And Now We Know; and it’s Worse Than We Thought

October 24, 2020 By: El Jefe Category: 2020 Election, Corruption, Trump


The Atlantic is reporting that the Trump campaign has been conspiring for MONTHS to steal the election, no matter what the will of the voters.  The plan is much like we’ve talked about before, but even worse. Trump’s nonsense is now starting actually make sense; his continuous ranting about mail in voter fraud has been a signal for loyalists to vote in person, because millions of mail in ballots will be declared fraudulent, justifying his refusal to concede an election he’ll clearly lose.  Trump has been coordinating with Republican lawyers and legislatures in the battleground states to ignore the popular vote (citing said alleged fraud) and appoint electors to vote for Trump no matter the actual vote in those states.

This report is bone chilling, but connects all the dots.  Michael Cohen was right; Trump will never leave office willingly, and is depending on corrupt politicians in the battleground states to violate their oaths to the Constitution and the people to keep him in office.

Spread this far and wide.

Driving Miss Crazy

October 05, 2020 By: El Jefe Category: Coronavirus, Trump

Yesterday’s joy ride around Walter Reed yesterday was SO bad and SO stupid, that even Don Jr. said how his father is acting is crazy.  He said the incessant tweeting and crazy talk is really concerning, but Ivanka and Jarad think everything is dandy, and Jr. apparently doesn’t have the stones to act on his own.  The House of Trump is crumbling, and soon there will be stories of Trump running around the WH in a night shirt screaming about the large spiders chasing him.  But Tucker Carlson says we’re being mean to his Dear Leader.

The Web of Lies

October 04, 2020 By: El Jefe Category: Coronavirus, Lie, Trump

Just like everything else Trump, information about his case of COVID-19 is wholly and completely uninformative, not to mention unsettling. Sean Conley, his physician (not a MD, but an Osteopath), is obviously on a very short leash being controlled completely by Trump and his henchman.  The timeline, true condition, vital signs, and prognosis for Trump are completely opaque.  The information is so inconsistent and poor that the possibilities for his condition range from he’s not sick and faking the whole thing to he’s already dead.

To confuse matters even more, the WH has released photos of Trump “working” and even posted a video of Trump doing a “single take” video talking about how great he’s feeling.  Yes, that’s all bullshit.  The photos, taken in two different rooms showing him supposedly working throughout the day are staged, and taken 10 minutes apart using the same binder, folders, and Trump’s signature fat sharpie he uses for autographs.  The Washington Post has just posted an expert analysis of the video, concluding that it is heavily edited with a tool called Fluid Morph which camouflages edits.  They even found one part of the video where he was starting to cough, but then doesn’t.  Also, you can see the background shifting through the various edits.  This is the technique used in so-called “deep fakes” where videos are altered to show events that didn’t actually happen.  Here’s the video:

It is key that Americans understand clearly the condition of their president, but that is simply not going to happen with Trump.  Falsehoods are genetically encoded in him, and he will lie when telling the truth is easier.  We will likely never know the true extent of Trump’s illness until after he leaves office.


BREAKING: Trump Lied About Diagnosis; KNEW He was Infected Wednesday Morning

October 03, 2020 By: El Jefe Category: Coronavirus, Trump

NBC News is reporting that Trump was not diagnosed with COVID-19 on Thursday night but on Wednesday morning.  KNOWING he was infected, Trump held rallies in Minnesota and New Jersey and was a walking super spreader.  More to come.

RBG’s Revenge

October 02, 2020 By: El Jefe Category: Coronavirus

Oh, yeah.  It’s just perfect – Trump’s and McConnell’s rush to pack the court with anti-choice, anti-American, and religious ideologues to protect the 2020 election just backfired.  The rushed up and non-masked ceremony to announce Amy Coney Barrett as RBG’s replacement is becoming the most prominent US super-spreader event so far. With over 150 unprotected guests, Trump and Barrett flouted public health policy, recklessly exposing staff, press, Secret Service, and many others to the deadly Coronavirus.  The result?  Trump has contracted the virus and is at Walter Reed Hospital as doctors use experimental treatments on him to counter his inherent risks of old, fat, terrible condition, and just fucking stupid.  Others infected are Melania, Trump Best Girl Hope Hicks, Utah Senator Mike Lee, RNC Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel, Rev. John Jenkins (president of Notre Dame), Thom Tillis, NC Senator, three unnamed reporters, Kellyanne Conway, and God knows who else.  The stupidity of Trump and his minions was on public display and now many are paying the price.  Many more are at risk.

It seems that RBG just won her first case from the Great Beyond, wherever that is.  Trump should have paid attention to her request.

Karma is a bitch.

Trump Now Stealing Money from the Treasury to Buy Seniors’ Votes

September 27, 2020 By: El Jefe Category: 2020 Election, Corruption, Trump

Trump has announced that all Medicare recipients with be receiving $200 cash cards to “buy their prescriptions”.  It’s yet another brazen example of Trump’s mafia tactics, this time trying to buy votes from seniors.  AND, it’s yet another subversion of the rule of law and use of taxpayer money to personally  benefit himself.  How’s he doing it?  He’s using a provision in the Social Security Act that allows agencies and even the private sector to test programs to improve Medicare.  That provision is NOT intended to just give away money to buy votes.  This provision allows for demonstrations of new programs, but requires extensive review and approval; as well such demonstrations are supposed to be revenue neutral.  In bypassing the law, the administration is waving away questions saying that his executive order on prescription drugs (which doesn’t actually do anything) magically makes this $6.6 billion vote buying scheme “revenue neutral”.

The lawless Trump corruption train continues barreling towards the abyss as this latest brazen attempt to rig the election in his favor with him shouting from stages all over the country that it’s actually Democrats doing the rigging.

I’m so tired.