All Lime and Salt – No Tequila

September 27, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Y’all, you know that it’s gutter dredging time when Newt Gingrich is giving debate advice to Mitt Romney.

And Newt’s advice:  be assertive.  Yeah, Mitt, be the manly man that is the Newtie.

Okay, let’s be honest about this.  Those two boys are all lime and salt, no tequila.

Imagine either one of them in this picture.

I’m not saying that Mitt and Newt are kinda wimpy, but neither of them could pull this off, Honey.  I’m from Texas, I would know.

So Mitt should get all up in the President’s face and stomp his feet? Y’all I would pay $100 cash American money to see that.  But, luckily, I’ll get to see it for free.  On the teevee.  In one week.

I can hardly wait, y’all.

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0 Comments to “All Lime and Salt – No Tequila”

  1. So Newt is still trying to make himself a player. Even Romney isn’t dumb enough to take advice from Newt.

  2. A sleazy loser giving advice to a wimpy loser. I like it. Go, Repubs.

  3. aggieland liz says:

    Don’t count on that TE, he’s referencing that malevolent reptilian Phil Gramm. Not sure there is a limit on his stupidity. Reminds me of calculus: the limit as x approaches infinity…anything that reminds me of calculus qualifies as a terrifying thought!!

  4. Kay Carrasco says:

    Whoa. I hadn’t seen that photo of the President in the hat. Rrrrrraaarrr….! {ahem} Just sayin’….

  5. As native Texan which automatically allows me to judge the fitness of a male person to wear a cowboy hat – I say HELL YEAH to POTUS.

    Back in the days of John Travolta wearing cowboy hats, I lived in New Orleans and about fell off my desk chair the day my lawyer boss came with one on – told him, FLAT OUT – NO, you look ridiculous – he even had one of those giant feather hatbands that were so popular at the time.

  6. Austinhatlady says:

    I’m with Kay and Eykis! Oh. My. Goodness. Although, to paraphrase the title of Mae West’s memoir, “goodness has nothing to do with it.”

    Got to forward this to my good friend, Holly, just in case she hasn’t seen that pix.

  7. @Kay – LOL. I agree, he wears it well. Heckuva lot better than our governor, who always makes it look like part of a Halloween costume.
    Now if the POTUS would only come out in a flight suit, that would be a picture worth having. He’s got too much class, though, so we won’t be seeing that.

  8. LucyTooners says:

    Hey Kay I had the same thought. Whoa that hat even adds to the coolness (and sexy) factor of BHO. I wonder if Michelle has him use it for playtime sessions 🙂

  9. Our President is one fine looking dude I have to admit. No one, absolutely no one has a better smile!

    Mittens is whimpy. Next time you see him on the tee vee machine, notice how he walks. Little, mincing steps.

  10. June … you have it right … when Prez. Obama smiles, his entire face just lights up … his smile makes me smile!

    And, the Mittster … I read someone’s comment on Facebook the other day that Mitt walks like he has to pee-pee with a pants load!!

    Cracked me up and I agree … he walks weird … his smile is cold and his eyes are dead!

  11. Obama does look good in that hat. “Just here to clean up the town, ma’am….”

    One day two of us saw our little old bald Czechoslovakian repro biology professor get out of the elevator in a huge cowboy hat. Mercifully we were so shocked we didn’t fall to the floor laughing until he was around the corner. I bet he never dared to let his wife see him in that hat.

  12. I doubt there’s anyone in the world who wouldn’t aspire to have that smile. It’s beautiful, and it’s the real deal. Oh, if only my dentist could do that for me!
