Much Love and Joy

December 25, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Please feel free to share your Christmas Wishes

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  1. Merry Christmas Miss Juanita Jean, Momma and Fellow Salonistas.

  2. shortpeople says:

    To all,

    Whatever you celebrate in your neck of the woods, have a safe, loving, and joyous day. And share it with as many as possible.

  3. Thank you Mz Juanita Jean for the gift of a sane and safe place to hang out on the interwebs. Thank you (I’ll borrow from cairocat) Fellow Salonistas for the joy of being with you. Peace.Hope.Love.Joy to you all.

  4. Thank you, JuanitaJean, for the work you do on this blog. You’ve become a gift for many of us.

  5. Merry Christmas to JJ, Bubba, Momma, and all who come to both read and share this space! It is a haven amongst the madness in this world!

    Peace and Love to all who cross the threshhold to enter into Juanita Jean’s salon … I visit many times during each day!

    Thank you God for your beloved Son, Jesus Christ … born this day in a manger in Bethlehem so many, many years ago! He is my Lord and my Saviour … Amen!!!

  6. Juanita Jean says:

    As I’ve said many times, the ONLY reason I write this stuff is to read the comments.

    The picture was taken by Professor Bubba, Jr. last Thanksgiving on Shackleford Island, North Carolina. I was standing next to him and I never wanted to leave.

    May your Christmas be merry and bright, and may you find the peace that passes all understanding.

  7. My wish is that we all have a Merry Christmas and a safe, healthy and happy new year.

    And thanks to Juanita Jean for hosting this site and all of you for all you for listening to me, making me laugh, cry and sometimes angry.

    Every day, I come hear to read what all of you have written and Juanita Jean’s thoughts about everything.

    Thanks to all

  8. Truly thankful for JJ and the ladies as the WMD(BS) and all the folks who share their thoughts and wishes.

    Merry Christmas and a Happy New year to you’ll!


  9. Marge Wood says:

    Blessings to all of you and thank you, Juanita Jean, for keeping this going. Even with all the woes of the world, there is much to be thankful for. Love one another. Merry Christmas!

  10. Thanks to you all for a safe, sane, and funny place to come.
    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

  11. It’s Jesus’ Birthday and in my house, we break out the piñata! Feliz Navidad ya’ll! Peace be with ya’ll! Don’t worry we NEVER give the stick to Judas – he doesn’t play nice.

  12. Lorraine in Spring says:

    Merry Christmas to everyone at the World’s Most Dangerous Beauty Salon. Wishing you all a very happy, healthy and safe New Year.

    Thanks for another year of sanity with a side of humor, JJ. Merry Christmas to you, Bubba and Momma and your family. And a special treat for Truman! Don’t forget about the adorable Truman!

  13. Merry Christmas to all the bright folk here, who provide me with much material to steal, like “Salonistas!”

    JJ: We really do need to meet up again in that bar in Del Rio!

  14. I am keeping a family tradition alive this morning by having an eggnog on Christmas morning, remembering my dear Uncle Buck who taught me that Christmas presents under the tree are good, but a cup of cheer with family on Christmas morning while the sausage and biscuits are cooking is what it is truly all about. I figure that my Uncle Buck was out riding shotgun with Santa last night… Buck was a piece of work! Cheers Unky Buck for a life well lived, and Christmas Blessings to you all!

  15. Sam in Kyle says:

    Biscuits, gravy, lots of bacon, strong coffee, and cherry pie for dessert. Life is good here in Bobcatland. Wish the best to all for an upcoming year.


  16. m in El Paso says:

    Happy Holidays to JJ & all who visit (& comment) @ the “World’s Most Dangerous Beauty Salon.” Thanks for keeping me sane & smiling in this demented red state world. I’m grateful to have found you all!

  17. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all here at twmdbs. I give you credit for what’s left of my sanity. 🙂 God bless you all.

  18. Double nickel says:

    Merry Christmas from up here in Canuckistan!!

  19. Merry Christmas!

    All the best to my fellow customers, and to Susan and Don and all y’all’s families, from Teresa (da Mrs) and Chip. We hope that peace, joy and contentment are the gifts you find today, and throughout all your days.

    God bless us, every one.


  20. VintageMomma says:

    Peace and comfort to all my twmdbs friends here; taking refuge at this site when the craziness and meaness of the world threaten to take my last shred of hope has been a godsend to me this year. Thank you all.

  21. Merry Christmas and Happy Whateveryoucelebratethistimeofyear!! I am looking forward to another wonderful year of reading about the absolute lunacy of Louie and friends. God Bless us everyone!

  22. magic

    I know it is the magic season
    for I can find without rhyme or reason
    the evidence of love of caring
    of ever so many people daring
    to shape their faces into a smile.

    Beneath the tinsel and glaring light
    there is no reason to shout or fight
    and over the walls of hate and fear
    the light of a new day drawing near
    lights faces into a smile.

    O would that that smile got out of hand
    encircled the world with a loving band
    a bond of love so strong so great
    that it could bind both fear and hate
    it can you know and here’s the reason
    it is now the magic season.

    may joy and peace be in your hearts and surround you in this world.

  23. Since I read about it here first, I exploit this season of holiday warm fuzziness and giving, to make a plug for Houston’s Waltrip Ram Band, and their need for $$$$ to get to the inauguration. They are about 60K short of needed funds. C’mon people. You must have a few shekels left to give, and friends to prod.

    Have a warm happy.

    A Jewish atheist, and vegetarian, from Minnesota.

  24. Thank you, JJ, for your wonderful blog! I come here everyday to learn and laugh. Bless everyone on this most blessed day!

  25. Happy Movie/Chinese food Day. JJ and all the commenters on this blog, luv y’all and your sense of humor. Luv y’all.

  26. Checking in before heading off to family — a little sanity beforehand is always a good thing. Hope your holidays are filled with things that make you happy and you all stay safe and sane. JJ, I am so grateful for you and your non-blog — thank you so much for hosting!

  27. Susan the Neon Nurse says:

    Felice La-di-dah, as MrMike used to say! That means have a fancy Christmas!

  28. Aggieland liz says:

    Merry Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all of y’all!! If you live in a Gulf Coast state that is not TX (it’s past us for the most part) please please PLEASE watch the weather, and if you aren’t, please pray or at least be conscious that some of us are in grave danger due to weather issues today! There is talk of long track tornadoes…

  29. Happy Holidays…..Merry Christmas,,,,,and thanks be to the Americans who knew a stinker when they saw/heard one.



  30. TexasEllen says:

    Merry Christmas, y’all! New computer is typing so nicely and the one year old grandaughter is napping after enjoying the fancy sacks and big boxes. Blessings on all my fellow denizens of the Salon and all they love.

  31. Barbara in Houston says:

    I sent a message earlier but I think it got lost. I mostly lurk here, but I just want to tell y’all how glad I am that there are fellow smurfs in the area! Merry Christmas to you all and your loved ones.

  32. Good nights sleep, presents opened with enthusiam by grandsons, excellent breakfast, superb coffee all topped by a long walk in the fresh snow here in the “People’s Republic of Evanston.” Wish I could stay longer but have to get back to the land of Perry, Gomert, et. al. (sigh). At least I still have “Juanita Jean” to keep me at least partially sane.

  33. Aghast Independent says:

    Love, joy, and Peace to all!

  34. Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays to all y’all! 😉 Thanks to JJ, and this incredible website that kept me sane and laughing all year long!! Love and Peace to this crazy, yet beautiful world!!

  35. scottybeamer says:

    Peace and happiness to all in the new year.
    Thanks JJ for providing this safe little corner of the world.
    Am watching it snow along Red River! Beautiful!

  36. My best wishes to you, your family and all those here who love you. A day with family and loved ones is what makes it all worth it.

    Bless you JJ

  37. 1toughlady says:

    Merry Christmas to you, Ms. Juanita Jean, and to all a good night.

  38. Having a white Christmas here in eastern Washington State’s, where it’s been snowing most of the day,. It’s peaceful and beautiful, and that’s what I wish for JJ and her family and the family here at the Salon, today and every day. (But not necessarily the snow!)

  39. Ooops! That’s Washington State (not “State’s”). I’m blaming the computer.

  40. Merry Christmas to all the (thanks to cairocat) Salonistas! And a special warm, fuzzy virtual hug to Juanita Jean her own self! this has become a regular morning visit for me – facebook, the mudroom (for mudflatters who miss their forum), and then on to the world’s most dangerous (and funniest) beauty salon, the best professional political organization I’ve ever been blessed to partake in!

    It’s actually quite wonderful to come here before hitting my more serious blogs (Steve Benen, Greg Sargent, Ta-Nehesi Coates) and this is where I seem to Hear It First!

    Anyway, I am blessed, and wish the best of joy to JJ and all associated with this wonderful place!

  41. Merry Christmas/Happy Holiday to all the beautiful and witty Salonistas (thanks, cairocat). I know you are all beautiful because you visit the Salon a lot and often say very witty things. Juanita Jean wouldn’t have it any other way. She and the others here keep me sane in this half-crazy country we live in.

  42. Umpty Dump says:

    A super Christmas to all (even a few Republicans I confess to knowing)!

    It was 80 degrees here in Ft. Lauderdale where we’re spending the week with one of our sons and his terrific wife. Our daughter-in-law is French and shuttles back and forth to Normandy several times a year on business. Politics are volatile enough in France, but given our last election, most French people think the Republicans are nuts!

    A French lady in the family means great cooking. Christmas brunch was a picnic on the beach this morning – omelets, Mimosas, fruit, croissants and other pastries, finished off with strong coffee.

    Christmas under the coconut palms – so much fun that the Republicans would want to outlaw it!

  43. Happy Solstice to Juanita Jean and all the like-minded sane people I come here to read. It’s good to know y’all are here when the headlines are filled with dangerously crazy people. Thank you!

  44. May the New Year bring us all Peace.
    As in Peace and quiet, Peace and joy, Peace of pie…ooops-well, maybe that’s not wrong after all!
    Happy Holidays!

  45. Thanks Mz. Juanita, for all the brave work this year!

    I spent the morning out in the ‘burbs with what’s left of my family, and that was just fine: biscuits and gravy (even if I cant spell it) and watermelon pickles were my reward.

    (However, right now, the wind is blowing like a hundred son-of-a-guns and it appears I’m going to have to move momma’s potted plants into the garage because of the impending freeze. Exmas on the gulf coast!)
    One nice thing that did happen this exmas: my brother, who flew in from the big city, has decided to fly out a day earlier than originally planned (too much family time makes him nervous). It’s a Christms miracle! Especially since now I dont have to go to the airport on the day after Christmas. Feliz Navidad, everyone!


  46. Happy Holidays to all & to all a Good Morning!

    Big “THANK YOU!” TO JJ/Susan for providing a Salon for the Sane & Cheerful to come share themselves!

    May all of you & your loved ones also share a bit ‘o ‘Sanity & Cheer’ with a world that sorely needs it.

    Big HUGS to all ~ Moms

  47. Have a good friend dying from cancer. Comfort him Lord
