Delta Force Gets Al Baghdadi…In Spite of Trump.

October 27, 2019 By: El Jefe Category: Lie, Trump, Uncategorized

You knew it was going to happen – after wrecking millions of Americans’ quiet Sunday morning with an almost hour long display of boasting and lying, the truth about the raid is coming out.  The truth is that the Pentagon has been planning a raid to kill the ISIS leader since last summer after the Kurds had captured one of his wives and a courier who talked.  Those detailed plans were completely disrupted with Trump’s sudden pullout of Kurdish territory allowing Turkey, Russia, and Assad’s forces to rush in.

Rather than wait and risk Trump stupidly pulling everyone else out, a risky night raid by Delta Force was hurriedly put together.  Also, in spite of Trump abandoning the Kurds, they continued to assist US forces prepare for the raid.  They got lucky and got Al Baghdadi in spite of Trump’s incompetence, not because of his leadership.  Oh, and all the dramatic account of hearing Baghdadi’s screaming and crying that he heard on the feed?  That’s a lie, too.  No other person has confirmed that, and, as JJ pointed out, Trump was on the golf course during the raid, not in the situation room.

Are we great yet?

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0 Comments to “Delta Force Gets Al Baghdadi…In Spite of Trump.”

  1. Fred Farklestone says:

    I like the last photo in the following post!

  2. And still: The military rank and file will vote Republican next election by a 2:1 margin.

    Why? It gets harder to explain every day. Trump thanked Russia before he thanked the U.S. troops who went out on a limb to make this happen.

    Imagine if a President Clinton (or any D) had done that.

  3. “Baghdadi’s screaming and crying that he heard on the feed?”

    That wasn’t Baghdadi. That was Trump screaming and crying on the golf course at the moment an advisor suggested he stage a photo with the generals.

  4. Trump is like a gossiping 12 year old girl who blabs everything. I sure hope the intel types aren’t giving him sensitive info that needs to stay unspoken.

  5. Republicans alone did not elect Trump; Republican party members have not

    Every (disloyal) Democrat and Independent who did not vote or voted for someone else is culpable for Trump being elected president! May you regret that for the rest of your life.

    Self professed Republican party members have not accounted for more than 45% of the electorate since the time of Tricky Dick!

  6. jack smith says:

    are we great yet? seems that statement was true. maga,for the ignorant. russia will get foot hold it needs in the med,and maybe we can pawn off a few wars onto them,finally. if euro doesnt seem to care about russia being in control in any part of the syrian area,obviously,everyone is tired of us being there…now, who gets that oil?

  7. I am one former military officer who will never vote for a con-artist.

    I almost typed con man. Never recognized Trumpster as any thing but a child!

    Mueller must share some of the malfeasance of an election going badly wrong!

  8. Where was his son, how many dads go to a ballgame without the son.
