Archive for October, 2020

Armed Trump Supporters Surround Biden’s Bus, Ram Staffer’s Car

October 31, 2020 By: El Jefe Category: Uncategorized

On I-35 south of Austin, dozens of rabid (and armed) Trump supporters surrounded the Biden bus headed for a rally.  Wendy Davis was reported to be on board.  The trucks attempted to slow and even stop the bus, and a staffer, who was following the bus closely, was rammed by one of the Trump trucks.  All events were cancelled due to the credible threats of violence.

Welcome to Texas in the era of Adolf Trump and his Brownshirts.


Can’t Wait Until Next Friday Toon

October 31, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized


Oh My

October 30, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Y’all, I do not know what to say.  The Joe Biden / Kamala Harris bus came to my county yesterday.  It was just going around Texas with local elected Democrats and candidates. Neither Joe or Kamala were on the bus.

The Republicans hated it.  They came in force to try to shout down the program.  They brought a tank.



They also brought a casket.  A real casket.

Republicans are apologizing to Democrats after Trump supporters brought a casket to the Biden Bus Tour in Missouri City Thursday. The casket included a dark-haired mannequin that some believe was meant to depict Kamala Harris.

A mail-in ballot was also inside the casket next to the mannequin which was connected to a hears with writing on the side that read, “Collecting Democrat votes one dead stiff at a time,” and “Vote like your life depends on it. It does.”

Mean people. Evil people.


Two More Steps And He’s Over The Cliff

October 30, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Now we can’t trust our doctors.  (Listen to the second clip.)  He’s claiming that doctors get $2,000 more if their patient dies of Covid.



Mark Meadows is Not Having a Happy Day

October 30, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

An FEC complaint was filed today against Mark Meadows, Trumps Chief of Staff, for oh yeah charging his PAC and his campaign for personal expenses.

The spending includes a jewelry store and numerous restaurants and clubs, including the Trump Hotel in DC and its restaurants.

Ann Hand is the jewelry store where he bought … uh, paper. He also spent money at Costco and a local cupcake store.

And then, and then, after all that they find out that he’s been playing hanky-panky with campaign money to help a candidate running to replace him.

It’s a complicated scheme but that’s the kind you go to jail for doing.

This guy is so full of himself that if you stuck him with a pin, he’d fly around the room backward for a damn week.

Thanks to Alfredo over at the Dairy Queen for the heads up.

Ben Explaining Joe Biden to His Parents

October 30, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Ben is in first grade and this conversation took place earlier this week in the car.

You can listen here.

BEN: I miss Joe Biden.

DAD: Where did you see Joe Biden?

BEN: In a magazine.

DAD: In a magazine?

BEN: In a voting magazine.

MOM: In a voting magazine. What do you like about him?

BEN:  Well, I just like him.

DAD: What do you think is cool about him?

BEN: That he’s good at being president.

MOM: You think he’ll be good at being president?

BEN:  Yes.

MOM: What did Katy (Mom’s friend) tell you about him?  Remember?

BEN: That he likes grandmas.

MOM: He likes grandmas.

BEN:  And I like grandmas, too.  (Pause) Donald Trump does not like grandmas.

MOM: Probably not.

BEN: He doesn’t like Gigi …

BOTH MOM AND DAD: No. Definitely not. (Laughter)

MOM: Do you?

BEN: I do.

(Pause and then Ben picks it up again.)

BEN: I don’t like Donald Trump, though. He is mean … and evil. He likes people who are evil.


I am blessed to live in a family that are all Democrats, including my brother and both his children.

Have a great weekend and call somebody to vote.  Grandmas are counting on you.