Yeah Right, Eloy. UPDATED

September 26, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Seamar Diver’s International, Stafford, Texas.

Eloy, of course, voted in the Republican Primary this year.

We built the roads to his business.  We educated his workers.  We keep airplanes from falling out of the sky on his head.  We let him know to batten down for a hurricane.  We supply safe water for his workers to drink.  We pick up his garbage and allow him to flush his toilet into our sewer system.

By the way, the mayor of the city where Eloy’s business abides is a Democrat who runs such an efficient government that it’s the only city in the county without property taxes.  That’s gotta chap Eloy’s butt.


Lookie what I missed but Alfredo caught:

Seamar’s Florida Operations is well positioned to manage the high demand of the international and domestic cruise line and shipping industry as well as various underwater construction projects managed by city, state and federal authorities.

And whaddya know, there’s Ole Elroy sucking off the government teat.

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0 Comments to “Yeah Right, Eloy. UPDATED”

  1. Don A in Pennsyltucky says:

    I wonder who “We” refers to.

  2. Ah Eloy, but that oil and gas industry for and with whom you work live off the government, so yes indeed you do have government help.

  3. Elizabeth Moon says:

    Don A: Eloy’s “we”–probably means him and a bank. The other “we” is “We the people” otherwise known as taxpayers via the government that supplied the services.

    Everyone else: People like Eloy need to a) read “The Man Without a Country” and b) then have every government-supplied service removed from him: He and his business can’t use the roads, can’t use municipal water supplies or sewer service, can’t use municipal garbage pickup (or private, because they’d use government-contracted roads to get there), can’t fly or ship their goods on aircraft that land on airports built or maintained with tax money, can’t travel or ship their goods through any port built or maintained with tax money, or on any ship inspected by a U.S. agency, can’t receive any reports (such as weather) originating from tax money, can’t depend on tax-supported fire, police, or EMS, can’t go to any hospital built with or operated with tax money, can’t hire workers educated in public schools or universities, can’t have contracts with any government division…and so on.

    These selfish SOBs need to be hauled up short and made to recognize–and show some damn gratitude for–what the combined efforts of others have provided them. And then they need a good clue-batting from some old ladies like me to teach them manners, because Eloy clearly has the manners of someone raised in a hog pen.

  4. The “we” if it’s a bank, probably got some “TARP” or “bailout” money from the government…. at some point in time.

    Mr. Anaya….. your sign is a big load of B.S.

    I’m Miemaw, and I approve this message.

  5. This is one of the best discussions going on here. I needed to be reminded to tell folks who say “but the corporations, even if I hate them, are the ones that make the jobs” and I can retort, “Yeah, but nobody could get to work without the gummint funded roads and they couldn’t flush the toilets without the (socialistic, or redistributed wealth) of the folks who pay taxes to make it happen, and…..

  6. Sam in Kyle says:

    The email for Eloy’s company is:

    I made sure he knew my opinion of his sign.

  7. You got some real “tools” in Texas … well, we’ve got some here in CO, too … Does anyone really know where Republicans store their brains? Or maybe I’m being overly kind to even suggest they have brains! Their one working brain cell is up their butt and when they have a healthy BM, the crap even that one out!!

  8. Elizabeth Moon says:

    By the way, was Seamar involved in any way with the Deep Horizons blowout or any of the cleanup that followed? Inquiring minds want to know.

  9. Ya’ll, if we tested the meanness quotient with a dipstick, it would be a few gallons high and spurting out around Texas. Apparently that testosterone level that drops when the good ol’ boys think their candidate is losing has a rebound effect, causing this kind of a hateful banner. And then there’s a billboard on IH 35 just south of Belton with a photo of POTUS and the caption, “Ruin America–Yes We Can.” And the stoopid lynched chair in Austin. And the spewing Teabaggers on a local on-line forum,

  10. SomedayGirl says:

    If you put in the company name and contracts, the first results are for contracts with Mexico’s nationalized oil company and the city of Marathon, FL. Good to know no government ever did a damn thing for his bidness. Nothing to see there, folks, just move along.

  11. aggieland liz says:

    How bout the Fed y’all? Who clears those checks and wire transfers that are HIS money, huh??

  12. Would that be the royal, editorial, or nutjob “we?”

  13. I wonder what this stupid little man would do without Does he send his workers, his boats, his construction supplies out into the Gulf of Mexico without a weather report?

    Ick, his disrespect of the President is sickening. Thank God for the FDA. I can buy safe stomach medicine.

  14. Ralph Wiggam says:

    I’ll bet his local Police and Fire departments are pleased to know that they have been protecting him all these years and they get NO credit for their work. Maybe they should announce that he is no longer protected by “The Government”. I wonder what would happen.

  15. I wonder how Eloy receives or sends his mail?

  16. So his company profile states: Commercial Diving services to local, state and federal government agencies and he has a website (gee, guess who created the internet?)

  17. Elizabeth Moon says:

    And since I’d rather write annoying letters to people who get themselves written up here than work on the current book, I also popped off an email to Mr. Analya, though I wish I’d read about his government contracts first. Still, it was a pretty firm commentary on his claim that he’d never used any government aid in building his business, and there was a little stinger in the tail, courtesy of that nest of wasps that came down on me.

  18. if you google “eloy anaya” and go to “images” , you will see a photo of the banner. click on the banner and you wiil see a website “the gateway pundit’ in the background. close out the photo and you will see several comments. one of the comments is from Eloy Anaya. very interesting to read how he defends placing the sign on his property and why he disrespects the office of the president.

  19. Eloy must figure government money one step removed from him doesn’t affect his business one way or the other. Maybe his divers can try climbing out of the water and onto an oil platform with one step of the ladder removed. Call it, oh I don’t know, an unnecessary government step.

  20. Juanita Jean says:

    P. Moore – it’s right here. You know, you’d think that being from Cuba, Eloy would have studied some Cuban history and learned that destroying the middle class – exactly what Romney and his friends want to do – is what caused the revolution.

  21. You know this piece of work … Eloy Anaya has a Facebook page … but, of course, you’d have to “friend” him to be able to leave any comments on his page! I think I’d have to scrub my computer if I did that … however, in case anyone would care to … just type in his name!! There is more then one with his name, but he’s the one in Sugarland, TX … he’s easy to spot! LOL

  22. great! juanita, ill pass it on. a friend of mine said he saw the banner today. it is amazing to read his comment and see how he rationalizes his beliefs. it will catch up with him one day and Romney wont be there to catch him.

  23. Mr. Anaya is Cuban! As a Cuban, he was afforded a privileged position relative to other immigrants coming to the U.S. The United States Congress passed the Cuban Adjustment Act in 1966. The Cuban Refugee Program provided more than $1.3 billion of direct financial assistance to Cubans, like him. He was also eligible for public assistance, Medicare, free English courses, scholarships, and low-interest college loans. Some banks even pioneered loans for exiles who did not have collateral or credit but received help in getting a business loan. These loans enabled many Cuban Americans to secure funds and start up their own businesses. So Anaya is a liar! He did not do this himself. He has America to thank for it!

  24. They played the “frat boy enema OD” tale here on the news last night. What can anyone say about this kind of stupidity? Oh, he lived.

  25. Obama can kiss our ass?? He and who else have only one ass between them? Very odd. Sort of like a two-headed snake!

  26. Is anyone going to go stand by that sign and hold up a true one and take a picture? Just curious.

  27. Naniintexas says:

    I was confused until I read the comments and learned he is a Cuban. Most of us Mexican-Americans respect the president of the United States regardless of his party affiliation. (Well, okay the exception was Shrub).

  28. I’m really old, and my husband is older still, but we can’t remember a campaign that was this ugly — just ugly. The Romney campaign is still running the lie-about-welfare ad and unapologetic. And now this idiocy. Imagine a Cuban immigrant who has prospered beyond belief (possibly largely because of government contracts) now disrespecting the office of the President, and actually saying that he has paid taxes, so whatever government resources he’s been using were all built by him. Does he really think that his personal taxes paid for all those resources? Gee, we pay taxes, too, and now find that many states are getting more out of federal taxes than they’re paying in. I’m guessing we helped pay for that. I wish that all of his local, state, and federal services would just suddenly stop.

    Thanks Elizabeth Moon and JJ’s other clients. You help keep me from going completely crazy (on the edge some days, though).

  29. I am going to assume he has to bid for some of those government projects, and he has to be even background investigated for some. Bet he starts getting turned down…
