Governor Strawman

May 05, 2020 By: El Jefe Category: Alternative Facts, Coronavirus, Trump

Today, in a leaked audio of a call with Republican representatives, Greg Abbott admitted that opening up the economy will increase the community spread of COVID-19.  At the same time, he offered up his strawman argument that, since we’ll never get to zero spread, we should open up anyway.  Of course, NO ONE has EVER set the standard of zero spread.  The standard is 14 consecutive days of diminishing new cases, which we are most certainly not experiencing.

This is the same argument that Abbott and other Republicans have used to not do immigration reform.  They keep saying that reform can only happen when undocumented immigration is brought to zero.  They KNOW it will never be at zero, so by default immigration reform will never happen.

If you want to get really aggravated, listen to the leaked recording:


Trump Airs North Korean Style Propaganda Video at WH Briefing

April 13, 2020 By: El Jefe Category: Alternative Facts, Coronavirus, Corruption, Trump

OK, folks, it is seriously way past time to STOP airing Trump’s “briefings” on the Coronavirus pandemic sweeping the globe.  During today’s briefing episode of The Apprentice, WH Edition, Trump actually aired a video that is nothing more than a North Korean style Dear Leader propaganda video that took snippets of actual news reports way out of context to make him look good.  Real networks immediately cut from their coverage, accurately reporting what Trump was doing.  The worst part was him standing to the side of the stage gloating and mugging for the cameras as the bullshit spewed from the WH video system.  We are WAY past time for the 25th Amendment.



Delta Force Gets Al Baghdadi…In Spite of Trump.

October 27, 2019 By: El Jefe Category: Lie, Trump, Uncategorized

You knew it was going to happen – after wrecking millions of Americans’ quiet Sunday morning with an almost hour long display of boasting and lying, the truth about the raid is coming out.  The truth is that the Pentagon has been planning a raid to kill the ISIS leader since last summer after the Kurds had captured one of his wives and a courier who talked.  Those detailed plans were completely disrupted with Trump’s sudden pullout of Kurdish territory allowing Turkey, Russia, and Assad’s forces to rush in.

Rather than wait and risk Trump stupidly pulling everyone else out, a risky night raid by Delta Force was hurriedly put together.  Also, in spite of Trump abandoning the Kurds, they continued to assist US forces prepare for the raid.  They got lucky and got Al Baghdadi in spite of Trump’s incompetence, not because of his leadership.  Oh, and all the dramatic account of hearing Baghdadi’s screaming and crying that he heard on the feed?  That’s a lie, too.  No other person has confirmed that, and, as JJ pointed out, Trump was on the golf course during the raid, not in the situation room.

Are we great yet?

Sarah – Sit Down and Shut Up.

April 19, 2019 By: El Jefe Category: Lie

As we’ve already discussed, Sarah Sanders admitted to Robert Mueller that she lied about FBI agents opposing James Comey.  When the press started reporting that, she immediately went on the attack, lying about lying about lying.  She did it again this morning on national television, and frankly I’m sick of her polluting the WH press room.  Nothing she says is remotely true, and even if it was, she can’t be trusted that the bile spewing from her mouth is true or not.

Time for her to go.  #lyingSarah #Sarahsgottogo



Sarah Sanders Admitted to Mueller that She Lied to the Public

April 18, 2019 By: El Jefe Category: Mueller, Trump

You’ll recall that way back in 2017 when Trump fired James Comey, Sarah Sanders, White House Liar, stood at the briefing room podium and told the American people that the FBI under Comey had been in turmoil and that “countless FBI agents” had called and told the White House how unhappy they were under Comey.  She later admitted that her statement “wasn’t based on anything”.  In other words, she stood in the White House briefing room and knowingly lied to the American people to protect Trump.

Well, We’ve Learned One Thing…

April 18, 2019 By: El Jefe Category: Mueller, Trump

The Mueller Report just hit the public and MSNBC is frantically going through it.  While doing that, one thing has become crystal clear, and that is Bill Barr, the AG of the US, is a goddam liar.  AND, he’s a goddam liar on national television.  As they read Mueller’s words, it’s clear there was a LOT of evidence of collusion with Russians and obstruction of justice.  During his remarks this morning, I noticed that while lying, Barr was very careful to talk about collusion with the Russian GOVERNMENT, not Russians themselves.  This will only get uglier as the day wears on.