All Lime and Salt – No Tequila

September 27, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Y’all, you know that it’s gutter dredging time when Newt Gingrich is giving debate advice to Mitt Romney.

And Newt’s advice:  be assertive.  Yeah, Mitt, be the manly man that is the Newtie.

Okay, let’s be honest about this.  Those two boys are all lime and salt, no tequila.

Imagine either one of them in this picture.

I’m not saying that Mitt and Newt are kinda wimpy, but neither of them could pull this off, Honey.  I’m from Texas, I would know.

So Mitt should get all up in the President’s face and stomp his feet? Y’all I would pay $100 cash American money to see that.  But, luckily, I’ll get to see it for free.  On the teevee.  In one week.

I can hardly wait, y’all.

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