Just In Case You Were Wondering About Isis in America

January 27, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

It appears that Isis has fully infiltrated Maine and sent their Governor to a re-education camp.

PaulLePageMaine Gov. Paul LePage (R) told WVOM that drug traffickers should be publicly executed.

Said LePage: “I think the death penalty should be appropriate for people that kill Mainers.”

He added: “Actually, if you want my honest opinion, we should give them an injection of the stuff they sell. What I think we ought to do is bring the guillotine back. We could have public executions.”

Yes, he just said he wants to behead people.

I wonder if he wants to bypass the frivolity and expense of  trial and just go straight to the execution because we’ve just totally given up on this whole America thing.

Here’s the problem with Donald Tump: he’s moved the crazy bar.  Now you have to don a hood or rabbit ears if you hope to get on teevee.


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0 Comments to “Just In Case You Were Wondering About Isis in America”

  1. All I could think about when I heard this was Cloris Leachman as Madame DeFarge in Mel Brooks’ “History of the World Part I.”


  2. A high-profile KKKristian of national repute-ill repute.

  3. TrulyTexan says:

    What are his plans for their customers? It takes two to sell drugs. I’m assuming the poor helpless people in Maine buying these drugs have free will. second or third person this week suggesting public execution. I told my wife some years ago when “reality” TV was taking hold that by 2020 we would have televised executions. If the rethugs get there way I may be right. Is there anything terrorists do that these people have not suggested or actually done?

  4. Does this mean we should also be able to inject the Michigan governor with Flint water?

  5. Hey! Dimwit, the war on drugs is all about racism and nothing to do with dangerous drugs.
    Hey Dimwit! Make all drugs legal and under control like the killer drug, alcohol, and as proven by many European countries the traffickers and drug killings would mostly disappear.

  6. JAKvirginia says:

    Guillotine? Thanks, Guv.

    Um… do a little reading on Robespierre, m’kay? He loved the guillotine idea, too! Loved it so much the French people let him experience it firsthand. As they say, don’t wish too hard for what you want…

  7. Marge Wood says:

    I have friends in Maine who have nothing good to say about Lepage.

  8. e platypus onion says:

    Pretty sure someone at Fake Noise has a handle on the last or first or only or something execution in America performed by a guillotine.

  9. e platypus onion says:

    Take a trip back to yesteryear with me. Show of hands-how many of you(epo included) ate LePage white glue paste in grade school? Had a yummy minty flavor.

  10. Actually he said worse than that.

    “What I think we ought to do is bring the guillotine back,” he told WMOV. “We could have public executions and have, you know, we could even have (guessing) which hole it falls in.”


    Or, like a rejected George Booth cartoon, have a ramp and a set of bowling pins….

  11. Max Headroom foresaw this style of justice decades ago.

