Archive for October, 2022

Getting Up With Fleas

October 18, 2022 By: El Jefe Category: Corruption, Trump

Lay down with dogs, get up with fleas.  That old adage was never more true than when it comes to TFG in ANY endeavor.  Let’s take the cases of Andy Litinsky and Will Wilkerson, co-founders of TFG Media & Technology, the owner of Truth Social, the Twitter of racists, insurrectionists, and weirdos.  When the company was founded, Trump demanded 90% of the stock for the use of his name and his occasional involvement.  Classic TFG, taking almost all the money for doing nothing.

But it gets worse.  According to Wilkerson’s SEC whistleblower report, last year, after the company launched, TFG called Litinsky and demanded he gift some of his company stock to Melania.  That’s right, he actually demanded that the president of the company give up his stock to TFG’s wife.  This is also classic TFG – 90% of OPM (Other People’s Money) is not enough.  He wants it all.  Litinsky refused, pointing out not only how absurd the idea was but that it would trigger a large tax bill.  Nonetheless, TFG persisted in his demand, ultimately removing him from the board 5 months later.  Litinsky has hired lawyers to sue the company.

Wilkerson, who was a senior vice president at the time, filed a whistleblower complaint against TFG with the SEC and then gave an interview to the Washington Post.  The company fired him the next day in retaliation, which is also illegal.  It goes without saying that the SEC is investigating.

I know of no one who’s worked for, or done business with TFG who has benefitted from the relationship.  Trump cheats, steals, and intimidates everyone around him.  Talk about fleas; if a person stays with him, the results are generally not good, and can ultimately lead to fleas like jail time and financial ruin.  And yet people follow him and do his bidding.

It is truly bewildering.

Thank You!

October 16, 2022 By: Half Empty Category: Uncategorized

Here on the Left Coast, in the California “Fighting 41st”, we have a congressional race between Ken Calvert, a Trump-endorsed 30-year Republican veteran, and Will Rollins, a young, energetic former federal prosecutor of 1/6 insurgents. And a Democrat.

You already know this because I have previously requested donations from the Juanita Jean reader community to promote the Will Rollins “Visibility Campaign” to purchase 50 4′ X 8′ campaign signs.

I kicked in a few dead presidents toward the signage, and several of Juanita’s readers have responded to my shameless begging. So here are some of the fruits of our donations.

Thank you!

SCOTUS Issues Surprise

October 13, 2022 By: El Jefe Category: Treason (Yes, We're Going There), Trump

This afternoon, the SCOTUS issued a one sentence rebuke of TFG in his efforts to hamstring the DOJ investigating his theft of thousands of government documents.  The order, one sentence long, said:


The application to vacate the stay entered by the United States Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit on September 21, 2022, presented to Justice Thomas and by him referred to the Court is denied.

Even the SCOTUS can occasionally surprise by doing its goddam job.

Yeah, Indicted

October 13, 2022 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, so as I was getting ready for the hearing, my eye captured this on the CNN website.



Last month, they stuffed their fish with weights to win a prize of about $20,000.  Big scandal. Really big.

Last time I checked, Trump sits at his golf resort reading classified documents. Or having someone read them to him just for the helluva it.

God bless America.


It Comes As No Surprise.

October 13, 2022 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Recently Mike Huckabee was asked why Republican men don’t answer polls.

Okay, to begin with, I didn’t know that was a thing.  Republican men I see are wearing red hats, screaming their lungs out, eating a lot to look bigger so they can be easily seen, and waving guns around.

But, apparently, the reason they do poorly in polls is … your fault.

Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee (R) told Fox News that conservative White men are so concerned about being politically persecuted, they refuse to participate in polls, lest they be arrested by the FBI for their beliefs.

Said Huckabee: “If you’re one of those people, you’re kind of thinking that any given day the FBI may show up, bang your door down, and haul you in. If not, they may put you on a list, call you a domestic terrorist, a threat to democracy. So, conservatives simply don’t answer polls. So, I think we’re seeing something that really can’t be factored in.”

The reason they don’t answer polls is because they are impotent  scardy cats.

Thanks, Preacher Mike.


Think Again

October 13, 2022 By: Half Empty Category: Uncategorized

If you have concluded what happened on the bridge between Russia and Crimea…

Think again.