So, Thelma and I were having a discussion last weekend about what name we’d give to a male Karen.
Let me stop here and say loudly that I have some beloved friends named Karen, and I feel real bad for them. Their name has been tainted and none of them are truly Karens. On the other hand, it’s a handy way to explain somebody acting the fool because of white privilege which they don’t even think exists.
Thelma and I tossed around a few ideas for a male Karen and we came up with one that seems to have stuck.
The advantage being that there are very few people named Tucker so innocent people don’t get hurt. The upside is that everybody knows the one Tucker and he’s Karen in a bow tie and an expensive haircut.
So, we’re going with Tucker.
Ya know, we’re getting more and more proud of that.
Yeah, Tucker contends that it’s “probably illegal” for Joe Biden to express perimeters on his choice for Veep.
Yeah, he did.
“For what could very well be the most important job on Earth, Biden has decided to hire exclusively on the basis of qualities that are both immutable and completely irrelevant—race and gender,” Carlson huffed. “And that’s it. But wait a second, you ask, isn’t that insulting? Isn’t it wrong? Isn’t it probably illegal?”
Since the birth of this country, with only two exceptions, the veep selection has been limited to white males. Tucker finds nothing, absolutely nothing, wrong with that.
And the fact that it’s not true that he’s only considering black women – Elizabeth Warren is not black – doesn’t matter one rotten stick in hell to Tucker. Tucker wants white males, dammit. And they better be straight. And good hair. And look and act exactly like Tucker Carlson.
Yeah, we’re going with Tucker. Tucker fits.