It Comes As No Surprise.

October 13, 2022 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Recently Mike Huckabee was asked why Republican men don’t answer polls.

Okay, to begin with, I didn’t know that was a thing.  Republican men I see are wearing red hats, screaming their lungs out, eating a lot to look bigger so they can be easily seen, and waving guns around.

But, apparently, the reason they do poorly in polls is … your fault.

Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee (R) told Fox News that conservative White men are so concerned about being politically persecuted, they refuse to participate in polls, lest they be arrested by the FBI for their beliefs.

Said Huckabee: “If you’re one of those people, you’re kind of thinking that any given day the FBI may show up, bang your door down, and haul you in. If not, they may put you on a list, call you a domestic terrorist, a threat to democracy. So, conservatives simply don’t answer polls. So, I think we’re seeing something that really can’t be factored in.”

The reason they don’t answer polls is because they are impotent  scardy cats.

Thanks, Preacher Mike.


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0 Comments to “It Comes As No Surprise.”

  1. John from Lake Oswego says:

    Or, like Mike Pence, they REALLY, REALLY want to be El Presidente in 2024 and do not want to scare the baseless. This might tend to include Mighty Mike hisownself!

  2. I don’t recall a lot from my elementary school days but I always remember the loudest, most obnoxious characters in class never ever wanted their conduct on record. It is sort of like that. Maybe the only thing they learned in school.

    And speaking of, many of these MAGA hat wearers don’t really seem to have much education. Many of them actually believe that none of the rioters ever did anything actually wrong and they are all going to jail simply because the lib-controlled FBI got got their number and no other reason.

  3. Maybe the questions are just too hard for them.

  4. Bingo! Hahaha, Huckabee spilled the beans on what we already knew …Conservative White men live in constant fear and guilt.
    Now you KNOW why they have to carry a gun and blame ‘the Others’, they live in constant FEAR and GUILT!

    And maybe, just maybe, if they weren’t such bigoted hypocrites they wouldn’t be ‘impotent scardy cats’ or have to worry about being arrested by the FBI so much.

  5. AK Lynne @ 2

  6. They probably haven’t figured out how to answer the phone poll when they get one.

  7. Mike @ 6,

    I hang up on phone polls. My reason: I don’t know who they are. So why would I want to give an unknown group or person information that they could use for nefarious purposes to possibly harm me? More likely politicians like Huck, Cruz, Greene, Boebert would put ordinary citizens like us on that list.

  8. Papa@7
    One time I got a call from The Republican Issues Poll.
    When I said the only issue I had with Republicans was that they weren’t hanging them fast enough, they hung up on me.

  9. Laurel in California says:

    Wondering about Republican women. Kansas suggests at least some of them are not answering poll questions, either. Maybe they don’t want their idjit spouses to know how they plan to vote.

  10. I tell political pollsters that this is America where there are secret ballots. Thus, I do not answer political polls. They hang up on me. Very satisfying.

  11. How are Republican men replying to poll questions, that the FBI has to be called on them?

    When pollsters ask whether they agree with a proposal, have no opinion, or disagree, do they instead say “I want to blow that thing up,” or “I want to kill someone?”

  12. TedinAustin says:

    Successful long-term R strategy. Warp the voter mind, instill the fear. Beautiful Result: skewed polling!

  13. Some time ago I started getting polling calls from a university in New Jersey, name starting with the letter M. The little old lady on the other end and I had a great time with the answers. Questions like, do you think that President Trump should be held accountable (fill in the blank for your selves). Obviously, this was not an R poll. It was a great experience. It broke my gloom of the recorded Trump calls cussing out Nancy Pelosi. Wish she would call again so we could discussion Constitutional issues!

  14. oldymoldy says:

    they may not but this is pure huckabeeesque bullshit. They’re a bunch’a goddamn pussies!
