [plus Wikipedia]:






  14. Used the link last night.
    Worked fine for me.

  15. Worked for me perfectly well 30 seconds ago:


    tRUMP’s people, like tRUMP, are cretins.

  16. @Sandridge #12 – I wonder why this administration doesn’t want to fight COVID-19? Their base are the folks most likely to die from it…

  17. What do you want to bet that Donnie and his friends went short on the Dow?

  18. Closet Optimist says:

    First, one would think government officials can pick up the phone and speak directly with someone at Hopkins to get the latest information. In fact, at this point there should be daily conference calls.
    Second, comparing this to the flu may actually minimize it. At the moment it looks to be much more easily transmitted. The mortality rate seems to fluctuate between 2 and 3%. It may be closer to 3% as we depend more on numbers coming from places other than China. This would be similar to the “Spanish” Flu of 1918.

  19. This is what you get when the chiefs can’t find their own (fill in the blank) and become so drastically dependent on others to do their job. Thats where they can just relax and never learn a damn thing and blame everyone else for any failures. And dammit the American public is paying for this kind of **ap diligence out of their taxes!

    As for the Spanish flu of 1917-18, my mother lived through that but came out the other end half blind and half deaf. I reckon she was lucky.

  20. Major outbreak could lead to increasing support for some form of Universal care.
    When wealthy see, like Joan of England, that wealth and power cannot keep them “safe” in a sea of infection.
    A few more examples such as responsible citizen getting an over $3,000 bill for getting checked for Corona virus when he developed symtons after returning from area with reported cases and fewer people will have check up.

  21. thatotherjean says:

    I think this is the site that Mr. Acting Director of Homeland Security was trying to reach. So far as I know, it’s not behind a pay wall. At least, I’m not paying for it, yet.


  22. Gail in Virginia says:

    Cuccinelli is a true moron. We rejected him in Virginia, so, of course the Repubs took hi, love the stupid and loyal.
