Late Night Hillbilly Fest

January 26, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Here ya go.  The Bundy Bunch came to realize they ain’t gonna win this thing.


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0 Comments to “Late Night Hillbilly Fest”

  1. About damn time. Charge them for everything they’ve done, including appropriation and destruction of federal property.

  2. It will be interesting to see what the other law breakers do now. Remember, they all brought their guns and I guess they plan on using them. I hope that the FBI has all of the names of these home grown idiots and terrorists.

  3. Personally, I’m deeply disappointed that Chris Christie has missed an opportunity to play hero, by sumo wrestling the diaper wearing militiaman and all his buddies into submission. Could have turned the goobernator into a hero…… Nah.

  4. Probably Obama’s fault they didn’t go out in a blaze of gunfire as martyrs to the cause. True believers one and all.


  5. Yes, yes, yes.

  6. Freeloaders on our, the public’s, land. ‘Bout time!!! I only hope the authorities siege the remainder into federal custody and prison. These are domestic terriorists. Period.

  7. My knowledge of the law is largely from tv shows, but if someone dies during a legal felony arrest won’t that result in a murder charge for those who participated in the felony? They did cause the death through their illegal actions.

  8. They’re saying that LaVoy “Blue Tarp” Finicum died in the shootout. Get ready for him to be elevated to martyr status by the white supremacists.

  9. And I can imagine what the rthug candidates will say tomorrow.

  10. Darwin’s inquiry into natural selection continues to manifest itself in new and novel ways. What is surprising in this case is that these apparent mutations behave in an overt manner (whether consciously or not) to remove themselves from the gene pool.

    This doesn’t always seem to occur before reproduction, however, so it’s likely that Finicum has managed to pass mutated genes on to offspring. What events that will bring in the decades hence is anyone’s guess.

    Of equal interest is the propensity for similarly mutated individuals to cluster in groups, which enhances and reinforces their individual behaviors. Perhaps this is a feature of natural selection in which mutations act to preserve and perpetuate their unique phenotype. But since this mutation apparently is self destructive, prospects for its long term survival seem poor at best.

  11. Linda Lester says:

    Thanks, UmptyDump–this is great–you hit the nail on the head–I remember a book called the True Believer by Eric Hoffer which basically reinforces your clustering theory–I hope you are right about the mutation being self destructive and long term survival seeming poor at best–

    I still see the same mutation with the Robotic voters who are the True Believers and continue to be “duped” by the so called Leaders they feel they most follow–regardless of the snake oil they are being sold. I can only hope that the American People will eventually see the light and your prediction will come to pass.

  12. e platypus onion says:

    Hucksterbee would be a better fit since his kid murdered an unarmed dog. Street cred,doncha know?

  13. Lunargent says:

    It’s my understanding that Santilli has since been arrested himself. Which is fine, because he’s reportedly a bit of a dirtbag himself.

    But I do admire him for trying to get Blaine to get the women and children out of there. When it finally got real, I’m glad that somebody’s trying to look out for them. Doesn’t sound like he was successful, though. Gives me a really bad feeling.

  14. At last! There are actually places in this country that will arrest anyone caught in a public park after hours. Can’t understand why these yo-yos weren’t haul din long ago!

  15. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Very little information at this time from other than Bundy moocher mouth piece. There’s what came from Pete Santelli via you tube linked by Ms JJ, and this from an Oregon source in communication with the Finicum family:

    The information is rather garbled at this time. There’s mention of 11 children, but whether those are a combination of the Finicum’s adopting, spawning and fostering is not clear.

    What little is clear is that Lavoy Finicum had already announced his desire to “suicide by cop.” Given the other big talkers were captured alive, the autopsy report on Lavoy will be informative, especially if it reveals he had weeks/months to live due to natural causes.

  16. Marcia in CO says:

    Glad to know that situation has been eradicated! That bunch was NOT going to be happy until shots were fired and, perhaps, someone died! Well, their tarp covered sentinel did bite the bullet and that’s exactly what he wanted!

    I read that the Finicum’s had 4 foster boys and the other 11 kids are natural [?] spawn. Too bad for the family but, in the long run, being Mormon, perhaps the Church will take care of that brood.

  17. So I went on to Foxnews website – this story isn’t the big headliner – not surprised. most of the chatter on their board is that these guys deserved this.

    I’m a little confused – if you are in a siege, breaking the law by occupying a federal building either by non-consent or without contract of said occupations – why do you leave and use the public highway to go to a public meeting. I don’t think they got the concept of siege. Personally I think they thought this was there only way to surrender.

    Still no word of what’s happening back at the nature center. Hope they make them clean up the place before they get walked out and arrested.

  18. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Sharon, let them return to Malfeur as an inmate work crew in chains to clean up the place, or just add it to the cost attached to their “assets” gained by their illegal moocher activities. In a phrase: RICO. That they’ve never done much honest work, their “assets” belong to we the people who have been supporting their mooching for decades.

  19. Unfortunately there is a group of squatters still occupying the federal land and we can only hope nobody else has to die for this idiocy.

  20. Fred Farklestone says:

    Where’s Hannity? I thought these were his type of people!

  21. Any loss of life, in this farce, is regrettable. However, it is a relief that is was not one of the innocent children these so-called “brave patriots” were perfectly willing to use as a human shield.

  22. Mark Schlemmer says:

    Please DO NOT equate this Pete Santilli to any kind of a journalist. Google him and you will find he a scammer and a fraud. Of course he got himself arrested. The book deal and
    future speaking fees, and free lunches, is all he is after.

  23. Mark Schlemmer says:

    Plus, there are still armed ass-hats holding the refuge. It ain’t over. Where the children are is unknown. These guys are probably hiding behind them

  24. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Mark Schlemmer, thanks. Santilli is a known fraud. Per chance do you know who purported “reporter” JJ McNabb might be? He or she is tweeting out ‘demands’ from the welfare ropers. Ergo, aiding and abetting sedition.

  25. she with a capital S says:

    Blue tarp man did not die on his knees with his hands up per RWNJ rumor mill. From a guy who was in one of the stopped cars,
    Could someone tech-savvier than me save a copy of this video, it’s likely to disappear. Thanks.

  26. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Did the google, but can’t confirm it would be this particular JJ McNabb. Although this one has ties to the insurance industry, has lobbied Congress under the guise of “testifying.” And, she is somehow wrapped up in IRS business, which may or may not link her to the welfare ropers.

  27. Marge Wood says:

    I read and watched just enough to know I’m glad I’m not there. I read something interesting re: the whole mess and am not taking sides, just mentioning. Whoever wrote what I read said that the real problem was that the super duper huge cattle raisers should have been the ones being protested because they were hurting business for small ranchers. What do you think?

  28. Marge Wood says:

    And basically the huge cattle ranchers are the ones benefitting from this.

  29. e platypus onion says:

    and typically 85% of farmers vote for wingnuts.

  30. From Men in Black:

    “Bug: Place your projectile weapon on the ground.

    Edgar: You can have my gun, when you pry it from my cold dead fingers.

    Bug: Your proposal is acceptable.”

  31. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Marge Wood, part of the problem are the large welfare roping ranchers who suck the land and taxpayers dry. Biggest problems are the ranchers (small and large) and other dupes who are tools for the Koch brothers. Both national lands and private range are in danger from lumber, mining, and other interests who will strip and poison land & water. We are experiencing the effects of the Koch and ALEC on our state legislature. Sharron Angle, Michele Fiore, and Sue Lowden to name just of the few Tea Bagger morons who ‘fear big government,’ while the Koch interests write their legislation through ALEC to destroy everything. Carson City, NV ‘home’ to more tools than chests in which to store them.

  32. UmptyDump says:

    @Linda Lester – Thanks. Coincidentally, I have had a copy of that very same Hoffer book on my nightstand for several years, and I refer to it often. It can still be obtained through Amazon and Kindle. “The True Believer”, along with Joseph Goebbels practices in propaganda –

    – can be regarded as two essential underpinnings to the activities of people like Donald Trump.
