Trump Now Stealing Money from the Treasury to Buy Seniors’ Votes

September 27, 2020 By: El Jefe Category: 2020 Election, Corruption, Trump

Trump has announced that all Medicare recipients with be receiving $200 cash cards to “buy their prescriptions”.  It’s yet another brazen example of Trump’s mafia tactics, this time trying to buy votes from seniors.  AND, it’s yet another subversion of the rule of law and use of taxpayer money to personally  benefit himself.  How’s he doing it?  He’s using a provision in the Social Security Act that allows agencies and even the private sector to test programs to improve Medicare.  That provision is NOT intended to just give away money to buy votes.  This provision allows for demonstrations of new programs, but requires extensive review and approval; as well such demonstrations are supposed to be revenue neutral.  In bypassing the law, the administration is waving away questions saying that his executive order on prescription drugs (which doesn’t actually do anything) magically makes this $6.6 billion vote buying scheme “revenue neutral”.

The lawless Trump corruption train continues barreling towards the abyss as this latest brazen attempt to rig the election in his favor with him shouting from stages all over the country that it’s actually Democrats doing the rigging.

I’m so tired.

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0 Comments to “Trump Now Stealing Money from the Treasury to Buy Seniors’ Votes”

  1. Sam in Superior says:

    I’m wondering if I can cash the card out and make a contribution to the Biden campaign?

    I’m a disabled veteran so this card will be of no use to me and, based on Trump’s entire life, will be little more than a cluster fu#*

  2. @Sam, I was wondering the same thing. Not ALL seniors have prescriptions. I guess Donnie doesn’t realize that. Besides, no amount of money could ever induce me to vote for that incompetent, depraved, soulless, gutless, racist, woman-hating loser.

  3. I do Hope WE the People are Keeping a tally of all the public Funds he is using to Fund his Campaign so that we can collect it all back in the multiple suits that will be filed once he is out of OUR house and in chains and all his poperties siezed and sold off to pay it all back.

  4. This card will be useless to me, too. I’m a military widow.

  5. I love the idea of giving it to Biden.

  6. charles phillips says:

    Is no one planning on cutting the card up, unused, and mailing it back?

    Because that’d be the biggest FU I can wrap my head around.

  7. The f king moron thinks he can buy you for a paltry $200??! That’s like even way less self respect than Louie Gohmert chump change. It must be Donnie and Messy’s rendition of “let them eat cake.” Except it’s for drugs only, and not that $200 would have bought a lot of food. From what people have said, $200 doesn’t buy a lot of drugs at Big Pharma prices.

    4 more years for $200 or $4/mo per head.

    It would purchase 3 Clout King 3.5 gram peanut butter cups which isn’t enough to get a mouse high enough to vote for Donnie.

  8. Grandma Ada says:

    I have a grand who has Type One diabetes – she’s the one who needs a drug card, a BIG one, and also a job she’s not afraid to go to.

  9. Jane & PKM @ 7,

    What a insult to people who struggle to pay for medication and insurance, while he and his sycophants get gold-plate health care bennies paid by us, the tax payers.

  10. Unfortunately, those cards have to be mailed to the seniors. As this is a pilot program, only seniors in key battleground states will see them… unless, of course, Trump feels that as the thought equals the deed, merely promising to mail out those cards is sufficient.

    I expect those cards will start arriving shortly after Trump releases his tax returns.

  11. Can those cards be used for something other than meds prescribed for the “ Trump virus” aka Covid?
    Sorry Donnie, do not want your card. Does he think, based on experience, that all women can be bought? Stormy and Malaria cost way more than $200…

  12. Grandma Ada and Papa, this maladministration just piles on the insults to the injuries. Donnie is the “great reveal” of decades of Republicon intent. It’s not hyperbole to state that the November choice is between democracy and fascist kleptocracy. Regaining the WH and Senate, while keeping the House only means that we have a chance at fixing this mess. It will require both teamwork and vigilance to stay on track.

    We need replacements for every one of the corrupted agencies dedicated to restoring each department. The American Prospect has given us a great interactive map of the Covidiot* 45 corruption that details exactly the extent of the work ahead of us.

  13. Steve from Beaverton says:

    The Trumpf WH has a war department focused on devious phony schemes to use taxpayer money for the campaign (remember they’re broke). This goes along with his $300 stimulus scheme which also stole from social security, and his phony health care plan. I hope if they only go to selected states, it blows up in his face in the press. Wonder if they will be signed, “your favorite president.”
    I, too, would love to use them for the Biden campaign. In lieu of that, I recommend sending them back to the WH with “thanks for reminding me why everyone should vote for Joe.”
    If my wife and I ever see them, that’s our plan.

  14. Mark in Oregon says:

    Some of the $1,200 check went to the Biden campaign. Neither side much cares how Oregon votes but if I get it the whole $200 goes to Biden.

  15. Steve @12 – only return a photo copy back to Donnie. Otherwise he’ll find a way to ‘launder’ your cards and stick the money in his pocket. There’s corruption, then there’s shameless corruption; after that comes the inconceivable level of corruption only this maladministration could manufacture.

  16. Ralph Wiggam says:

    I’ll take his bribe, but I have already voted–against him. I got my ballot by mail on Wednesday and hand delivered it to the office of the voter registrar the same day.

  17. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Jane & PKM- I’ll use a sharpie, his favorite writing instrument.
    Also, no matter what, his office of corruption to re-elect the great orange one will find another way.

  18. Trump can’t buy my vote for $200.
    But I’ll vote against him for $0.
    If he loses the election? Priceless.

  19. Buttermilk Sky says:

    You’ll notice he came up with the card after telling one of his hate rallies that covid doesn’t matter because it only kills the elderly. Someone must have told him that old people can hear, and vote. I believe this scheme is what S.J. Perelman would have called “so much chin music,” but if it happens, the card is bound to have his fat face on it. Can I use it for anti-nausea drugs?

  20. Harry Eagar says:

    Here’s an elderly person who is voting for trump despite telling friends that he is crazy. The Republican Party was soul-sick long before trump came in, it was just lacking the fuehrer its no-self-respect members had been longing for.

  21. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Interesting read about James Baker. Not surprising he would sell his soul twice for Trumpf to keep a “liberal” out of the White House. He knows Trumpf is dangerous and crazy (and said so), but without saying, he hates Democrats at any cost- and for the power. Just like the rest of them.
    My hope is there’s more 2016 Trumpf voters that haven’t sold their soles and just can’t stomach another 4 years of corruption and insanity. I’m hoping they either vote for a sane democrat or don’t vote. And assuming Barrett gets confirmed, so the SCOTUS would be a mute point for them.
    I’m expecting her to start campaigning for Trumpf- nothing surprises me at this point.

  22. Vote against tRump in person to be sure your vote is counted.

  23. I don’t need $200. I belonged to a strong union for 35 years and my prescriptions are covered for a small copay. For some illnesses (like diabetes) there’s no charge at all. I expect to donate at least the worth of the card to Ammar Campa Najar who’s been crying 3x a day in my in-box – and he’s way better looking than Darrel Issa (ok, so that’s juvenile)

    BTW- do you all know that my senator Chris Murphy and his buddy Brian Schatz (with the help of a few others) is raising $200k for MJ Heger right now as I type? Head over to twitter and give them a hand.

  24. As soon as the first one arrives start impeachment proceedings

  25. Opinionated Hussy says:

    I’m another Senior with no prescriptions…of course, we didn’t see any stimulus checks either, so Lord knows where it went. Probably the same place as the books we ordered that took almost a month for the Post Office to deliver.

    This country is a cluster bomb right now…and we’re taking the entire planet into Hell with us. I cannot wait for early voting so I can mark my ballot for nothing but Democrats. I already spent the afternoon putting out signs for good Dems around my area. I’m now going back to hand-writing my letters to other women, begging them to go vote. When I’m done, I have a phone bank to do. God bless our republic!!!

  26. Baldy Orange Face STEALS all the time .

  27. $200 smackers for scrips? What planet is this guy living on! I just shelled out over $400 for a doctor visit by phone and over $500 for resulting scrips! Fortunately, my plan will cover just about all of that. But $200? My God, this guy is so cheap! We should all get at least as much as he paid the porn queen!
