Archive for December, 2012

So It Was Armed Robbery. Or Maybe Armeyed Robbery.

December 26, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Get this.  Dick Armey, former Texas Congressman who was the Judas in the Boehner/DeLay/Paxon attempted coup against Gingrich in 1994, has gone into the armed robbery business.  He’s found that it pays better than actually working for a living.

Armey agreed to become head of Freedom Works, the money and propaganda machine of the Tea party.  Freedom Works did not learn from history, either in economics or politics, but were soon to learn about Dick’s loyalty.

The day after Labor Day, just as campaign season was entering its final frenzy, FreedomWorks, the Washington-based tea party organization, went into free fall.

Richard K. Armey, the group’s chairman and a former House majority leader, walked into the group’s Capitol Hill offices with his wife, Susan, and an aide holstering a handgun at his waist. The aim was to seize control of the group and expel Armey’s enemies: The gun-wielding assistant escorted FreedomWorks’ top two employees off the premises, while Armey suspended several others who broke down in sobs at the news.

The coup lasted all of six days. By Sept. 10, Armey was gone — with a promise of $8 million — and the five ousted employees were back.

The emphasis of the Washington Post story  is about Richard J. Stephenson, a very strange libertarian dude who founded the for-profit Cancer Treatment Centers of America.  Now let’s stop here for a second.  Let’s pretend that you – God forbid – have cancer.  Would you go to a for-profit treatment center founded by a guy who believes in social Darwinism and Ayn Rand?  Uh, not me.  I figure they’d have no social conscience about ripping off the lame, the last, and the lost.

Anyway, this guy was willing to personally pay Dick Armey to leave.  And Armey and his armed guard took took the money.  How the hell is that different from extortion and armed robbery?

This gun incident happened just two weeks after a shooting at the Family Research Council.

Now nobody on God’s green earth is prouder than I am about Freedom Works wasting $8 cash American money.  And nobody could possibly be happier that Dick Armey is once again exposed as completely untrustworthy.  But he walked away with $8 million dollars for being a snake oil salesman.

And that, my friends, is how right wing politics works.  If they can’t screw you, they will screw themselves.  But, somebody is gonna get screwed.

Thanks to Ralph and UmptyDump for the heads up.

Much Love and Joy

December 25, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Please feel free to share your Christmas Wishes

What Now, Ole Wayne? Do the Police Need an Armed Guard?

December 24, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Houston, Texas

A Bellaire police officer and an innocent bystander were shot and killed by a suspect in a southwest Houston parking lot Monday, officials said.

Investigators said Cpl. Jimmie Norman, 53, was chasing a suspect when they drove into the parking lot of a Maaco body shop at 5611 Bellaire Blvd. at Alder at 8:55 a.m. Witnesses said the suspect got out of his vehicle and began firing shots.

“The guy stands up out the car and just starts shooting. The gunshots continued even as I ran off. After the first 10, I was thinking, ‘What kind of gun does this guy have?'” witness Stephanie Pacheco said.

The officer was hit, police said, and the suspect continued shooting. A man who walked out of the auto shop was then shot at close range. He died at the scene. He was an employee of the shop.

Norman was taken to Ben Taub Hospital, where he died a short time later. He did not exchange gunfire with the suspect as originally thought, HPD said.

“The saddest thing is that (Officer Norman) didn’t even get an opportunity to pull his weapon and defend himself. That’s how fast it all happened,” said John Cannon with the Houston Police Department.

It’s Christmas Eve, Wayne.

I really don’t know what else to say.  Except, tell me when enough is enough, Wayne.

So What’s The Plan, Ole Wayne?

December 24, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

You gonna suggest an armed guard at every fire?

Oh Dear God, help us all.

Crap, Crapo

December 24, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I did not realize the Mormons were taking Romney’s loss so hard.

A conservative U.S. senator from Idaho who has said he doesn’t drink because of his Mormon faith has been charged with drunken driving.

Sen. Michael Crapo, a three-term Republican with a reputation as a social and fiscal conservative, registered a blood alcohol content of .11 percent after police pulled his car over in this suburb south of Washington, D.C., authorities said.

But, to be perfectly honest, to believe the conservative junk he believes I’d have to get pretty drunk pretty often myself.

Thanks to Laura for the heads up.

These Grapes Are Sour Enough to Pucker a Hog’s Butt

December 23, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

So, Yahoo! has a story this morning saying poo on all of you because Mitt Romney never wanted to be President anyway.  So there.

Mitt’s son, Tagg, says the whole deal was a set-up to screw the Koch Brothers out of money.

“He wanted to be president less than anyone I’ve met in my life. He had no desire to . . . run,” said Tagg, who worked with his mother, Ann, to persuade his father to seek the presidency. “If he could have found someone else to take his place . . . he would have been ecstatic to step aside.

Okay, okay, Tagg didn’t say the “screwing the Koch Bothers” but that’s exactly what happened.

Now, let’s see about the someone else part —-

So, I just want to thank Mitt Romney for his sacrifice.  I am certain that Karl Rove, Sheldon Adleson, the Kochs, and all those folks who spent their money trying to get Mitt elected join me in saying, “Oh, so that’s what happened!”

But, come to think of it, nobody ever asked him, “Do you want to be President?”

Thanks to Brian for the heads up.