Archive for the ‘Lie’

Trump Activist Charged with Securities Fraud

September 07, 2019 By: El Jefe Category: 2020 Election, Alternative Facts, Lie, Trump

Remember when the rumor was floated that Robert Mueller was going to be swept up in a sex scandal?  Remember when it went nowhere?  Remember when rumors floated about Pete Buttigieg that also died on the vine?  Meet Jacob Wohl, a young smartass from California, cut from the same cloth as James O’Keefe, another young smartass who’s become known for botched stings and false reporting on Democratic politicians.

If it’s even possible, Wohl is worse than O’Keefe (or at least more criminal).  He has partnered with a shadowy 53 year old political operative named Jack Burkman whose checkered past goes all the way back to the Clinton impeachment.  He claims that Don McGahn, Trump’s former WH counsel who spent 30 hours with Mueller, introduced Burkman to Wohl.  McGahn told the Washington Post he’s never met him OR Wohl.  Kellyanne Conway, Trump’s on staff advisor liar, warned the Post to watch out for Burkman.

Like all dirty tricksters, truth doesn’t matter to Wohl and Burkman, so they have been cooking up all kinds of fake scandals to attack Trump enemies, but they’ve all been botched, including doing a “press conference” on the fake Mueller scandal with Burkman’s fly unzipped.  LOL.

And it gets better – Wohl, who started his career as a securities salesman, has been trailed by financial scandals and investigations the last several years.  On Wednesday, he was arraigned on felony securities fraud for selling a fake real estate fund.  The charges stem from an investigation of the fund from 2016 leading to the charge this week.

The lesson keeps repeating itself.  Dirty tricksters like Wohl and O’Keefe base their entire existence on lies for political gain.  Those lies often land them in scandal at minimum, and sometimes criminal charges.  Amazing that many on the side that claims morals and family values have devolved into supporting lies and criminality in their tribe.  Worse, there are some who are neck deep in it.  It’s a head shaker.

Remember When…

May 14, 2019 By: El Jefe Category: Lie, Trump

Remember when Trump kept repeating the lie that Barack Obama was going to start a war with Iran to get re-elected in 2012?  Here it is:

Later, when he decided to run for the office, Trump released continuous Twitter salvos of all kinds of lies and taunts, but the Iran theme was a common one.

One thing we’ve learned from Trump (and other Republicans, BTW) is that when he accuses someone of doing something vile, he’s doing that very thing.  Now, with his polls in the tank and still going down, Trump is so desperate that he’ll try anything to get re-elected and stay out of jail for a while longer.  As we’ve discussed before, Trump is even trying to get impeached so he can cast himself as a “victim” of the big, bad, Democrats.  Since that’s not working, his next stunt is doing exactly what he accused Obama of doing – starting a war with Iran.  What’s really scary is that he’s got Iran hater, John Bolton, continually whispering in his ear achieve his ultimate dream of bombing the crap out of Iran.

Trump’s already moved a carrier battle group and Air Force bombers to the Middle East to “counter Iran’s threat”, and now, Bolton is pushing for deploying 120,000 US troops to the Middle East.  The drumbeats of war for politics are now being heard, even as Pompeo and Bolton whip up fears of Iran, just in time for the 2020 election.  The only real threat we have is allowing Trump another 4 years in the WH.

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Sarah – Sit Down and Shut Up.

April 19, 2019 By: El Jefe Category: Lie

As we’ve already discussed, Sarah Sanders admitted to Robert Mueller that she lied about FBI agents opposing James Comey.  When the press started reporting that, she immediately went on the attack, lying about lying about lying.  She did it again this morning on national television, and frankly I’m sick of her polluting the WH press room.  Nothing she says is remotely true, and even if it was, she can’t be trusted that the bile spewing from her mouth is true or not.

Time for her to go.  #lyingSarah #Sarahsgottogo



I’m Tired

December 31, 2018 By: El Jefe Category: Impeachment, Lie, Trump

As we roll into the new year, a few observations:

As of this moment, we have no Attorney General, no White House Chief of Staff, no Interior Secretary, no Director of the EPA, the Secretary of Education is a religious nut trying to destroy education, the VP is a religious nut who believes women should be subjugated, the Secretary of State is a political hack helping cover up the murder of a Saudi journalist, the Director of National Security wants to bomb Iran, 18 countries have no US ambassador (including Australia), half of the positions in the State Department remain unfilled, the stock market is down almost 3,000 points, China now owns Pacific rim trade, the US is the only major power to NOT be in the Paris accords, the entire world is either terrified or laughing at us, and the president has shut down the government for the last 10 days over his 5th century solution to a 21st century problem. Notice I didn’t mention anything about everyone convicted, in jail, or on the way to jail, or Trump’s current average of telling over 500 lies per month.

This is great? Are we tired of winning yet?

I’m just tired.

Happy New Year

#myattorneygotarrested #pleasetellmethisisanightmare #ITMFA #gotemoluments? #trumpresign

The Difference Between Would and Wouldn’t

July 17, 2018 By: El Jefe Category: Lie, Russian Hacking, Trump

Trump’s done it again, blatantly lying and walking back his idiocy after severe backlash over his shameful performance in Helsinki yesterday.  In a nationally televised statement before a meeting with Congressional leaders, he reversed his entire position from yesterday saying that he now believes Russia DID interfere in our elections and lamely said he had misspoken when he said that “Why would they?” when denying Russia’s involvement.  He now says he meant to say, “Why wouldn’t they?”.

It’s the same old, same old, and doesn’t pass the straight faced test.  God, I’m tired.

Trump Unhinged

June 15, 2018 By: El Jefe Category: Lie, Trump

Trump was on Faux and Friends this morning spouting lies and nonsense.  But that’s just everyday Trump.  Afterwards he did a remarkable press gaggle on the North Lawn and it was an episode of Trump Unhinged.  Some tidbits:

On Faux and Friends: Kim Jung Un – “Hey, he is the head of a country and I mean he is the strong head. Don’t let anyone think anything different. He speaks and his people sit up at attention. I want my people to do the same.”

In the gaggle: “You don’t understand sarcasm.  I was kidding.”

On the inspector general’s report of the Comey and the Clinton email scandal, he said the report (which was not about him or his campaign) “completely exonerated” him and his campaign, even though it did nothing of the kind.  The he repeated the “no collusion” mantra about 30 times while insulting the CNN reporter in front of him.

On separating children from their parents at the border, he repeated the already debunked falsehood that “the Democrats” passed the horrible law to separate kids at the border and that the press should ask “the Democrats” to change the law.  When it was pointed out that the GOP had control of both houses and the White House he deflected.  When asked why he didn’t sign an executive order to stop the separations, he lied and again and said an executive order can’t change it.  Of course THERE IS NO LAW that forces separation of families at ports of entry.  That’s a new policy STARTED BY TRUMP.

It went on and on.  It was like watching a morphing of Bullworth and Wag the Dog.  The lies, insults, and personal attacks just came in a continuous stream.  Here’s what’s crazy – it’s pretty clear now that Comey’s actions, against FBI policy, at the very least shaved points off of Hillary’s numbers.  And Donald Trump just called for the jailing of the very guy who helped put him in office.

We are clearly in an episode of the Twilight Zone in high repeat.