Miss Lindsey Got A Garter Belt and a Whip

February 10, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Why, lookie here who’s sassy talking now.



Not only, Graham claims, is Rudy Giuliani within half an inch of getting dirt on Biden from the Russians, he also says the Justice Department is “receiving information coming out of the Ukraine, from Rudy.”  While I tend to suspect it’s the same sources who had proof that Obama was born in Kenya, you gotta remember that all they wanted in the first place was an announcement that Biden was being investigated, not that anything ever came of it.

Graham toddled himself on the Sunday morning news program with an even bigger splash.


No, seriously, he said that.

He announced that Attorney General Barr has “created a process” where Rudy Giuliani can feed Biden dirt from Ukrainian sources directly to the DOJ, and the DOJ will then check it out.

Good Lord, half the Trump administration has already gone to jail.  And I think more are just waiting.


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