Cruz Leads the Way as National Embarrassment of Texas (for Today, at Least)

January 02, 2021 By: El Jefe Category: 2020 Election, Cruz

Cruz announced today that he has gathered up 11 GOP Senate nutbags to join together to object to the electoral vote on Wednesday insisting on a ten day “audit” of the states electoral votes by a Congressional committee.  This has no chance of passing, of course, so it’s just another idiotic partisan sideshow setting up for the 2024 election.  Hawley of Missouri announced this week that he’s going to object, so Cruz had to out do is dickishness, so he thought that a ten day delay would be a really good idea, leaving FOUR DAYS before the inauguration to finally certify the election that’s actually been final for weeks.

It’s a simply awful idea that’s coming from an awful person who once again is embarrassing our entire state.  This time, though, he’s actually trying to help Trump steal a free, fair, and final election that he lost fair and square.  How do we know this is simply a partisan sideshow?  If Cruz was serious, he would have proposed this “audit” back in November.

The Crazy Train to 2024 is already boarded and pulling out of the station.

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0 Comments to “Cruz Leads the Way as National Embarrassment of Texas (for Today, at Least)”

  1. Grandma Ada says:

    And yet GOPers in Texas re-elected him in 2018; they must be so pleased. What words of thanks are we hearing? Greg, Dan? John? Anyone?

  2. Only in TX could a Latino immigrant get elected as a white racist.
    How do these ostensible law school graduates pass without an understanding of what the Constitution actually says.

  3. Steve from Beaverton says:

    As I mentioned in the previous post below, repugnanticans in congress will stoop as low as possible to get votes. They will certainly be violating their oath of office just to pander to the proud boys and the rest of the Trumpf cult. With 12 voting to overturn President Biden’s election in the senate and 140 in the house, the shit show on 1/6 will likely last 2 hours per state that they object EC votes from, probably 10 hours or more.
    My other thought is this absolutely cements these repugnanticans as being all out racists. No other way to describe them. Between this and not even voting on extra stimulus in the senate, Georgia democrats need to absolutely turn out and possibly others to flip the senate.

  4. Harry Eagar says:

    Hve they really thought this through?

    Let’s say they prevail and their reward is 4 more years of Trump? Is that what Ted or Josh want? Does that really set either one up for ’24?

    Or if they do not prevail? How does that strengthen the Republican party, which will now get to spend its time arguing between the small pro-democracy wing and the large pro-fascism wing?

    I thought Ted liked to present himself as a smart guy.

  5. Chloe Bear says:

    Of course they only object to the fraudulent outcome of the Presidential election but no other office. In their twisted theory apparently all the other votes were legal.

  6. Cruz announced today… a ten day “audit”

    That sounds like the same amount of time and effort he put into his Constitutional Law class in college.

  7. Sen. Ted [Craven] Cruz [R-Texass], semi-sentient buttkisser maximus– AKA- ‘DetesTed’
    One word description:
    “Craven, adjective
    Definition of craven:
    1: lacking the least bit of courage : contemptibly fainthearted
    2 archaic : DEFEATED, VANQUISHED…
    chicken, chicken-livered, chickenhearted, cowardly, dastardly, gutless, lily-livered, milk-livered [archaic], poltroon, pusillanimous, recreant, spineless, unheroic, yellow…
    Craven and its synonyms “dastardly” and “pusillanimous” are all basically fancy words for “cowardly.” “Craven” suggests extreme defeatism and complete lack of resistance. One might speak of “craven yes-men.”. “Dastardly” often implies behavior that is both cowardly and treacherous or skulking or outrageous… “Pusillanimous” suggests a contemptible lack of courage…
    “Craven.” Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, Accessed 2 Jan. 2021.”

    Unfortunately, Cruz and Cornyn were adjudged ‘to be the best Texass has to offer to the nation’ in 2018 and 2020, by a sizable majority of voters.

  8. jrkrideau says:

    I’m Canadian.

    All I can say is I’m glad you got him and not us.

  9. What if one senator objects to the senators-elect being seated because they won in possibly fraudulent elections. How would the others vote then?

  10. Elizabeth Moon says:

    For all the good (none) it will do I have registered my disapproval in Ted Cruz’s email once again.

  11. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Sandridge @ 7- Cruz and Cornyn were adjudged to be the best texas has to offer to the nation in 2018 and 2020.
    For some time, what repugnanticans look for to be the best candidate is that they are the worst person possible- most repugnant, hateful, racist, corrupt, conspiracy mongers, and worse. That description fit Trumpf to a T. And Texas is not the lone star state when it comes to such repugnantican candidates. They currently dominate the gop in congress.

  12. Jane & PKM says:

    Sandridge @7, lol thanks for the reminder of the fun times we had when there was a contest with words containing Ted, like DetesTed. Teddie Crooze being the ‘finest’ example of what Batista-lite means. Junior Raffy Daffy and Daddy Raffy Daffy need to paddle their way back to Cuba for la revolución. Next challenger to Teddie seriously needs to paint his sorry butt as the outside agitator that he is.

  13. Sandridge says:

    Jane & PKM @12, Those old mob ties override everything else, running through the generations in both the Cruz-Batista/mafia and tRump/mafia [different flavors, Sicilian, Italian, Russian, etc] families.

    Beto O’Rourke mostly stuck to that worthless old ‘high road’ crap, and lost.
    Next Dem DetesTeD opponent needs to have a quiet/stealthy arm of their campaign working the ‘down and dirty’ side of the street to the max. DetesTeD should be an easy muckrakeable target.

  14. Jane & PKM says:

    Sandridge @13, no research necessary. Go right for Crooze’s empty sack with “he failed to defend his wife…” Seriously, what man or woman could vote for a spineless loser like Crooze?

  15. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Jane & PKM- to answer your question about who would vote for someone like crooze- think you know the answer. Today’s repugnanticans. The more despicable, the more attractive a candidate. They love a loud mouth dumbshit.

  16. Sandridge says:

    Steve from Beaverton @11&15, Retchingly, you have nailed the Rethuglikan mind: utterly depraved, despicable, dishonorable, deserving of total disdain.

    Crap, another person that I sorta admired turns out to be a moneygrubbing POS. George Strait and his AITH band played for the Abbott/Patrick inauguration.

    We first saw him perform long before he was a ‘name’. Couple of times at the Rio Grande Valley Livestock Show in Mercedes, TX, the big last scheduled Valley stockshow, held in late Feb/early March. A hot afternoon-evening spent standing on the grass a few feet from the stage [no seating] with enthusiastic ~6&8y/o daughters singing along [my older kids were always exhibitors at the various deep SoTx shows].
    Might have a couple of his CDs around, won’t buy another for damned sure, although I never listen to country music anymore anyway.

    “$1.7M for George Strait, six-figure bonuses: Months later, a lawsuit forced Texas to release details on inaugural spending”:

  17. Jane & PKM says:

    Steve from Beaverton @15, that is the crux of the conundrum for those who vote against their own interests. In a word. Blindness. To reality. For all the whining they do about family values and “men being men’ etc. ad nauseum they do not or choose not to see that Teddie is no man by any stretch of the definition.

    Absurd. These Republicons who demand decency from Democrats? They wouldn’t recognize decency if, choose the Mama acceptable metaphor, it bit them in the butt.

  18. john in denver says:

    Steve from Beaverton says @3 —

    On any state the sequence will be something like
    * Pence gavels in the session, explains the process, opens the box, then reaches in for an envelope, opens it, glances, and says “xx votes for Biden.”
    * there may be a challenge. Dinking around to make certain there is a Representative and a Senator who contest the vote in writing, announcing the challenge, and then going through procedure to suspend the count to allow consideration of the challenge.
    * the Representatives stay and the Senators withdraw to their Chamber.
    * Seems likely the Objectionables will stretch to use their full time, which means two hours of debate.
    * then there is a vote in each chamber — probably with the insistence of a full roll call in the Senate and a recorded vote in the House (15 minutes at the best of times — longer, with COVID. ). The vote is announced.
    * Senators troop back to the House chamber.
    * The votes are announced, the objections are not upheld, and we move on to Pence reading votes from other states.

    Washington Post said “disposing of challenges for each state could take three to four hours.” At some point, Ted Cruz is apparently going to propose a commission — which I expect will be gaveled down as out of order, which he will protest and call for the Senate to overrule the Parliamentarian who decided the matter was out of order, there will be ANOTHER Senate vote.

    It won’t eat up the whole 14 days before the Inauguration… but it could EASILY take two LONG days of procedure.

  19. RepubAnon says:

    I’ve been watching some BBC documentaries of the French Revolution – and the Terror. The parallels to today’s Republican Party are frightening. For example, Marat, the flame-throwing propagandist of the French Revolution maps to the right wing noise machine’s constant baying for more extreme action.

  20. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Just to make 1/6 more of a shit show, Mike moma’s boy pence has come out in support of the crooze 12. Who knows what the fuck will happen Wednesday. All of these repugnanticans are at minimum doing this for elections in 2022 and 2024, besides being despicable. I just hope history puts them in their rightful place, racist authoritarians fanatics. This will require some repugnantican senators to step up and as Lisa Murkowski said, uphold their oath of office.

  21. Georgia has had to sit still for a count, two recounts (one of which was an audit), and another audit of one of the most populous counties. If these dumb sh*** think we’re going to sit still for another one, they’re crazy. Not to mention, hasn’t every questioned state already conducted thorough inspections?

    The real question now is how about states that used ES&S voting machines where the votes did not even vaguely match statistical projections, like Kentucky in particular? There needs to be an impoundment of their voting machines with a serious forensic analysis by outside analysts, and an auditing of every county, especially with ones that have more voters on the rolls than they have population (48 counties), to see if every vote matches a live registered voter in the county.

  22. Jane & PKM says:

    Teh Gerg @21 for the win! It’s not “just Georgia” as he stated. Kentucky, South Carolina and yes, even Nevada. Up here in the high desert, Washoe County isn’t exactly home to Las Vegas numbers. However as a proportion of NV-02, we are the bomb. No way no how by any metric would Mark Amodei have defeated Patricia Ackerman. Her campaign was one of the best since a young Barack Obama stole our hearts in 2008. In fact her campaign was the first those of in the most northern west corner have seen since Obama ’08. In a stunner the populous Washoe County was out voted by the ghost towns that went 80+ percent for the fu king moron and Mark Amodei.

    Interestingly Amodei is not (yet anyway) among those supporting the sedition. Wish he would – he would not survive either a recount or serious audit of those ghost towns.

  23. Harry Eagar says:

    lazrgirl @ 9 That cannot happen.In this session, the Congress is not considering votes for its own members and Pence would properly rule such a motion out of order.

    If anyone is going to challenge the validity of a member of Congress, it should have already happened:

    “Challenges to election results in both the House and Senate can, in many cases, be initiated before the new Congress convenes. Particularly in the Senate, relevant committees may even begin investigations or make recommendations on a possible resolution prior to the first session of the new Congress and lay out a planned path forward at the first session. Final resolution, however, cannot come until the new Congress sits, establishes its officers and committees, and can make its own judgments about which candidates should fill the empty seats in both chambers. Once it does, its discretion is absolute and its decision is final, as even the Supreme Court has indicated that it cannot engage in review of the chamber’s judgment. ”

  24. Lets appoint a commission to investigate Kruz’s election 2018. Its fishy.

  25. john in denver says:

    Harry Eagar @23.

    Thanks for the clear explanation. Serious, intentional and substantive objections to seating members in the House and Senate can indeed be made in advance.

    But in this age of miracles and wonders, mining of history for precedent and sifting through the innerwebz for possibilities, COULD there be (or if you see this AFTER the deeds are done, could there have been) challenges to seating for the pure spectacle of pointing out the anti-Constitutional attitudes towards elections? As I understand it, there could be objections up to the moment of recognition and people rising to take the oath.

    As Pelosi, Schumer and their Democratic delegations appear unwilling to pursue such a display, is there any other punishment / spectacle which can be used to point them out and try to shame them? Or is it simply an action without consequences until their next campaign?

  26. Harry Eagar says:

    As I understand it, anyone can challenge the seating of a member of Congress, presumably by filing the objection with the clerk of the chamber although I am not certain about that.

    I guess it would be up to the leader of the house to decide whether to take up the question. (If the challenge is to the presiding officer, I guess that one would have to stand aside, but I don’t think that’s ever come up.)

    I would favor a challenge to every member who has impugned the sanctity of the electoral report (not the election itself but the duly certified reports of the results).

    Otherwise we will hear nothing for the next 2 years but, ‘We didn’t get our hearing.’

  27. If they want to audit, go ahead, but they should be prepared for a tit-for-tat where the Democrats look at fishy numbers, like ESS no paper ballot counties in Kentucky, etc.
