Trump Reminds Us of Why He’s Unfit for Any Office

January 31, 2022 By: El Jefe Category: 2024 Election, Insurrection, Trump, Trumpists

This weekend I was reminded of Liz Cheney’s words at the beginning of the January 6th committee investigation that they had a responsibility “…to make sure that Donald Trump is not our nominee, and that he’s never anywhere close to the reins of power ever again.”  TFG was in the Houston area on Saturday grifting money from stupid and corrupt fans, playing his Top 40 hits of lies and hate.  This time, though, he added a new promise to the menu – to pardon the insurrectionists who’ve been charged, convicted, and jailed for attempting to overthrow the US government.  That’s right, folks, even after reversing himself on vaccines, which pissed off the base, he terrified everyone else with his promise to pardon the criminals who did his bidding on January 6th.  On top of that chilling declaration, he called for his supporters to demonstrate in New York and Georgia should prosecutors bring charges against him and his family.

TFG’s profound corruption is back on public display where he demonstrated that nothing at all has changed; he puts his own welfare and wallet in front of all other priorities, including the public welfare.  He doesn’t care if you live or die, as long as the lights are always focused on him and his followers do his bidding without question.

The stakes have never been so high as they are right now.

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0 Comments to “Trump Reminds Us of Why He’s Unfit for Any Office”

  1. For most of us who managed to survive the Golden Gibbon’s administration, his blather is just more of the same from someone whose mind is clearly getting more and more unhinged. Of all people, he should know that he is more than likely to be taken out violently by one of his MAGA hat owners who have become thoroughly fed up with his “promises”. But, hey, HIs Neediness will always get in his own way.

  2. e platypus onion says:

    Much better listening than Rogan…. “I Almost Cut My Hair”

    Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young circa 1974

    Who knew they did the blues?

  3. G Foresight says:

    Grifters gotta grift and drain money from “followers.”

    TX angle: A-butt said the Don’s name 27 times in a less than 6 minute speech at that Conroe, TX revival to try to quiet the crowd that was BOOing the TX Gov’ner. He “realizes that the only way to keep the MAGA crowd from booing him is to just keep saying, it over and over again. So he does.”

    Video here:

  4. Nick Carraway says:

    I’m sure El Jefe or Juanita will do a full story on this, but in his latest mailer he apparently admitted he was trying to overturn the election (his words and not mine). TFG’s long standing strategy is to tell you exactly what he is doing and just assume that you think it’s a smokescreen. There is no smokescreen. There is not subtlety. It is what it is.

  5. Donald must have listened to this song by Neil Young too many times:

    There’s more to the picture
    Than meets the eye
    Hey, hey, my, my

    It’s better to burn out than to fade away

  6. Grandma Ada says:

    He said aloud he’d pardon the traitors, the part he didn’t say aloud was “for enough money.”

  7. UmptyDump says:

    Read up on how – 99 years ago – Hitler organized the infamous Beer Hall Putsch. There are a lot of similarities with what Donnie is tryin to accomplish.

  8. Jane & PKM says:

    After TFG’s hate rally and less than subtle prods toward violence, the Fulton County Georgia DA who convened a grand jury to investigate tRump’s election fraud has requested the Atlanta FBI office do a threat assessment to determine the safety of the courthouse and staff. How about the FBI hauling in TFG and all his co-conspirators calling for violence? Time for Mikey Flynn to sit down and lie to the FBI. Again.

  9. Steve from Beaverton says:

    “He reminds “us” why he’s unfit for any office” – the “us” in this salon aren’t the ones who need to be reminded. It’s the “them” in congress (all but a handful) that need reminding along with a majority of repugnanticans running for office and their voters. It’s state politicians like abbutt that prostitute themselves. Frankly, I just yawn anymore when TFG opens his mouth because despite all the rhetoric about prosecuting him, nothing seems to happen. I hope we don’t wake up at the end of this year and in 2024 to find his spell has taken over the house, senate and White House. I’d love to be pleasantly surprised that his cult didn’t get it done.

  10. The more society drifts from humanity and humaneness, the more dissociated humans will exist, to be harvested by the cultists.
    Works for Scientology, Jim Jones, Trump, Hitler, LePen, Pope and mullahs.
    And I guess, for Joe Rogan and Jordan Peterson.

  11. Sandridge says:

    UmptyDump @7, Even better, watch this PBS program about Sen Joe McCarthy [link below].
    McCarthy is literally the very blueprint for the fascist Mango Mussolini.
    McCarthy’s young attorney and closest advisor was the beyond odious Roy Cohn, who later advised both the Rufous Ratbastard and his daddy in the arts of evil.

    Watch the program, the parallels, tactics, and political machinations between them are almost identical; DJT learned the lessons very well.
    And do NOT make the mistake of thinking that the Ratbastard is either insane or stupid.
    He is neither, being the most cunning and dangerous figure in all of American history.
    Underestimate him and his minions at all of our risk.
    Some have hinted at a radical step that should be taken… I heartily agree…

    Most interesting how President Eisenhower initiated the eventual downfall of McCarthy.

    McCarthy chronicles the rise and fall of Joseph McCarthy, the Wisconsin senator who came to power after a stunning victory in an election no one thought he could win. Once in office, he declared that there was a vast conspiracy threatening America…
    Free of restraint or oversight, he conducted a crusade against those he accused of being enemies of the state, a chilling campaign marked by groundless accusations, bullying intimidation, grandiose showmanship and cruel victimization. With lawyer Roy Cohn at his side, he belittled critics, spinning a web of lies and distortions while spreading fear and confusion. But his name lives on linked to the modern-day witch hunt we call “McCarthyism.”. Or Trumpism today. :

  12. Steve from Beaverton says:

    What’s up with Lindsey Graham? He’s come in support of Biden nominating a Black female to the SCOTUS and warning of violence because of trumpf’s talk of pardons for 1/6 insurrectionists. Crooks & Liars today.
    Gosh, maybe he’ll come out in support of Liz Cheney. Nah, he always has an ulterior motive. But it is interesting.

  13. Yes, the Orange Slush HAS to be in the spotlight, NO MATTER WHAT .

  14. Jonathan P HUBBERT @14, TFG nominally stands for TheFormerGuy.

    But my diseased brain always/only sees it as ‘TheFockingGuy’; although I much prefer using the ‘Rufous Ratbastard’, among other epithets, none of which are non-profane.

  15. Steve from Beaverton says:

    If you Google TFG, before trumpf, it was generally “the former guy”. It also says in today’s political climate, it stands for “that f…ing guy”. Believe the latter is the right description and probably what most of us think of trumpf.
