Grow Some Ta-Tas, Dammit!

January 27, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

After the storm in Washington, DeeCee, something seemed a little weird when the senate reconvened.

Senator LisaMurkowski  noted …

“As we convene this morning, you look around the chamber, the presiding officer is female. All of our parliamentarians are female. Our floor managers are female. All of our pages are female,” she told the floor.

I wonder why they didn’t lock the doors.


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0 Comments to “Grow Some Ta-Tas, Dammit!”

  1. And they wonder why we need a woman president.

  2. Old Mayfly says:

    If we had enough women lawmakers for a quorum, Congress could have gone on and conducted business.

  3. Hey, I know that scene. I also know how the males will react: “Well,we didn’t have to be there. We were out here conducting business.” Sniff, pecksnifian sniff.

  4. JAKvirginia says:

    Even so, they’re never gonna get that testosterone smell out of the carpets. I’ve tried everything…

  5. Marcia in CO says:

    Given the opportunity, it will be the women getting the job done! Which job? Any damn job they tackle and the lousy weather won’t be holding them back!!
    Despite a few really good men presidents, it’s time the women come in and clean up all of the residual messes left by the men!!
    If other countries can have women presidents, I have to ask, why not ours? I voted for Barack twice and now, by golly, it’s Hillary’s turn at the helm.

  6. Marcia in CO says:

    JAKvirginia … they may have to resort to going to CarpetsRUs!!

  7. I don’t know whether all of the women who showed up for work are mother’s, but being a mom is not a job that’s optional.

    I think some of that sense of responsibility carries over to other work as well.

  8. Marge Wood says:

    Present company excluded, you want a job done, call a woman.

  9. I’d say Snow White is getting sick of cleaning up after the seven dwarves.

  10. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Grow some Ta-tas? Seriously Miss Juanita Jean? Personally I would recommend they take their man boobs to the gym and remodel themselves. Then maybe they should visit their doctors for estrogen shots to improve their intelligence. Oh hell, why stop with shots as a delivery system with those dummies. Maybe a barrel bomb as a suppository to deliver those idiots a touch of intelligence.

  11. two crows says:

    Not exactly on thread but building [somewhat] on Polite Kool Marxist’s comment.
    ~ ~ ~
    A couple of studies have been done after this phenomenon began coming to light and they bear out the anecdotal evidence:
    When men go through the hormonal procedures to become women, they suddenly learn how to multitask.
    And when women go through the inverse procedure to become men, they forget how.

    Score one for nature over nurture and maybe – just maybe – that explains what happened here?

  12. I had a wife, two daughters and a female dog. I learned early on, the only proper response to anything was “Yes ma’am”

  13. Linda Phipps says:

    JAK, maybe we need a good job of electoral ServPro!
