Crap, Crapo

December 24, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I did not realize the Mormons were taking Romney’s loss so hard.

A conservative U.S. senator from Idaho who has said he doesn’t drink because of his Mormon faith has been charged with drunken driving.

Sen. Michael Crapo, a three-term Republican with a reputation as a social and fiscal conservative, registered a blood alcohol content of .11 percent after police pulled his car over in this suburb south of Washington, D.C., authorities said.

But, to be perfectly honest, to believe the conservative junk he believes I’d have to get pretty drunk pretty often myself.

Thanks to Laura for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Crap, Crapo”

  1. Marge Wood says:

    Bless his heart.

  2. Yes, Crapo and Sam Donaldson, too … DUIs … tsk! tsk! tsk!! Two who really ought to know better then to drink and drive, even if Crapo[lla] says he does NOT imbibe …

    Happy Christmas Eve to everyone on here!!

  3. And another bites the dust…..Mormon GOP, that is.

  4. .11 – he wasn’t drinking – he was cleansing his small intestines with rubbing alcohol. Holy moly how did he even stagger over to his car. Better yet – WHERE WAS HE COMING FROM? Santa came early this year – teehee

  5. Ho Ho Hypocrite.

  6. Wyatt_Earl says:

    To quote my favorite non-blog Professional Political Organization, “Hypocrisy should be painful.”

    Merry Xmas, JJ. (and that’s not letter X, it’s a Greek alphabet letter Chi)

  7. My question is WHY is DUI merely a misdemeanor in ole Virginnie? Must be due to all the DRUNKARD politicians of the GOP~

  8. 0.11 — that tells me that this isn’t a first time. He’s probably a regular drunk.

  9. The GOP: The gift that keeps on giving . . .

  10. Now THAT is some strong Kook-Aid!

  11. Meant to say Kool-Aid but in this case “Kook” is also appropriate!

  12. Your average 180 – 200 pound man has to consume between five and six drinks to reach a BAC of 0.11 and the BAC has very little to do with feeling drunk. By that I mean someone who had never had an alcoholic drink might feel drunk as a skunk after their first but their BAC would match their consumption.

    Gol-lee! Surely the good Republican Senator doesn’t have a problem with telling the truth? I am sure God will tell him on the direct line there is no problem forgiving the alcohol and lies so nothing will change except he should lose his license for a year.

  13. Drinking isn’t the problem. That makes him a liar, but he is a politician so that’s no surprise.

    Driving while drinking is a stupid, stupid thing to do and at his age he should know better. This guy has enough resources to have found another way to get where he was going.

  14. was there a woman in his car who was not his wife?

  15. He got 70% of the vote last time so I think he’ll be safe.

  16. Sam in Kyle says:

    He was coming back from a Christmas Party he and Larry Craig threw in the mens room at the airport.

  17. Larry McLaughlin says:

    At least he’s owned up to it, unlike so many of his fellow Congressvarmits.

  18. Sam that is mean, but wouldn’t it be swell if it turned out to be true.

  19. attilatheblond says:

    My wayward daughter had a beau who worked with a lot of Mormons while in college. He loved to make bourbon balls and take them for the Christmas Pot Luck, then take pictures of staff staggering around. He now lives/works on the east coast and Crappo would be just the sort of guy he would target with his NASA approved bourbon balls.

  20. attilatheblond says:

    Mebbe he was dropping off Fannie Foxe’s granddaughter home from a party?

    Dang, I am old.

  21. Sam in Kyle says:

    @attila: “She was only the congressman’s secretary but she had her Ways and Means”

    Damn, we’re old.

  22. Yeah, but it doesn’t get old, does it?

  23. Ooooh, Sybil! Good question!

    Merry Christmas, everyone!

  24. I like how with these guys it’s always “I made a mistake.” It’s hard for me to fathom how a grown man can drink that much accidentally…in other words, by mistake. How do you take a drink by mistake (and I speak as a woman who was once young and of course had guys try to give me a soda with alcohol in it. It smells. Vodka smells. Gin smells. Alcohol fumes smell. [and the line “What are you, a lesbian?” didn’t work either. My mama taught me well.]) Anyway…the “mistake” he’s thinking of is “getting caught.” The steps he’ll take to avoid it happening again are to drink even more secretly.

    They need to put a breathalyzer by the door of every place he was that night. (Come to think of it–a breathalyzer by the door of bars would solve [some] problems…you blow over the limit, bells ring, sirens blare, a red light starts flashing, and an automatic call goes to the cab company for a guaranteed fare. Too simple; couldn’t work.)

    Crapo doesn’t get points with me for admitting it–he was caught red-handed. If it had been a question not in the presence of law enforcement, and not with the evidence right there in numbers, and he’d said “Yeah, I’m a Mormon and I’m not supposed to drink alcohol, but sometimes I do, and worse than that sometimes I drive after drinking…” THEN he’d get points with me for admitting it.

  25. Sybil: That was my first thought as well. He runs a red light close to 1:00 AM & fails a sobriety test, then sits in a holding cell until bail is posted at 5 AM. This guy was partying on Sat. night with someone not his wife for sure!
