Miss Lindsey Got A Garter Belt and a Whip

February 10, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Why, lookie here who’s sassy talking now.



Not only, Graham claims, is Rudy Giuliani within half an inch of getting dirt on Biden from the Russians, he also says the Justice Department is “receiving information coming out of the Ukraine, from Rudy.”  While I tend to suspect it’s the same sources who had proof that Obama was born in Kenya, you gotta remember that all they wanted in the first place was an announcement that Biden was being investigated, not that anything ever came of it.

Graham toddled himself on the Sunday morning news program with an even bigger splash.


No, seriously, he said that.

He announced that Attorney General Barr has “created a process” where Rudy Giuliani can feed Biden dirt from Ukrainian sources directly to the DOJ, and the DOJ will then check it out.

Good Lord, half the Trump administration has already gone to jail.  And I think more are just waiting.


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0 Comments to “Miss Lindsey Got A Garter Belt and a Whip”

  1. Buttermilk Sky says:

    Hillary Clinton owes Joe Biden her thanks. If not for this crazy obsession with the Bidens, Graham and the rest of trump’s courtiers would be demanding ever more “investigations” of Benghazi/her emails/the Clinton Foundation.

    BTW, Senator, it’s not “The Ukraine.”

  2. e platypus onion says:

    Even Fake Noize refuses to lend credence to any crap Guilianni and/or John Solomon spew, so it must be seriously bad info.

    Then there is this…. https://www.thedailybeast.com/how-the-trump-dojs-own-arguments-may-make-a-biden-probe-impossible?ref=home

  3. e platypus onion says:

    ps Di Genova and his Frankenstein bride Toensing along with Solomon apparently aren’t guests no more on Fake Noize.

  4. Leningrad Lindsey aka Ling Ling (all sauce no duck) in China is so worried about possible nepotism, he defines “worried” for Republicons. “Worried” being a loose euphemism for concern trolling. And, he, like most Republicons really sucks at it. If he was genuinely concerned he needs to merely to waddle on over to the White House.

    *Jughead Kushner
    *Shannon McGahn
    *James Carroll III
    *Kyle Yunaska
    *Annie Donaldson
    *Andrew Giuliani
    *Dick DeVos
    *Pamela DeVos
    *Janet Dhillon
    *Caitlin Patenaude
    *Meghan Patenaude
    *Sydney Hupp
    *Millan Hupp
    *Brian Pavlik
    *Katharine Gorka
    *Tyler McGaughey

    ** That’s a skimpy partial list because (1) I am too lazy to wade through all the married names and in-law aisles and (2) the ‘liberal’ media isn’t particularly concerned with reporting on the issue.

    Yee haw! Hunter Biden, Bengawhoshe, and butteremails, Ling Ling is on it riding into the gap left by that little punter from Bang ’em Young, Jason Chaffetz. There should be a Custer joke in there somewhere …

  5. Most important point of all this is that if the rePUKEians don’t like someone then that is who you vote for. Which is why my two favorites are Warren and Bernie.

  6. The First Rule Of Holes: When you find yourself in one, stop digging!

    Republican Version: When you find yourself in one, break out the power equipment and dig deeper faster!

  7. Ralph Wiggam says:

    I made a bet three years ago that before Trump left office, Hillary would be arrested. Now that he has carte blanche to get all the revenge he wants, I may win that bet.

  8. Grandma Ada says:

    They could have done this the easy way and given some money to Puerto Rico for rebuilding and had them investigate Biden. They are probably desperate enough by now to do anything!

  9. @Ralph Wiggam #7:

    Arrested? For what?

    Charged? No doubt…

  10. e platypus onion says:

    Wingnuts wasted 42 years trying to jail HRC and haven’t managed to find a single indictable crime.

    The next 42 years ain’t looking all that promising, either.

  11. e platypus onion says:

    Wingnuts already wasted 42 years without finding a single indictable crime to use against HRC, and the next 42 years isn’t looking promising, either.

  12. Ralph Wiggam says:

    Old Fart,#9. Facts don’t matter, truth doesn’t matter, revenge matters. When the RWNJs want he arrested, she will be arrested. If you want to fire up a Texas crowd, just hold up a picture if Hillary and wait for the chant “Lock her up!” And that raises the question, “What the hell are you going to do about it!?” Do you really think he won’t arrest her on fake charges? There is nothing to stop him, nothing.

  13. Jane & PKM says:

    e platypus onion, good to “see” you back, good friend! Please do what you can about taking your girl Joni out of the Senate. tia

    And, please, if anyone can locate it, DaChipster wrote a tremendous response at the WMDBS about the history of wingnuts chasing Bill and Hilz from Arkansas to perdition. It was loaded with tidbits of information such as George and Kellyanne Conway being part of that silliness should anyone ever think George is anything but a concern troll.

  14. I swear, JJ, this bunch lusts after incarceration!. Well, what better place to get the old gang together than a cellblock!

  15. Ms Lindsey is also wearing a clean pair of panties .

  16. Calling anyone “Miss” who is clearly male, and who has not expressed a preference for the feminine title, is fascistic third party gender assignment, and, consequently, homophobic hate speech. I do realize you’re in Texas, but hey, steers and queers. It’s not as if you don’t know any actual gay people.

    Ambient bigotry is rampant. Can we please try to be more aware of it?
