Remember When…

May 14, 2019 By: El Jefe Category: Lie, Trump

Remember when Trump kept repeating the lie that Barack Obama was going to start a war with Iran to get re-elected in 2012?  Here it is:

Later, when he decided to run for the office, Trump released continuous Twitter salvos of all kinds of lies and taunts, but the Iran theme was a common one.

One thing we’ve learned from Trump (and other Republicans, BTW) is that when he accuses someone of doing something vile, he’s doing that very thing.  Now, with his polls in the tank and still going down, Trump is so desperate that he’ll try anything to get re-elected and stay out of jail for a while longer.  As we’ve discussed before, Trump is even trying to get impeached so he can cast himself as a “victim” of the big, bad, Democrats.  Since that’s not working, his next stunt is doing exactly what he accused Obama of doing – starting a war with Iran.  What’s really scary is that he’s got Iran hater, John Bolton, continually whispering in his ear achieve his ultimate dream of bombing the crap out of Iran.

Trump’s already moved a carrier battle group and Air Force bombers to the Middle East to “counter Iran’s threat”, and now, Bolton is pushing for deploying 120,000 US troops to the Middle East.  The drumbeats of war for politics are now being heard, even as Pompeo and Bolton whip up fears of Iran, just in time for the 2020 election.  The only real threat we have is allowing Trump another 4 years in the WH.

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0 Comments to “Remember When…”

  1. WA Skeptic says:

    Whooh, bubba; get our carrier group into the Straits of Hormuz and then have someone drop a chain across the entrance. That’ll be interesting.

    This fool must be stopped. Where are the responsible people in our government??? Are all R’s being paid in rubles now???

  2. Just what the US needs: All of the Mid East to hate us even more.

    One of these days, the countries we bully and destroy may pay us back in equal amounts of destruction…just sayin’.

  3. Grandma Ada says:

    Poor Mr. Trump, all he really wanted was some free advertising for his name brand so he could party like back in the day when he had money. Now he has an actual day job, doesn’t know what to do, so he swats at everything. This reminds me of Shrub who came to office, gave a tax cut and went to war with Iraq. We haven’t even extracted ourselves from that yet here we go again. Sometimes I think I should move to West Texas and live on javelinas and mescal.

  4. Are the republicant’s so desperate to stay in power that they cannot own up to the fact their *leader* is at best demented and needs to be removed via the 25th Amendment and/or at worst a totally inept, hate-filled, war-mongering racist incapable of making sound decisions on any matters he has taken into his grasping, greedy little hands?

    The United States is the laughing stock of the world. The Constitution, which they all took an oath to uphold (crossing your fingers when you lie doesn’t even work with children), is being shredded mercilessly. The people these sworn politicians are allegedly working for are being betrayed by these treacherous political robber barons, as is the country they profess to love — on every single level.

    It would benefit the country immensely if the majority of these criminals … um politicians could be impeached and imprisoned, starting from the top.

    To paraphrase Sheriff Martin Brody (Jaws): we’re going to need a bigger Supermax.

  5. Jaime @ 4,

    It would be OK with me if we shipped ALL of them to one of those Mid East countries and paid them well for keep these vile POS in their the Dark Ages prisons, forever…oh wait, maybe that would be too good for them.

  6. I like Trump as little as the next guy, but we need to keep things real and in perspective if we are to have any chance of responding appropriately to the threat he poses.

    His poll numbers have not tanked, Not even a little bit:

  7. Trump as president has said he inherited “a total mess in Syria and Afghanistan.”

    Does he think a Trump War – Iran would be any better? Talk about bankrupt proposals…

  8. He has an excellent GOP reason for attacking Iran: they’re not attacking us.
