Archive for January, 2022

Deja Vu

January 31, 2022 By: Nick Carraway Category: Uncategorized

This whole Joe Rogan situation has just blown up. If we have an inkling that we’ve seen this before it’s because we probably have. At least we have seen the Neil Young portion of the proceedings before. Young has made a habit of combatting on free speech issues. Who knows? Maybe he has learned something in the intervening decades.

We should start with the deja vu all over again portion of this story. This is not censorship. Nobody has drafted any law keeping Rogan from doing what he is doing. Nobody is throwing Joe Rogan in jail for what he has been saying. Spotify is a private company that has the ability to make its own decisions regarding content. What we are seeing is that artists also have the right to choose where their art is showcased.

I think I had one Neil Young CD from back in the day. I have no idea where it is. I don’t own anything Joni Mitchell has produced. I’m not even sure if either of them have produced anything this century. I did go to a Crosby, Stills, and Nash concert once, but Young wasn’t there. That’s about as close as I have gotten to these particular artists.

However, if you take a step back, this whole story becomes fascinating. One facet is the Joe Rogan facet of the discussion. Still, that’s only the beginning. Spotify themselves are just another platform for music and podcasts, but they have taken a serious hit. Meanwhile, a boycott that started with two artists that haven’t done anything relevant in at least 30 years suddenly has grown beyond that.

The final leg in these protests has been the consumer reaction. Businesses like Spotify sign guys like Rogan because it helps expand their brand. Rogan has millions of listeners and if Spotify can be the one place you can hear it then you have to subscribe to Spotify. It makes perfect sense.

As a consumer of music and occasional consumer of podcasts I get it. There are literally hundreds of musicians and podcasts on Spotify that I would never listen to. Rogan’s is one of them. It’s not a hardcore protests on my part. He just isn’t my cup of tea. I don’t begrudge him his spot any more than I would begrudge any gangster rapper that I would never listen to. They are there for people that enjoy their work.

The question for us and for people like Rogan is what responsibility they have. Rogan is first and foremost an entertainer. He was on New Radio back in the day. He hosted Fear Factor. He was a co-host on the Man Show. It’s difficult to look at that resume and somehow come away thinking he is meant to be taken seriously. I’m sure he would tell you the same thing.

Yet, he has his staunch defenders. I made this same point on Twitter last night and was lambasted by some guy that asserted that Rogan had on medical experts that know more than Dr. Fauci. Sure. Keep in mind that I said nothing negative about Rogan. All I said was that he probably wasn’t meant to be taken completely seriously.

The question was never whether Rogan had the right to say what he does, those artists have the right to pull their catalog, or consumers having the right to quit Spotify. The question was never whether Spotify had the right to pay Rogan or not pay Rogan. The question is how we manage to put things in proper context. Rogan is an entertainer. Entertainers can inform, but that is not their primary function. Somewhere along the way we collectively got lazy. When did we start relying on entertainers to be our primary outlet for information?

Trump Reminds Us of Why He’s Unfit for Any Office

January 31, 2022 By: El Jefe Category: 2024 Election, Insurrection, Trump, Trumpists

This weekend I was reminded of Liz Cheney’s words at the beginning of the January 6th committee investigation that they had a responsibility “…to make sure that Donald Trump is not our nominee, and that he’s never anywhere close to the reins of power ever again.”  TFG was in the Houston area on Saturday grifting money from stupid and corrupt fans, playing his Top 40 hits of lies and hate.  This time, though, he added a new promise to the menu – to pardon the insurrectionists who’ve been charged, convicted, and jailed for attempting to overthrow the US government.  That’s right, folks, even after reversing himself on vaccines, which pissed off the base, he terrified everyone else with his promise to pardon the criminals who did his bidding on January 6th.  On top of that chilling declaration, he called for his supporters to demonstrate in New York and Georgia should prosecutors bring charges against him and his family.

TFG’s profound corruption is back on public display where he demonstrated that nothing at all has changed; he puts his own welfare and wallet in front of all other priorities, including the public welfare.  He doesn’t care if you live or die, as long as the lights are always focused on him and his followers do his bidding without question.

The stakes have never been so high as they are right now.

Shut The Hell Up

January 28, 2022 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Susan Collins can just kiss my big blue butt.

Here she is in all her glory —



If you felt the last appointments were “too rushed,” why the fool tarnation didn’t you say anything, woman?

A lifetime appointment? Somebody just now told you that it’s a lifetime appointment? Did you not know that before today?

Susan Collins was the deciding vote for Brett Kavanaugh. They did not even complete a full investigation  of him, including how he suddenly came into a whole bunch of money.


We Never Said They Were Smart

January 27, 2022 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Oh dear Lord. Oh dear. Bless his heart.

Stewart Rhodes, the founder of Oath Keepers, is having to remain in jail pending his trial on conspiracy. Why isn’t he afforded the right to a bond? Well, because he’s too damn stupid.

His ex-wife gave law enforcement pictures of a series of “escape tunnels” he dug in the backyard of his rented house.


And then because she hadn’t had enough get-even fun, she scampered over to Twitter and announced …

“Folks if you ever feel tempted to rent a backhoe and dig escape tunnels in the backyard of your rental house, keep in mind it may back to haunt you if you later attempt to overthrow the U.S. government.”

Another lesson here: if your wife has a camera, don’t piss her off. You know she’s got a picture of you doing something crazy.



January 27, 2022 By: Nick Carraway Category: Uncategorized

We are a citizenry that seems to live and die by our Google searches. A quick Google search on civil war demonstrates that numerous people are thinking about it. Truth be told though, those fault lines have always been there. Conflicts have always been a part of our culture. You can identify historical periods based on where those conflicts arise.

You do that because you know full well that some of the conflicts we currently have weren’t major considerations before. LGTBQ+ rights have always been important, but those battles weren’t fought 20 and 30 years ago when my generation came of age. People always have worried about illegal immigration and undocumented peoples, but it could hardly be called a crisis back in those days.

Sometimes things happen to make these conflicts front and center. Sometimes their rights and needs evolve to the point where a conflict is unavoidable. Sometimes whoever they is decides it is time to break out of the shadows. Sometimes new issues arise that have to be addressed. This is a natural part of history that can’t be avoided.

The usual course of these things is that those other issues that were being debated suddenly aren’t anymore. The battles of the 1950s and 1960s gave way to other battles in the 1970s and 1980s. Then, new issues arose in the 1990s and 2000s. One or two issues came forward and those others naturally took a backseat. It’s not that they became less important or solved necessarily, but we seemingly made enough progress to at least set it aside for awhile.

If we were to characterize this age we would say that everyone has picked sides on everything and everything is a burgeoning crisis. Obviously women’s rights have become front and center as it pertains to the roll back of abortion rights. We still see African Americans and other minority groups still concerned deeply about policing and how suspects get treated. The LGTBQ+ community is still battling for recognition of their rights and what that looks like in different situations. Then, we have all the folks standing on one side or the other in the fight over income inequality.

The last part is part of the change. We seemingly stand on one side or another on all of these issues. The usual course is that for most of these issues we are standing on the sidelines. It’s not that we don’t care, but that it doesn’t directly impact us. We might consider ourselves allies to one side or another, but it really isn’t our fight. Now, we seem to fight about everything.

If one of us is being held back on these fronts then we all are being held back. If black lives matter then all lives matter. If women get autonomy over their own bodies then we all do. If transgender people get to feel safe in their chosen identities then we all do. So, supporting the fight on the side you believe pushes us all forward. Either it pushes us forward or keeps us from running headlong over the cliff.

All that being said, people need a break from fighting all the time. Not everything can be a battle. Something must unite us. Something must make us come together to acknowledge our shared humanity. Perhaps the worst sign of a coming civil war is the fact that more and more of these events are simply becoming another battle.

The pandemic might be the single defining event of this generation. It has become the “where were you when” moment. It is this generation’s Kennedy assassination. It is this generation’s Challenger explosion or fall of the Berlin Wall. It is this generation’s 9/11. Yet, the defining characteristic won’t be solidarity. It won’t be people coming together to defeat a faceless enemy. It won’t be people coming together at all. It will be yet another fault line drawn by forces not our own. Those forces aren’t us, but they are us at the same time. If you understand that contradiction then you are doing a whole lot better than me.

Wait a Minute. Wait Just A Damn Minute.

January 26, 2022 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

So, I’m pretty sure I have this right and I will apologize if I am wrong but it appears to me that Melania Trump is a giant bag of doodle. Yeah, I think so.  Bag ‘O Doodle.

The weird lady is selling her clothing.  Well, that’s incorrect.  Diane Von Furstenberg sells her clothing. Melanie sells her clothes.  Yeah, used. She goes on the Internet Machine and sells her clothes for all the world to see.  And she even provides pictures of when she wore them in the White House.

The website teasingly says that a portion of the proceeds will go to help minority children learn to use computers.  Yeah, it does not say what percentage and I’m sure that whatever tiny amount she does donate will be taken off her taxes, not the real donor’s taxes.

And she wants to be paid in some weird kind of money called Solana – probably Confederate Graybacks – that tanked the day before the auction ended.

Lurleen wants to know if the big game hunter get-up that Melania wore to Africa is going to be sold because Lurleen thinks the message of British-settler-here-to-take-your-land might not be the look our First Lady  should sport. Lurleen says if she went to Africa, she’d go for the Katherine Hepburn in African Queen look.  You know, because Katherine Hepburn came home with Humphrey Bogart and Melania came home to Crate O’ Doodle.

I will apologize if I am wrong about the former First Lady selling her previously worn First Lady clothes on the Internet. You know those people made off with some of the silverware they are going to sell, right?