Cancun Ted Slinks back to Freezer Town

February 18, 2021 By: El Jefe Category: Cruz, Power Crisis

Face a tsunami of criticism and hilarious memes, Cancun Ted slinked back into Houston this afternoon after less than 24 hours after fleeing HTX for a pleasant weekend on the beach in Mexico.  Avoiding reporters at the airport, HPD officers escorted him out the backdoor.  He was met by reporters at his home, and was as close to contrite for being a tone-deaf dickweed as I’ve ever seen him.  Here’s the report.

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0 Comments to “Cancun Ted Slinks back to Freezer Town”

  1. He’s not tone-deaf. He just doesn’t give a flying fig about anything but his own hold on power and a possible run for prez in the future. What good is he as a senator if he can’t help out his constituents when they’re hurting?

    Beto had his people calling 150,000 folks to check on how they were doing and if they needed anything. Would any of that have occurred to Ted? No. He lacks the empathy gene just like his Dear Leader.

  2. Ted Scruz Texas

  3. 2 posts back Cheryl mentioned Beto helping organize operations helping Texans. I think it’s wellness checks for seniors. Hes definitely a public servant, and he ain’t even in office.
    Another great example of a true Texas public servant was interviewed by Brian Williams last night. His name is Willie Rios, and he’s a city council member for the town of South Houston. He was out in the cold night helping sewage plant workers keep generators going. He sure as hell wasn’t in Cancun. But I doubt any of his neighbors were surprised. During Harvey he drove his John Deere tractor through floodwater pulling 250 or so of them out of their flooded homes. I was gonna try to put a link here for his interview from last night but apparently I’m not smart enough. [Just ask my daughters 😉 }.
    It’s funny. I don’t know if if this guy’s a Democrat or a Republican.
    And I couldn’t care less.
    I’d vote for him.

  4. Steve from Beaverton says:

    It’s too bad so many Texans just don’t care how hypocritical and dishonest he is as long as he’s not a democrat, and is a loud mouth. Maybe this will change some minds about who he really is. And Abbott.
    Sorry for those that have to pay the price of their elected officials. Well, at least those that didn’t vote for them. The rest of you, hell is freezing over.

  5. Steve from Beaverton, don’t hold your breath. As long as they can scream “atifa!” and “AOC!” and “abortion!” the lamebrains will continue to vote for them.

    We’ve got to get our hands on the Stacy Abrams playbook….

  6. Its just a matter of time until his lie/truth percentage passes

  7. And I’m so sorry to hear HPD escorted him home. I wish they’d just told him, “You got yourself there, you get yourself out.

  8. WA Skeptic says:

    He should have called the Proud Boys; that’s his crew.

  9. Jane & PKM says:

    HPD should have left DetesTed to walk home; after giving citizens a “heads up” so they could organize snowball greetings along his walk.

  10. Grandma Ada says:

    I’ve noticed when Cruz or any GOP official has to ad lib a lie, it is so obvious. He had no intention of doing anything but stay in Cancun but he saw the news on his phone and realized he had to get back and sulk. It’s not like he’s done anything to help anyone but himself.

  11. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Probably wishful thinking but hope his power, heat and water are off when he gets home. Can’t even flush his toilet.

  12. Jane & PKM says:

    While we agree with every effort President Biden is sending to help the red state citizens, there oughta be a law he forces every seditionist Congress varmint to sign that they be summarily executed at the first breath they take denying aid to blue states.

    Enough already of their cruelty and divisiveness.

  13. When found out, his first reaction was to lie. He’s a good Republican, but please stop calling him Ted.

    The National Union of Ted Supporters (NUTS) do not accept him as a member.

    How about we call him “El Gusano?”

    Ted in Olympia

  14. Linda Lester says:

    I get the outrage over the Cancun trip. I wrote to him about it yesterday and reminded him that his Lord and Master DT called him Lyin Ted in 2016. DT was right on that. I got the response Senator Cruz is out of the office.
    So why is there no reminder outrage about his role in the January 6 insurrection and violation of his oath of office.
    But very okay with the outrage over Cancun Ted.

  15. From a friend’s FB page. “I don’t think people appreciate the tough call Ted had to make: “Do I blame my kids, or do I blame my wife?”

  16. With friends like Hiedi’s, Ted don’t need enemies.

  17. The Surly Professor says:

    weakgrip @2 shows a strong grip: “Ted Scruz Texas” goes into my NamesOfPoliticans file. Oops, sorry. As per Ted @13, that is “Rafael Scruz Texas”.

    There’s a serious aspect to it. If the Republicans insisted on calling Obama “Hussein” for 8+ years, we should make sure Rafael sticks. On his request for upgrade on the flight, he did list his name as “Cru, R”.

    Finally, this link comes with a warning. It’s safe for work, but not safe for lunch:

  18. Ted@13, I would like to join the NUTS. My dear departed daddy was named Ted, and a sweeter, kinder, man never lived. Rafael Cruz doesn’t deserve to share a syllable with him, much less a name.

  19. Buttermilk Sky says:

    The American hospitality industry is suffering, too. There are beaches in Puerto Rico, St. Thomas and Hawaii where the girls could swim and sun. I thought AMERICA FIRST was the GQP motto. Porque Mexico?

  20. “Slinked.” Just for fun, here’s some stuff on conjugates.

    In Rafael’s case, I’ll go for “slithered back into Houston on his snake belly.”

  21. The Surly Professor says:

    Umpty-Dump, I vote for “slunk”. There is the other definition for it, basically a born-dead calf covered with slime and afterbirth. That mental visual really matches Rafael.
