Over 3,200 Lies, All in Jerkish

June 02, 2018 By: El Jefe Category: Lie, Trump

One of the reasons Trump is so hated by normal people is his fleeting relationship with truth.  In a town where lying is almost more common than breathing, this guy spews falsehood at an even more breathtaking pace than any politician in history.  This week, the Washington Post updated its lie tracker which now sums to 3,251 lies since taking office.

As one of our patrons pointed out yesterday, Philip Roth’s description of Trump says it best:

“I found much that was alarming about being a citizen during the tenures of Richard Nixon and George W. Bush. But, whatever I may have seen as their limitations of character or intellect, neither was anything like as humanly impoverished as Trump is: ignorant of government, of history, of science, of philosophy, of art, incapable of expressing or recognizing subtlety or nuance, destitute of all decency, and wielding a vocabulary of seventy-seven words that is better called Jerkish than English.”

Amen.  Pass the earplugs.

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0 Comments to “Over 3,200 Lies, All in Jerkish”

  1. What thou sayest!!!

  2. maryelle says:

    Dump is the modern personification of Willy Loman on steroids, the self-deluded salesman, who lies, cheats and lives in his alternate universe. Although Dump has achieved fame and wealth, he cannot admit his failures, both personal and public, so he constantly seeks to please his “base” by attacking people they both resent. Those with intellectual prowess, obvious integrity and genuine accomplishment are on his hit list, as well as those he despises like women and minorities. That he occupies the Presidency is truly frightening.

  3. austinhatlady says:

    That is so good that I going to copy into my phone to share with folks at every opportunity.
    I’ve never cared much for Roth’s writing, although I acknowledge his genius. Wrote an essay about Portnoy’s Complaint for a freshman honors class in contemporary American literature and couldn’t contain my dislike. I suspect I’m more than a bit of a prude.

  4. austinhatlady says:

    That’s also good! Thanks for posting.

  5. @maryelle

    I have admired Death of a Salesman since seeing it on the electric tv when I was about 13. And never more so than today as I near 65. And in terms of having built that castle in the sky and moved in to it, Spanky Drumpf IS Willy.

  6. SteveTheReturned says:

    Leave it to one of this country’s most lauded and accomplished writers to crucify trump, now and forever more.

    And austinhatlady: If you didn’t find “Portnoy’s Complaint” to your liking, I’d strongly advise you to keep your distance from “Sabbath’s Theater.”

  7. austinhatlady says:

    Don’t think I ever tried that one, but tried two others that I couldn’t finish (unusual for this avid reader!) Will avoid Sabbath’s Theater.

  8. Accurate description. I like mine, ‘malignant narcissistic psycho sh*thole Madman’.
    I’ve never seen a person so morally and emotionally bankrupt as Trump, cruel, vindictive, stupid, spoiled bratty,2 faced liar, egocentric, downright evil.
    And those are his good points.

  9. Buttermilk Sky says:

    austinhatlady, you need to read “The Plot Against America.” Roth saw this coming. He also said, “…the highest purpose of laughter is to bury wickedness in ridicule,” so keep on laughing at Trumpelthinskin.

  10. Marjorie Wood says:

    Now let’s see: at least Roseanne made people laugh and she got fired right off the bat for being too crude and thoughtless. Exactly why do we have to put up with Trump?
    Sigh. Vote. if the votes get counted and don’t get deleted or something. Have a pizza party and invite teenagers and sit them down to register to vote. I’m wondering if we shouldn’t also get all of them passports.

  11. And after you get those teenagers registered to vote, remind them to vote and help them do it if they need a ride– many places have early voting, so they can do it when it’s convenient.

  12. my rare steak has a “fleeting relationship”, with those glowing coals in the grill. Trump’s only “relationship” with the truth, is when he inadvertently blurts out an actual fact.

  13. Linda Phipps says:

    To add to the festering pile of cupidity, on CNN this morning (see Fake News) … the news team read out a letter that Assad reportedly sent to Kim. I understand NK and Syria are BFF, but that letter is one that if I received it I would never stop vomiting. Trump seems to be increasingly determined to join the US with dictatorships, rogue nations. In other news, the new estimate of the total died in or as a result of Hurricane Maria is stunning. That governor needs to be sent to sea in a leaky boat with a roll of paper towels. Even if the actual number is never known, our dismissal of the hardships there is disgusting.

  14. @Marjorie Wood,

    All US citizens need to get a passport before Rump and his evil minions decide to with hold or limit them to keep tax paying citizens here.

  15. Worth reading: https://www.emptywheel.net/2018/06/02/the-non-denial-denial-in-trumps-response-on-the-june-9-meeting-statement-did-putin-dictate-the-statement/

    Marcy Wheeler wonders if Putin, not trump, dictated the letter about the reason for the Trump Tower meeting.

    Then continue down to the comment section and read this one under #5 that begins:
    June 3, 2018 at 12:18 am
    Not sure whether you are aware, or interested, but there is a publicly available profile on Trump, said to be an FBI profile of him, that was written Jan 2017 and has been well borne out by events…”

    Go read the whole thing. Extremely scary.
