Brokered Convention?

February 10, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, already there’s talk.

I dunno – we usually get our act together by mid summer.  However, I think people missed part of the process last time and aren’t anxious to coronate anyone.  I would not count on a floor fight because the Super Delegates kept just enough power to win.  They gave away just enough power to make it a landslide.

I’m not anxious for a fight in Texas.   When I was younger, it didn’t bother me at all.  Hell, I even wrote about it.

I think I’ve grown weary of all the whining and finger pointing.  Honey, we Democrats can nurse a grudge back from the dead and carry it around for fifty more years.  Speaking of which, I used to have a bumper sticker that said, “I don’t care if Nixon is dead, I still want him impeached.”  I guess that’s not funny now, considering that Bob Barr is trying like hell to find a way to retroactively impeach President Obama.

I think there’s a pretty good chance that the Texas caucus and state convention will be brokered, because it was in 2008.  That might be fun. But a brokered national convention? Not so much.


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0 Comments to “Brokered Convention?”

  1. Looks like the fix is in for bloomberg to buy the d nomination so we can have 2 thuglican rich old white guys running in November.
    After changing the rules to specifically to allow bloomberg on the debate stage, after he donated money for perez’s golden handshake, now it comes out that perez has appointed 2 of bloomberg’s active surrogates to the rules committee for the D convention.
    First thing they are looking at is to “free” the super delegates from the negotiated agreement settled when perez was anointed dnc chair.
    The “compromise” was that the super delegates were bound by the primary/caucus results for first ballot then they were allowed to ignore grassroots on second ballot and put their votes up for the highest bidder.
    Now they want to “free’ the super delegates from any restrictions and go back to 2016.
    So the d’s would run an ex thuglican mayor who gave full throated support for the twit in 2004, after the iraq fiasco had been revealed as a scam.
    An ex thuglican mayor who endorsed and support unconstititional actions (according to courts) to suppress protestors with illegal and extrajudicial detention at 2004 convention.
    An ex thuglican mayor who supported and fought for stop and frisk.
    An ex thuglican mayor who threw tax breaks around for corporate welfare while cutting public services.
    Gee what a strategy to inspire the base.
    The thuglicans can’t lose.

  2. Jane & PKM says:

    Ms. Juanita Jean Herownself, if you’re at the Democratic National Convention, please introduce yourself to the Nevada delegation. Looking for allies to keep the progressive caucus together, ready to insist Bernie and Liz make nice to keep oligarch Bloomberg out of it. Our party leader is William McCurdy II; if you liked Cory Booker, you’ll love William. And, consider this: we’ve gone really blue with two intelligent lady Senators, 3/4 House members, governor and progress in our legislature, county and local positions. And, while we will be a young delegation, we haven’t forgotten our political boxing lessons from Harry Reid. Think you might like us.

  3. Grandma Ada says:

    I’ve printed my sample ballot, and Roque de la Fuente is starting to look pretty good – he’s only a carpet bagger and hasn’t promised anything! Seriously, I do wish the candidates remaining would focus on dumb Trump tricks – Bloomberg’s little on-line videos are hilarious yet true and on the money!

  4. Ray in Jerrytown says:

    Dems need to get off their butts and eliminate caucuses entirely.

  5. The Surly Professor says:

    Geez, folks. It’s way too early to start forming the chorus line of “Democrats in disarray”. What I see is there was no clear Godzilla-stomping winner in Iowa, not a “muddle” as the Hill calls it. The only befuddlment was in a phone app that did not work as hoped; if that is the biggest problem the Ds face, then we are sitting pretty. And I’m happy with having 4-5 roughly equal-vote candidates coming out of it; it would really suck if Iowa determined who the 2020 candidate would be.

    The political media feels the need to drum up excitement, consternation, winners/losers, and the kind of gossip that the cool girls in high school would delight in. I’m too jaded to get my panties in a twist over what The Hill thinks is A Major Tempest in Our Democracy(!).

    At the same time, Republican senators tried to get Trump to go easy on Sonderland last Friday because he wrote checks for them. While leaving Vindman out to twist in the cold wind, since he doesn’t write million dollar checks for inaugural balls. I refuse to clutter my admittedly limited brain with conjectures about superdelegates, while we face such astonishing corruption by the other side.

  6. The Surly Professor @4:
    Don’t know about check writing. But you’re right about the chorus line, and media influence.
    The news about disarray in the process is just that. News.
    But harping on it to keep a narrative, to keep viewers, or readers, for the purposes of selling advertising plays directly into the hands of donald F**king trump. Straight from the KGB playbook that putin cut his teeth on.

  7. Meaning propaganda. Which I have no doubt our intelligence agencies are every bit as good at.
    Seeing as how we won the cold war, probably a lot better and more efficient.

  8. joel hanes says:

    170 delegates will have been selected in Iowa and NH.

    In the next round, Democrats will select 1700

    Things can change pretty drastically.

  9. The DNC tends to project their hopes and dreams onto its professional, paid punditry class, to keep the spin going, because it’s all they can do. There will be no brokered convention, because despite the best efforts of the DNC, Bernie Sanders is going to win on the first ballot. And, then, the DNC leadership will be replaced, and party primary rules will be changed to actually reflect democracy.

    Tom Perez is a real problem here. He should have resigned after the Iowa fiasco. But no, he didn’t resign, and the DNC is still stealing votes for their smarmy empty suit Republican Lite candidate.

  10. Wyatt_Earl says:

    I had the Nixon saying on a t-shirt. Still have it. Yeah, not funny anymore.

    But to your point on nursing a grudge, I still want him impeached. And also George W. And also Trump, the anagram for whom is Lord Dampnut, fyi.

  11. Jane & PKM says:

    Prepare for a very long day. The media has already started the horse race with the midnight madness of parsing all 2 dozen votes from Dixville Notch, Millsfield and Hart’s Location, NH., a small group of early midnight voters. While a group of people voting in their pajamas might be fun to party with, not so much a forecast of winners and losers.

    However, the sole Republicon voter at Dixville Notch did write in Bloomberg. Yeah. That’s what I already thought about Mike; and that’s he’s an oligarch.

  12. I never understood how/why the votes could be announced before the polls closed. That’s illegal in Texas, as I recall.
    (what? Texas has election laws?)

  13. linda, you are correct. The difference being that election officials cannot announce before the close of the polls. But people can talk. Sort of a tradition in Dixville Notch to vote in their PJs then chat with reporters.

    From wiki: “Dixville Notch is best known in connection with its longstanding middle-of-the-night vote in the U.S. presidential election, including during the New Hampshire primary (the first primary election in the U.S. presidential nomination process). In a tradition that started in the 1960 election, all the eligible voters in Dixville Notch gather at midnight in the ballroom of The Balsams. The voters cast their ballots and the polls are officially closed when all of the registered voters have voted – sometimes merely one minute later. The results of the Dixville Notch vote in both the New Hampshire primary and the general election are traditionally broadcast around the country immediately afterwards.
    A similar tradition in the town of Hart’s Location in adjacent Carroll County began in 1948; theirs was discontinued in the 1960s in light of the abundance of media attention, and revived only in 1996. Informal competition for the distinction of the first town to report election results has been ongoing for several election cycles.”

  14. If Bernie comes in with a plurality and they put their thumb on the scale with superdelegates it will rip the party apart

  15. New Hampshire Feels the Bern: Sanders Wins First-in-the-Nation Primary

    Edit: After nabbing popular vote victory in Iowa, Sanders takes the Granite State. “What we have done together here is nothing short of the beginning of a political revolution,” Sanders declared.

    Sen. Bernie Sanders was declared the winner of the presidential Democratic primary in New Hampshire on Tuesday night less than two hours after polls closed in the Granite State—a victory seen as a massive boost for the campaign of the U.S. Senator from Vermont and one which comes on the heals of winning the popular vote in the Iowa caucus last week.

    Major news outlets—including NBC News—called the race for Sanders just before 11:00pm ET.
    At his victory rally, Sanders said his candidacy is “not just about defeating [President Donald] Trump, but transforming this country.”

    Watch Sanders’ victory speech:

    comment from the article:

    I find the results disturbing. In Iowa, Sanders got more votes than Buttigieg but less delegates. In NH Sanders got more votes, but an equal number of delegates. Besides showing that the Dems are, a very anti-democratic Party, it is clear that, unless Sander pulls very far ahead, the DNC will ensure that he is not selected as the Party’s nominee.

  16. PLEASE, don’t make me vote for another billionaire who has no idea what a working American’s life is like. Or an old man who is neither a Democrat a Republican or an Independent.
