Woman Trampled to Death – On the Steps of the Capitol

January 29, 2021 By: El Jefe Category: Cruz, Insurrection, Sedition, Trump

In our effort to make sure no one forgets the violence incited by Donald Trump and encouraged by traitorous shitbags like Ted Cruz, Josh Hawley, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Paul Gosar, Lauren Boebert, Mo Brooks, and Andy Biggs (along with others) we will continue to talk about the Qanon Caucus and dangerous rightwing extremists who continue to threaten our democracy.  The NYTimes posted videos today that were presented in court yesterday where more charges were leveled at violent insurrectionists on January 6.  The article and videos can be seen here.  These videos are disturbing where a woman, Rosanne Boyland, was trampled to death in the crush at the West Entrance to the Capitol where major violence occurred.  Now, let’s be frank, here.  She was a protestor, who illegally charged the Capitol with other insurrectionists on that day.  Ironically, she was carrying a “Don’t Tread On Me” flag when she was trampled by the mob she was supporting.  Even though she was breaking the law and threatening Capitol Police, her friend’s cries for help for her are tragic.

We can never forget that day, and we must continue to remind the public that many in Congress, including those from our own state, are complicit in this tragedy that forever will be a stain on our country.

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0 Comments to “Woman Trampled to Death – On the Steps of the Capitol”

  1. These stories will continue at a slurry pace and the conviction rates will continue to pop up for months. ~

  2. Thankfully, none of the terrorists started singing “The Star Spangled Banner” especially the part about bombs bursting in air, or the crazies might have obliged.

  3. RepubAnon says:

    One wonders how much longer it will be before the Republicans blame AOC and the Squad for failing to appease the Trumpistas.

  4. Steve from Beaverton says:

    And remember this guy- the man buffalo or something? Many of you have probably read the article below.

    Miss lindsey graham had a moment on the 6th where he actually said bad things about the insurrectionists, but since then has caved into them and you know who (same with Moscow mitch, kevin mccarthy and many others). Now man buffalo is saying that you know who told him to be in the capital and wants to testify against him. Miss lindsey thinks it will turn the impeachment into a circus. Repugnanticans have every intention of making it a circus.
    Yes, we cannot forget Jan 6 or those in congress that incited it and continue to act like it was ok.

  5. Hard to have sympathy for a few dead seditionists when we’re approaching a pile of 500,000 dead bodies due to the Democratic hoax. And of course the rioters were conducting the riot as a super spreading event, so the body pile gets higher. No sympathy at all…

  6. And of course the Europeans see more clearly than many of us…


  7. Steve from Beaverton says:

    And by the way, matt gaetz is dangerous. He’s positioning himself to be a younger version of you know who. He’s in Wyoming to campaign for a recall of another congressperson. Don’t count on mccarthy to reign him in. Mark my words, gaetz will make a run for president in 2024. He’s already campaigning and expect you know who to attend his rallies. The repugnanticans are just effing mentally unstable.

  8. john in denver says:

    Matt Gaetz may be dangerous … but he has no chance to be a nominee for President in 2024. Too many other whackos have been working and developing relationships around the country, and (hard to believe) Gaetz has only been bedeviling since his election as Representative (R-FL 1st District) in 2017. He might run … but only as exercise, similar to what happened with Mayor Pete and Mayor Gilliam for Democrats 2020, Rubio in 2016, Michelle Bachman in 2012. If he tries (and isn’t embarrassing), he would be more visible and viable in 2028 or 2032.

    If I were betting, I’d think he wants to position himself to be the successor to Sen. Scott … and then think about what else to do.

  9. John @ 8:
    You might be right. But since trump, old, and even fairly recent trends don’t apply. His base is the prize for repugnantcans now. And unless they form a third party, it’s gonna be that way for the foreseeable future. I don’t see the establishment doing much good with their money, unless they start backing the new trumps. And the new trumps don’t need money to begin with. They need Twitter. And the old trump’s blessing.
    They’re folks like Gaetz and even gym Jordan. The magas have got the reins now. Jan 6 will have just fired them up.

  10. Harry Eagar says:

    Gaetz has a better chance than Pence.

  11. Elizabeth Moon says:

    Elected officials who have publicly stated a desire or intent to kill, or urged others to kill, other elected officials are enemies of everyone but their immediate followers…they are terrorists and should be evicted immediately from whatever position they were elected to.

  12. The very fact that they will “eat their own” in public and in full view of video makers should condemn them forever to the fires of Hades. I can’t think of a single spoken/written language on Earth that adequately describes them.

  13. Texas Expat in CA says:

    As Beau of the Fifth Column (check out his commentaries on YouTube) says of the insurrection, “If there isn’t accountability, it’s not a failure, it’s practice.” I hope the Dems bring some riveting witnesses to the impeachment trial.
    And Lindsey Graham’s handwringing that witnesses will make the proceedings a circus are absurd. The mob on Jan. 6 already held a circus in the Capitol–a deadly, seditious circus.

  14. Steve from Beaverton says:

    The repugnantican party needs a good old fashioned cult intervention/deprogramming if they’re to emerge as a legitimate party. State repugnantican parties may be the sickest of all. Several have come out with bizarre support of the conspiracies about the insurrection. Here in Oregon they came out with an actual public statement that it was all a false flag carried out by democrats. I was somewhat surprised that every repugnantican in the state House of Representatives signed a statement yesterday condemning their party statement and stance. I hope they continue to eat each other here and in congress. That could help in 2022 and 2024.

  15. Jane & PKM says:

    The “Don’t Tread On Me” event organized/sponsored by Alex Jones, heiress Julie Jenkins Fancelli (Publix Super Markets Inc. chain) and multiple operatives of the tRump campaign.

    That’s a PSA for who do I sue and where do I sign for injured parties.

  16. If y’all recall, for more than a month previously I had been urging* y’all to have a look at a radical RWNJ website [ thedonald.win, since changed to patriots.win ,[done for several reasons, factional disputes among others]]. To give a look into what was coming on January 6: the Rethug insurrection and prelude to a coup d’etat of our American government.

    Now there is analytical proof that this RWNJ website was an integral part of the scheme, playing a significant role in both the planning and execution of Trump and the Republican’s attempt to overthrow OUR government.

    [* named one of my daughters ‘Cassandra’ for a reason… https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cassandra ]’


    “In the days ahead of the January 6 Capitol riot, there were warnings, but no guarantee that the day would turn violent.
    —But users of TheDonald.win, a major online pro-Trump forum,—
    were preparing for a fight, posting maps of the Capitol and swapping messages about being ready to die.
    —In the wake of the carnage, law enforcement identified TheDonald.win as a key planning platform for the insurrectionists.—-
    And on Inauguration Day, the forum established a new domain,
    —rebranding as Patriots.win.—
    Alongside that transition,
    —thousands of posts from lead up to the riot have disappeared from the site—
    as though they were never there.

    Mother Jones‘s analysis of the site’s existing archives, conducted by cross-referencing what remains with other records, suggests the forum’s administrators removed all posts made between December 19 and January 6. Posts from before and after remain accessible. While the site has not publicly explained the gap, Holt thinks they may have been attempting to protect themselves or their users from legal repercussions. “I think there is a very fair question here whether moderators of The Donald destroyed evidence that would aid law enforcement investigation,” Holt says.

    Bennett Gershman, a criminal and constitutional law professor at the Pace University School of Law says the removals could bring additional legal troubles. “Destroying evidence after you’ve committed a crime might itself be a crime. We’re talking about potentially tampering with evidence,” he says. “By removing these communications you’re evidencing a consciousness of guilt. Removing evidence that would incriminate you could be inferred that you engaged in criminal activity.”

