Archive for the ‘Cruz’

The Re-emergence of Political Shaming?

February 19, 2021 By: El Jefe Category: Alternative Facts, Cruz, Lie, Trump

Note:  Yesterday, I dubbed him Cancun Ted, but social media’s name, Fled Cruz, is better and seems to be sticking, so what the hell, I’m going to use that, too.

Politico is reporting this morning that the quaint tradition of shaming misbehaving politicians seems to be returning.  That’s pretty much amazing coming out of the last 5 years of Donald Trump’s malfeasance and immorality out in plain sight.  When caught at something awful (kids in cages, bribing porn stars, screwing porn stars, extorting foreign leaders, inciting insurrection, etc, etc.) Trump would just say, “Hell, yeah, I did it, and there’s nothing you can do about it.  Up yours.”  He did it repeatedly, numbing many Americans’ sensitivities, and pleasing the hell out of millions of his supporters who cheered him on.

Well, with the Felon in Chief back at Mar a Lago beating the crap out of the little white ball all day, things are changing, if only a bit.  You’re already up to speed with Fled Cruz’s stupidity in taking the family to Cancun in a trip conjured up by his wife.  Characteristically, he lied that it was his daughters and their friends who wanted to go, then lied again to cover that up, lied again to cover up that lie, and then finally came clean.  Texans, normally very tolerant of Republican malfeasance and gross negligence, weren’t that tolerant this time, and I would posit that when his supporters are the ones suffering and not just the little people who don’t count 99% of the time, they get narrow minded.

Cruz is getting crucified on every social media platform.  The memes are just writing themselves, and if his arrogance wasn’t so perpetually galling, this whole episode would be funny.  This time, though, when people are freezing in the dark, bodies are now being discovered, and millions still don’t have power, water, or both, he’s actually paying a price for acting like a dumbass.

This is what happens when you elect people who don’t believe in government to manage your government.  Three of our four most visible politicians in Texas have made fools out of themselves this week.  Abbott blamed the nonexistent Green New Deal for gas fired power plants shutting down. Rick Perry crawled out from under his rock to stupidly assert that Texans would rather freeze in the dark rather than be subject to big, bad, federal regulation.  And then there’s Fled Cruz, who was doing Jack Shit sitting around his house while other politicians were out working the phones assisting with food and water distribution and checking on senior citizens.  The only one of these four, John Cornyn, while being virtually invisible, at least didn’t show is ass to the entire world.

We’ve talked about it before.  What we’re seeing here is the logical result of failed Libertarian ideology.  Libertarianism doesn’t work, has never worked, and never will work.  Period.  Yet we continue to elect politicians who spout Libertarian nonsense and make policy around it.  That’s how you get public policy that establishes voluntary compliance with clean air and clean water regulations.  That’s how you get the PUC to establish voluntary weatherproofing and maintenance requirements for power generators.  Voluntary standards for industrial safety and health are just as stupid as the SCOTUS actually saying that money equals speech and that money doesn’t corrupt when it destroyed limits on political spending in its idiotic Citizens United ruling in 2010.

Perhaps we’re finally turning the corner here on response to malfeasance.  I’m not all rainbows and unicorns here, but we had moved so far away from those quaint times when politicians like Gary Hart and Al Franken had their careers completely destroyed for really obscure and/or overblown misbehavior that a return to shaming that works is a breath of fresh air.  As we’ve said before, Fled Cruz, doesn’t care if you live or die.  He doesn’t give a shit about doing his job as a US Senator.  He doesn’t even believe in a federal government.  He didn’t give one single thought to how it looked for him to jet off to Cancun during a power crisis where people are actually dying.  The ONLY reason he came back to Houston was that social media blew up when pictures of him on a United flight exploded on millions of feeds on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.  When it hit mainstream media, even his tin ear could hear it.  That’s when he scampered back to Houston lying all the way.

Maybe we do have a light at the end of the tunnel, but we’ve got a long way to go.


Cancun Ted Slinks back to Freezer Town

February 18, 2021 By: El Jefe Category: Cruz, Power Crisis

Face a tsunami of criticism and hilarious memes, Cancun Ted slinked back into Houston this afternoon after less than 24 hours after fleeing HTX for a pleasant weekend on the beach in Mexico.  Avoiding reporters at the airport, HPD officers escorted him out the backdoor.  He was met by reporters at his home, and was as close to contrite for being a tone-deaf dickweed as I’ve ever seen him.  Here’s the report.

Updated: Cancun Ted

February 18, 2021 By: El Jefe Category: Cruz, Power Crisis

UPDATE:  Yep, it’s true.  Caught red handed fleeing the power crisis in Texas, he’s been caught again booking a coach ticket and putting himself on the upgrade list for a flight back today.  This is only getting better.  Welcome back to our world, Rafael.

ORIGINAL POST: Yesterday evening, Ted Cruz’s twitter feed went quiet.  Now, Ted loves him some Twitter, not as much as Trump did, but still likes to spout bullshit and hyper partisan insults multiple times per day.  He’s a prolific retweeter, but hasn’t done so for hours.  Why, you ask?  Apparently, Lyin’ Ted is coordinating his relief efforts for Texans freezing in the dark from…wait for it…the beach in Cancun.  That’s right, folks, reports started emerging last night that Ted and his family were photographed multiple times on a United flight to Cancun yesterday afternoon.  Several people have confirmed the report including an advisor to Jon Ossoff.

Meanwhile, Beto lead an effort in Texas yesterday making wellness calls to 151,000 senior citizens and getting people to warming centers.  Let’s be frank: Texas voters are stupid.  First, many don’t even show up to vote.  When they do show up, they vote for a carpetbagger like Cruz because he knows how to push rightwingers’ buttons.  Only in Texas can some one of Latino descent can style himself as an anti-immigrant white supremacist and get away with it.  Cruz doesn’t care if you live or die; that’s a given based on his heartless taunting and incendiary rhetoric he regularly spouts.  To help himself politically he actually bent the knee to Trump even after he insulted Cruz’s wife and accused his father of being a conspirator in the JFK assassination.  He objected to the electoral vote to suck up to Trump.  With his reputation, Cruz going off to Cancun in the middle of a statewide crisis is totally believable.  We’ll monitor this story.  Oh, and Lyin’ Ted is now Cancun Ted.

Woman Trampled to Death – On the Steps of the Capitol

January 29, 2021 By: El Jefe Category: Cruz, Insurrection, Sedition, Trump

In our effort to make sure no one forgets the violence incited by Donald Trump and encouraged by traitorous shitbags like Ted Cruz, Josh Hawley, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Paul Gosar, Lauren Boebert, Mo Brooks, and Andy Biggs (along with others) we will continue to talk about the Qanon Caucus and dangerous rightwing extremists who continue to threaten our democracy.  The NYTimes posted videos today that were presented in court yesterday where more charges were leveled at violent insurrectionists on January 6.  The article and videos can be seen here.  These videos are disturbing where a woman, Rosanne Boyland, was trampled to death in the crush at the West Entrance to the Capitol where major violence occurred.  Now, let’s be frank, here.  She was a protestor, who illegally charged the Capitol with other insurrectionists on that day.  Ironically, she was carrying a “Don’t Tread On Me” flag when she was trampled by the mob she was supporting.  Even though she was breaking the law and threatening Capitol Police, her friend’s cries for help for her are tragic.

We can never forget that day, and we must continue to remind the public that many in Congress, including those from our own state, are complicit in this tragedy that forever will be a stain on our country.

Cruz Leads the Way as National Embarrassment of Texas (for Today, at Least)

January 02, 2021 By: El Jefe Category: 2020 Election, Cruz

Cruz announced today that he has gathered up 11 GOP Senate nutbags to join together to object to the electoral vote on Wednesday insisting on a ten day “audit” of the states electoral votes by a Congressional committee.  This has no chance of passing, of course, so it’s just another idiotic partisan sideshow setting up for the 2024 election.  Hawley of Missouri announced this week that he’s going to object, so Cruz had to out do is dickishness, so he thought that a ten day delay would be a really good idea, leaving FOUR DAYS before the inauguration to finally certify the election that’s actually been final for weeks.

It’s a simply awful idea that’s coming from an awful person who once again is embarrassing our entire state.  This time, though, he’s actually trying to help Trump steal a free, fair, and final election that he lost fair and square.  How do we know this is simply a partisan sideshow?  If Cruz was serious, he would have proposed this “audit” back in November.

The Crazy Train to 2024 is already boarded and pulling out of the station.

Am I the Only One Who Noticed…

October 19, 2018 By: El Jefe Category: 2018 Election, Cruz

That Ted Cruz’s campaign logo is a map of Texas burning down?