That’s Almost Correct

January 26, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Speaker of the House and third in the line for the presidency Paul Ryan had a pronouncement this morning.

House Speaker Paul Ryan described the negative campaigning among GOP presidential candidates as “a conservative circular firing squad” that could cost Republicans the 2016 election.

No, Honey, the party’s outdated ideas, racial division, intolerance, and greed is what going to cost you the election.

The circular firing squad just makes it a whole lot more fun to watch.

Thanks to Bryan for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “That’s Almost Correct”

  1. charles r. phillips says:

    By my estimation, there are at least 75 million Republican parties. One Party, one person. One person, one vote. Seems real clear to me.

  2. Another example of RKlan cluelessness. Add to your list, J.J., misogyny, ignorance and a total inability to admit huge failures. The list goes on.

  3. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    The snacilbupeR seriously need to rethink what they consider as “smart.” Evidence Jeb(?) the supposedly smarter brother. Lyin’ Ryan is no different than Jeb(?), except that he is probably a bigger hypocrite.

    Wisconsin, please hold this dolt’s feet to the fire. Ask where the jobs are. Ask him how he intends to pay for necessary infrastructure repairs, fund schools, heath care and the whole slate of necessities to make the USA competitive in the 21st century and continue to reduce the non-existent taxes on the wealthiest .01%. His math is the same old snacilbupeR math. Take 10% away from a Social Security recipient and maybe there’s a “savings” of $3600/year. Now actually tax away 10% from the very wealthiest welfare moochers and there’s a nice little $3.6 million or more in revenue. For starters, ask Paul Ryan when he intends to pay back the benefits he collected, while now proposing to abolish the ladder from which he benefited. Wisconsin surely you have someone more qualified than the Granny Snuffer to send to Congress.

  4. Once again Miz JJ has the definitive answer to the snacilbupeR. Although having Eddie Munster exhibit sufficient operating brain cells to recognize and vocalize the result so many of us confidently presume is heartwarming. Heartwarming like having a rattlesnake agree with your stated position.

  5. Spot on. Ryan’s right about the circular firing squad, but it’s only one of many, many contributing factors.

    The real travesty will be if they win again in spite of the GOP’s demonstrated total unworthiness to fill any public office.

  6. Ryan and his ilk are the ones who formed the circular firing squad. They’ve been espousing hate for decades–especially hate for government–apparently not realizing that at some point the hate would be aimed in their direction.

  7. i always though the firing squad had something to do with aggies, was i wrong! from now on its a gop firing squad

  8. Hollyanna says:

    They fail to accept that they are the problem with government…because they are magically exempt from that whole “personal responsibility” thing, don’t you know? The “Zombie-eyed Granny Starver” from Walkerstan must now deal with what the Republican troika of hate, fear and fundamentalism hath wrought. Good luck with that.
    BTW, don’t you just love the delicious irony of Jerry Falwell, Jr. endorsing Donald Trump–a true exemplar of (Christian?) values?

  9. Yes, it’s hard to tell people you’ll protect them from the Big Bad Gummint when you’ve been part of the government for a couple of decades. Sooner or later they’ll catch on. (Later, in too many cases.)

  10. A conservative circular firing squad?

    Ryan forgot to add that the NRA provided the guns.

  11. Second in line, not third.

  12. Of course a conservative circular firing squad will not actually use weapons ’cause one of the poor babies might get hurt.

    They will sure be pointing some sharp fingers though.

  13. Ralph Wiggam says:

    It sounds to me like he has already gone through 4 of the 5 steps of grief. And now he is accepting the loss–and it is only January.

  14. Old Mayfly says:

    Rigid, anti-reason ideology is not an aid to navigation.

  15. charles r. phillips says:

    I would like to see the GOP divided into two parties, the Conservatives and the Republicans. They would each try to destroy the other and unite the whole, and never win again. However, the inevitable result would be a demand for the Democrats to divide as well, into the Liberals and the Democrats, to achieve ‘parity,’ or ‘fairness.’

  16. Mary Beth says:

    We can see how much responsibility the Repubs take, look at what caused Dysfunction Junction’s son to go off the rails. It was Pres. Obama of course. You knew she wasn’t going to take any blame on herself.

  17. They hate government so much they would rather try a “business” approach like in Flint, Michigan. Not really working for them there either but oh the joy of denying facts! Will this bunch please just “rapture” itself out of existence!
