Just Like a Child. Just Like a Damn Child.

February 25, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Trump’s former goofy doctor, Ronny Jackson, who is now running congress oh dear God, had a chat with the staff of the New York Times.  They reported that he chatted about Trump’s health  …

“The exercise stuff never took off as much as I wanted it to. But we were working on his diet. We were making the ice cream less accessible, we were putting cauliflower into the mashed potatoes.”

Like a damn child.

I think this is even more embarrassing that Jackson saying that Trump was at a good weight.


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0 Comments to “Just Like a Child. Just Like a Damn Child.”

  1. Grandma Ada says:

    He exercises? Surely driving a golf cart isn’t exercise?

  2. For the record, 50/50 potatoes to cauliflower mashed is very close to potatoes only if you don’t over blend it. And don’t forget the roasted garlic with olive oil instead of butter…

  3. None of this would be an issue if he didn’t just lie, lie, lie about it all the time.

    Trump is ashamed of how he looks so he says, “Don’t believe your eyes, I look great! And I eat a well-rounded diet, too! See those hamberders? They’re round. See that Taco Bowl? Round. I’m perfect!”

    A little honesty [I eat poorly, I’m overweight and in poor health] would make all this a non-issue.

    Of course, then he would have to admit that Obama is in better health than he is — and for good reason. And that ain’t gonna happen.

  4. Jackson needs to be force fed a big dose of reality as to what constitutes the difference between lying and truth telling.
    What a toady.

  5. The Surly Professor says:

    Dammit, Old Fart. Now you went and made me hungry. It was the garlic that tipped me over the edge. I’ll get back at you someday, maybe with my recipe for pinto beans.

    And JJ: “… Jackson saying that Trump was at a good weight.” Well, it’s true. Trump is at a good weight … for a walrus.

  6. I remember a few years back when a friend went on a diet and started eating those Lean Cuisine dinners. He got upset when I pointed out that eating 3 of those at a sitting was worse than just eating what he usually ate.

  7. Buttermilk Sky says:

    “Making the ice cream less accessible” means putting it on a low shelf so he’d have to bend.

    Remember the mockery of Bush Sr when he said he didn’t like broccoli? It seems a million years ago.

  8. “The exercise stuff never took off as much as I wanted it to.”

    That’s because Donnie’s aides got tired of using a long pry bar to lift him from a seated to a standing position.

  9. Bernie Spencer says:

    I heard he put the mashed potatoes/cauliflower on a spoon and made airplane noises to get trump to eat it.

  10. Harry Eagar says:

    Trump is unprecedented for his ability to force revelation of the stupidity (or worse) of everybody around him.

    I am fascinated by the eagerness of people to self-immolate in order to get near the king; it is like being taken back to 13th-c. Italy or the late Ottoman palaces.
