Gaslighter in Chief Strikes Again

April 14, 2020 By: El Jefe Category: Coronavirus, Corruption, Lie, Trump

Trump is on national television now, blaming the WHO for his incompetence and has ordered the US government to cut off funding to it.  That’s right, folks, Trump, who sat on his fat ass from December to the middle of March playing golf and holding rallies, is now desperately trying to rewrite history to shift blame for his gross negligence onto the media, China, and the WHO.

God save us.  We’ve got nothing left.

World Health Organization Says Coronavirus Not at Pandemic Levels “Yet”

February 24, 2020 By: El Jefe Category: Healthcare

Nothing says, “I’ve got this,” like Bruce Aylward of the World Health Organization discussing the Coronavirus outbreak in a goddam medical exposure mask:

Today, the WHO gave a briefing saying that the Coronavirus outbreak COVID-19 has not reached pandemic level -yet.  But there is a large outbreak now in South Korea and Italy. China has tried to tamp down concern for the growing crisis, and that has certainly not been helpful.  COVID-19 sounds like a ComicCon convention name, but no, it’s not that fun.  This whole thing gives me the willies.