Here’s How to Make the Wall Work

January 07, 2019 By: El Jefe Category: Border Catastrophe, Trump

Trump and his enablers have been desperately been trying to change the conversation this week to “You’re either for my wall, or you’re for open borders”.  It’s BS, all normal people know it’s BS, and even Chris Wallace of Fox Noise knows it’s BS.  Yesterday, Chief White House Liar Sarah HuckaSanders was on Fox Noise Sunday and faced a more than skeptical Wallace.  When she used the 4,000 terrorists caught on the border talking point, he immediately called her on it saying, “Wait a minute, I know this; I’ve studied up on it, but didn’t know you would use it.  Those 4,000 people were caught in airports…”  It was one of those sweet rare moments where one of Trump’s liars gets their legs cut out from under them, caught completely off guard by an interviewer who normally tosses softballs.

Then I got to thinking – If most terrorist suspects are caught in airports, why don’t we then move all major airports to Mexico, then build The Wall?  That’s it, The Wall would then be effective, and Trump would be happy.

Good idea, right?

Poll: 62% Believe Trump is a Liar

December 16, 2018 By: El Jefe Category: Impeachment, Russians, Trump

It’s just getting worse for Trump.  As his Trumpist base calcifies into fact-free paralysis, normal Americans have grown weary of the reality show that has played 24/7 since His Orangeness rode down the escalator at Individual 1 Tower alongside his third wife, the nude model from Slovenia.  Are we finally reaching the point where America has had enough of this train wreck?  Perhaps.

A new NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll found that 62% of respondents believe that Trump is not telling the truth about Russian interference in the 2016 elections.  Additionally, they also want congressional Dems to take control to correct the course our country is taking.  Only 10% believe Trump got the message in the 2018 election, and 56% believe the US is on the wrong track.

We’re finally seeing cracks in Trump’s big beautiful wall of bullshit.  While his base remains sycophantic, normal people are turning against him.  This presidency will end badly, and insiders acknowledge that, besides all of Trump’s bloviating and bluster, he now fears impeachment.


FCC Chairman Lied. What a Shock

July 06, 2018 By: El Jefe Category: Alternative Facts

Comcast, in direct conflict with what Ajit Pai, FCC chairman said would happen, is announcing to its customers that, since net neutrality is now dead, it will begin throttling mobile video speeds unless customers pay up.  Pai, a former telecommunications lawyer and lobbyist, poo-pooed watchdogs and millions of Americans when he unilaterally overrode the Obama era net neutrality order, and within days of the repeal, what you would expect would happen is happening.  Comcast even had the gall to rationalize their action by claiming that slower speeds, customers data plans would last longer.  Really?

Pai is already well known for lying, since he claimed the flood of negative comments to his plan to unravel net neutrality was a cyberattack, not actually millions of Americans saying no.  He stubbornly clung to his plan, the invertebrates in Congress failed to act to protect Americans (again), and so now our internet access and speeds are only for those who can pay more.

There is a place for anger, and THIS is it.

Where the Hell is the Congress?

June 10, 2018 By: El Jefe Category: Alternative Facts, Trade War Based On Lies, Trump

Article I, Sec. 8 – 

The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States;

To borrow Money on the credit of the United States;

To regulate Commerce with foreign Nations, and among the several States, and with the Indian Tribes;

The Founders established a balance of power that limited the power of the Executive, the Legislative, and the Judicial branches.  Until gerrymandering, the terminal cancer on democracy, the system worked well.  Now, the legislative branch is fossilized, full of ignorant, corrupt morons who see their only job as keeping their job.  In the House, the ruling party picks its constituents.  In the Senate, protections of the minority have been stripped away.  The resulting political Frankenstein is a Congress that literally does nothing, including setting international trade policy and war-making.  Because of this abrogation of constitutional authority, our entire governmental stability now depends on the character and basic decency of the person sitting in the Oval Office.

And then came Trump.  Because our system of government depends completely on the basic decency of the person occupying the office of president, as well as an adherence to over two centuries of tradition and custom, we’re not prepared to counter the actions of a president completely devoid of character and who is corrupt to the core. Combine that corruption with the abrogation of congressional authority, we are now completely exposed to the catastrophe that we witnessing today.  The President of the United States, unchecked by offsetting institutions, is actively undermining longstanding alliances, destroying trade relations among allies, and advocating alliance with our biggest enemy, Russia.

And ALL of these actions by Trump and his enablers are based on lies.  Our allies are NOT trading unfairly.  The markets among the major economic powers are open and free.  All trade agreements, at least before the regime of Cheeto Jesus, were openly negotiated.  Trump is poking our longstanding allies in the eye for no other reason than propping up the support of his ignorant, mouth-breathing, bigoted base.

If our members of Congress don’t stand up on their hind legs and stop this lunatic, he’s likely do set off a global trade war…FOR NO REASON.  Call your senator and congressman and tell them to stop screwing around and do their goddam job.  Our democracy depends on it.

Here’s the Goofy Backstory on D’Souza’s Pardon

June 01, 2018 By: El Jefe Category: Trump, unprecedented

To any objective observer, Dinesh D’Souza is a lying shitbag.  He’s famous for his lie-filled films like “Obama’s America” and “Hillary’s America” where he turns logic on its head peddling wild stories about everyone with whom he politically disagrees.  Debunking his bullshit is virtually a full time job for Media Matters. He spins wild conspiracy theories; for example, his book, The Enemy at Home: The Cultural Left and Its Responsibility for 9/11 blamed Democrats for the 9/11 attacks.  One of his most famous volumes was The Roots of Obama’s Rage where he fabricated the argument that Obama “was carrying out the anticolonial agenda of his Kenyan father”, whatever the hell that means.  Newt Gingrich often quotes D’Souza especially when repeating his birther lies.  On top of that, D’Souza was fired from a Christian college for making unwanted advances on a woman (not his wife).  And to add felony to lies, D’Souza was convicted of violating federal campaign finance laws by using straw donors to make illegal contributions to Wendy Long, famous in New York for losing to both Kirsten Gillibrand and Chuck Schumer.  He got a light sentence of a $30,000 fine and 5 years probation.  He’s pretty much among the worst of the worst lie and conspiracy theory spinners, spewing toxic lies by turning history on its head with his down is up, left is right, and the sun rises in the west logic.

So, like criminal Joe Arpaio, he was the perfect candidate for a Trump pardon.  The goofy part of the story? Unfortunately, you have to stoop to reading the Daily Caller to get the goofiness.  The pardon request was made by none other than Trump enemy, Ted Cruz.  That’s right, the National Embarrassment of Texas successfully drove the campaign to get another famous liar off scott free.

Not only is the hole getting deeper, it’s getting weirder.


I was reminded by a friend of this tweet from 2013 captured by Jonathan Capehart of the Washington Post.  This tweet is by the person just pardoned by Trump:

Jake Tapper Cuts Off Trump’s Little Nazi

January 07, 2018 By: El Jefe Category: Trump

Trump sent out his Little Boy Nazi this morning on the morning talk shows to do his bidding by weaving a fantastical argument that his boss’s uncontrolled tweeting is actually true and normal.  On CNN, Steven Miller with his Great White Shark Dead Eyes and acidic lies peddled hatred and bullshit for a full 12 minutes until Jake Tapper finally got a belly full of it and cut him off.  I simply can’t believe that major television networks give this little cretin even one second of airtime.  Here’s the video.  If you just ate, skip the first twelve minutes and just watch Tapper eject the little turd blossom.