Archive for January, 2016

Grow Some Ta-Tas, Dammit!

January 27, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

After the storm in Washington, DeeCee, something seemed a little weird when the senate reconvened.

Senator LisaMurkowski  noted …

“As we convene this morning, you look around the chamber, the presiding officer is female. All of our parliamentarians are female. Our floor managers are female. All of our pages are female,” she told the floor.

I wonder why they didn’t lock the doors.


Just In Case You Were Wondering About Isis in America

January 27, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

It appears that Isis has fully infiltrated Maine and sent their Governor to a re-education camp.

PaulLePageMaine Gov. Paul LePage (R) told WVOM that drug traffickers should be publicly executed.

Said LePage: “I think the death penalty should be appropriate for people that kill Mainers.”

He added: “Actually, if you want my honest opinion, we should give them an injection of the stuff they sell. What I think we ought to do is bring the guillotine back. We could have public executions.”

Yes, he just said he wants to behead people.

I wonder if he wants to bypass the frivolity and expense of  trial and just go straight to the execution because we’ve just totally given up on this whole America thing.

Here’s the problem with Donald Tump: he’s moved the crazy bar.  Now you have to don a hood or rabbit ears if you hope to get on teevee.


Late Night Hillbilly Fest

January 26, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Here ya go.  The Bundy Bunch came to realize they ain’t gonna win this thing.


Boogie-Boogie Land

January 26, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, so this guy insists that the Hammond Ranch would be “Waco” by February 2.  Oops.

We are on Obama’s third double and George W Bush’s fourth double.

It used to be that I had to learn to use a shortwave radio to hear this kind of stuff.  Thanks, Obama, for inventing the Internet. Oh wait, that was Al Gore.

You can watch this four or five times and you still won’t understand it.

Man, I’d hate to see his tin foil bill.

Thanks to Ralph for the heads up.

Oops. I Don’t Remember Doing That Three Times

January 26, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Tennessee Republican House Majority Whip Jeremy Durham was shocked, shocked I tell you, that three women have come forward to say he’s been pestering them with text messages from his cell phone.

Screen Shot 2016-01-26 at 1.02.30 PMThe three women who told The Tennessean about text messages from Durham they felt were inappropriate said they never considered filing a formal complaint.

They said they feared retribution and spoke to The Tennessean only on the condition of anonymity. They worried that a complaint would be useless, even though officials have encouraged anyone with concerns to come forward.

Okay, now here’s his explanation:

After The Tennessean described the text messages to Durham, he said he did not remember sending any of the messages.

How drunk was he?  Your guess is as good as mine.

Thanks to EJ for the heads up.

That’s Almost Correct

January 26, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Speaker of the House and third in the line for the presidency Paul Ryan had a pronouncement this morning.

House Speaker Paul Ryan described the negative campaigning among GOP presidential candidates as “a conservative circular firing squad” that could cost Republicans the 2016 election.

No, Honey, the party’s outdated ideas, racial division, intolerance, and greed is what going to cost you the election.

The circular firing squad just makes it a whole lot more fun to watch.

Thanks to Bryan for the heads up.