Wait a Minute. Wait Just A Damn Minute.

January 26, 2022 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

So, I’m pretty sure I have this right and I will apologize if I am wrong but it appears to me that Melania Trump is a giant bag of doodle. Yeah, I think so.  Bag ‘O Doodle.

The weird lady is selling her clothing.  Well, that’s incorrect.  Diane Von Furstenberg sells her clothing. Melanie sells her clothes.  Yeah, used. She goes on the Internet Machine and sells her clothes for all the world to see.  And she even provides pictures of when she wore them in the White House.

The website teasingly says that a portion of the proceeds will go to help minority children learn to use computers.  Yeah, it does not say what percentage and I’m sure that whatever tiny amount she does donate will be taken off her taxes, not the real donor’s taxes.

And she wants to be paid in some weird kind of money called Solana – probably Confederate Graybacks – that tanked the day before the auction ended.

Lurleen wants to know if the big game hunter get-up that Melania wore to Africa is going to be sold because Lurleen thinks the message of British-settler-here-to-take-your-land might not be the look our First Lady  should sport. Lurleen says if she went to Africa, she’d go for the Katherine Hepburn in African Queen look.  You know, because Katherine Hepburn came home with Humphrey Bogart and Melania came home to Crate O’ Doodle.

I will apologize if I am wrong about the former First Lady selling her previously worn First Lady clothes on the Internet. You know those people made off with some of the silverware they are going to sell, right?

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0 Comments to “Wait a Minute. Wait Just A Damn Minute.”

  1. Jane & PKM says:

    Oh noes Ms JJ. In addition to all her other ‘attributes’ you are revealing that Messy Drumpf might also be tacky and money grubbing? C’mon INS can you not revoke her “genius” visa for being dumber than a bag of wet hair and the most tone deaf not a First Lady evuh? All due apologies to the late Babs Bush, but you have been beaten in the tone deaf department.

    Once said that Millie Bush was the smartest member of the Bush tribe. Meh. Millie is the smartest occupant of the WH evuh in a Republicon administration.

  2. So she sells her personal clothes, good for her! The really st00pid people are the buyers!! they pay outrageous prices for USED CLOTHES. Just go to the Salvation Army, they are a lot cheaper!!

  3. Does she own the rights to her “model shoots” on that airplane? Selling them off might bring in more dinero.
    Also might not.
    Videos of her with hubby and epstein might be real money makers.

  4. slipstream says:

    I really don’t care, do u?

  5. And slipstream wins the internet for today’s best post!

    Just my silly opinion

  6. chester@ 3. – Perhaps Melania could sell her porno thong she wore on that airplane…oh wait, she didn’t wear one.

    Poor Melania, she may have to start buying her clothes off-the-rack (gasp) at an outlet, side by side with the working public. (Sarcasm)

  7. The Surly Professor says:

    Ahh, but y’all should not miss out the paragraph that illuminates how classy the former guy’s third (or is it fourth?) wife is:

    “A portion of the proceeds derived from this auction will provide foster care children with access to computer science and technology education,” read a small disclosure on the auction’s website. The rest, presumably, will go to Trump herself. Trump’s office did not respond to questions about how much of the proceeds will be donated, and to which charity.

    Wanna bet she’ll buy a laptop and a “Coding for Idiots” book for Barron and call that the “portion”?

  8. Surly Professor @ 7,
    Of course, she’s going to take all the money. She’s building her war chest in case she has to make a quick exit when tfg is taken away in cuffs or goes bankrupt.

  9. Jane & PKM says:

    Papa @8 you are correct. Messy is that stupid. Prima facie case: she married the ***king moron**. Two, she believed her grift could go on forevuh and failed to make the same off shore banking arrangements as the rest of the crime family. Messy is felony level stupid even among felons.

    Deport her. Deport her now and her two anchor “baby” parents. Barron? He’s a kid. He was not evuh given a choice in his ‘rents. So let’s give the kid a break. Despite all odds against him, there is still hope he could become the first decent Drumpf.

  10. The Surly Professor says:

    Someone on-line pointed out that we’ve seen far more photos of T**** with Jeffrey Epstein than with Barron. [Compare that to how often Obama was photographed with his daughters … and zero photos with known child molesters.]

    As for Melanoma, she’s just not that bright. Normally, I’d say she’s not worth any thought, time, or bile I can come up with. But I’ve had to write letters for Ph.D. students of mine to get a work visa to remain in the U.S., and the key point the letters must establish is that they have skills and capabilities that no US citizen has or can provide. My students have mastered research in math, computer science, and physics that makes them highly sought by companies and the Department of Energy, the Defense Department, and other three-letter agencies. That’s why I’m especially exasperated that a nude model gets a visa, for being willing to have sex with a disgusting bloated narcissist.

    It’s worse than just that. Trump established an anti-immigrant mindset that the US is already paying the price for. 30 years ago the absolute best students from Asia and Europe came here, and stayed on to enrich all tech areas. Now, far too many of them return to China, India, Turkey, Japan, France, etc. after finishing their graduate degrees. But we get to keep his clueless wife!

  11. I guess that prenup isn’t looking so good these days.

  12. Grandma Ada says:

    She and the Old Pretender belong together. If he loses all his money (which I dream about), she’ll just start selling other pieces of clothing.

  13. Melanoma will skip back to her home turf.

    We will breathe a sigh…

  14. She’s so smart! Her auction opened up with cryptocurrency only allowed—the day it crashed.

  15. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Grandma Ada, if her crime boss hubby loses all his money (I can only wish) and is wearing prison garb (wishing even harder), she can just sell her “ ask me if I care” jean jacket, etc., but in my humble opinion, she sold herself years ago. Shame is what she deserves for, as the Surly Professor said, having “sex with a disgusting bloated narcissist”. Let’s see, what do they call that? Not a First Lady…. but a 5 letter word starting with “w”. I’ll leave it at that.

  16. Harry Eagar says:

    I had not heard of Solana but I looked it up anf I totally believe $1,800,000,000 Ameros were exchanged for Solanas yesterday.
