We Never Said They Were Smart

January 27, 2022 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Oh dear Lord. Oh dear. Bless his heart.

Stewart Rhodes, the founder of Oath Keepers, is having to remain in jail pending his trial on conspiracy. Why isn’t he afforded the right to a bond? Well, because he’s too damn stupid.

His ex-wife gave law enforcement pictures of a series of “escape tunnels” he dug in the backyard of his rented house.


And then because she hadn’t had enough get-even fun, she scampered over to Twitter and announced …

“Folks if you ever feel tempted to rent a backhoe and dig escape tunnels in the backyard of your rental house, keep in mind it may back to haunt you if you later attempt to overthrow the U.S. government.”

Another lesson here: if your wife has a camera, don’t piss her off. You know she’s got a picture of you doing something crazy.


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0 Comments to “We Never Said They Were Smart”

  1. Mary O'Grady says:

    This is perfect.
    It’s only 10:30 a.m. out here in Albuquerque and you made my day.

  2. Why am I not surprised that he has a bitter ex-wife?

  3. Grandma Ada says:

    And that was apparently before he shot his eye out!

  4. Jane & PKM says:

    Poor Stewie. He ate too many stews with the Creutzfeldt–Jakob diseased squirrels he shot. Lesson to Qcumber conservatives: restrain yourselves to shooting only your own kibbles & bits in competition for Darwin Awards.

    Those cute, innocent but pesky critters are powning you. Nevuh joust with critters smarter than you.

  5. OT, but we need everything we can marshal against the Rethugs if we’re to stand a snowballs chance in hell of beating those SOBs.
    Voting info [I was just verifying mine, again]:
    PSA for the Texas peeps:
    Go visit the Office of the Texas Secretary of State voters website, links below. Believe it or not, it’s quite easy to use.
    Last day to register for the March 1st primary is this Monday, January 31.

    Also: Verify your own info,
    begin to apply for a ‘vote early by mail’ ballot, formerly ‘absentee’ [hurry, for the 1Mar primary, the apply cutoff is February 18, 2022],
    or notify/help others to do this !
    We’re gonna need every damned Democrat possible the next few years.

    I found one little detail about ID in the FAQ Q&A section [DNA for me but for others], if you’re older than 70years, your DL, etc. can be expired any length of time, it’s 4 years for others.

    Texas Voting :

    Am I registered ?:

    Some FAQs:
    “Q. Can anybody vote early by mail?
    Only specific reasons entitle a registered voter to vote early by mail (no longer called absentee voting). You may request a ballot by mail if you:

    will be away from your county on Election Day and during the hours that early voting is conducted;
    are sick or disabled; (as defined in Texas Election Code 82.002(a))
    Expected to give birth within three weeks before or after Election Day;
    are 65 years of age or older on Election Day; or
    are confined in jail or Involuntary Civil Commitment”

    “Q. I fall under one of the 4 reasons above. What do I do now? Are there deadlines connected with this procedure?
    First, request an Application for Ballot by Mail (ABBM) from the Early Voting Clerk in the political subdivision conducting your election, or from our office. You may also print an ABBM directly from our website (PDF), (Spanish version (PDF). Once received, read the instructions carefully, complete the ABBM form and return it to the Early Voting Clerk. For the March 1, 2022 Election date, the last day for the early voting clerk to receive applications for a ballot to be voted by mail is February 18, 2022, in order for you to receive a ballot by mail. All applications to vote by mail must be received by the early voting clerk before the close of regular business or 12 noon, whichever is later.
    The deadline to receive ballots mailed within the United States from non-military and military voters who submitted an Application for Ballot by Mail (“ABBM”) is 5:00 p.m. on Thursday, March 3, 2022, if the carrier envelope has a postmark showing it was in the mail by 7:00 p.m. March 1, 2022. Please note that different deadlines apply to the last day to receive ballots sent by the following: (1) Non-military and military voters who mailed ballots domestically and submitted an ABBM; (2) Non-military and military voters who mailed ballots from overseas and who submitted an ABBM; (3) Non-military voters who mailed ballots from overseas and who submitted a Federal Postcard Application (“FPCA”); and (4) Military voters who mailed ballots domestically or from overseas and who submitted a FPCA. Ballots in category (1) must be received by the early voting clerk by March 3, 2022. Ballots in categories (2), (3), and (4) must be received by the early voting clerk by March 7, 2022. Ballots in categories (1), (2), and (3) must bear a postmark indicating the ballot was mailed by 7 PM on March 1, 2022. Ballots in category (4) do not need to have any postmark.

    Learn more about the ABBM process and to request an ABBM from our office (or print one directly from the web)”

  6. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Thinks he’s El Chapo and is guilty as charged. Says a lot about his followers. Or maybe he’s just a giant, fat, rabid rodent with a beard and glasses getting back to his roots.

  7. Sandridge @ 5,

    I thought having to give personal info such as your driver’s license, SS number was a violation of voter privacy. With access to that info, people with nefarious motives could then threaten, assault, and even arrest voters. The crazy trumpist, fascist GOP would do it. Just my thoughts.

  8. Sandridge says:

    Papa @7, I’m not sure what you mean, so I went to the initial voter reg appl page and stepped a ways into it.

    It asks only the basic information to verify a person is who they are: name, address, DOB, etc., with some things like tel# optional.
    It asks for a TDL#, TXID#, —or last 4 digits [only] of SSN—, AND has a checkbox if you have none of those, don’t know what if you do that…
    —There is a FAQ that covers a number of other ‘proofs of ID’ means if one doesn’t have a ‘photo ID’, simple documents that anyone should be able to produce, imo; with assistance maybe.

    I think that there’s a bit too much misinfo/misdirection/hysteria out there.
    It’s reasonable to expect a person to mediumly identify themselves for something like this.
    I would think that Democrats could set up voter assistance methods to help people who may have ‘issues’ or confusion. Doesn’t look hard to me.
    And almost all this can be done online, so are there assistance means available [which would provide the online connection for them too]?

    I’ve seen my local county Rethugs drum up every possible geezers they can find and get them through the process and to the polls, for decades [25-30 years ago I thought election day was funny/odd. A small county and you pretty much knew everybody, then all these doddering geezers came out of the woodwork to vote [I are one now, almost]].
    I spent most of my life in the Valley, where ‘ID’ was always iffy…sometimes worked in Duval County too, although there was sketchy stuff everywhere down there, anybody remember the ‘Ray Ramon machine’ in Cameron County ?

    Pretty much all that’s needed beyond name addr dob:
    “Texas Driver’s License No. or Texas Personal I.D. No. (Issued by the Department of Public Safety):
    If no Texas Driver’s License or Texas Personal Identification, —-give last 4 digits of your Social Security Number—–:

    checkbox — “I have not been issued a Texas Driver’s License/Personal Identification Number or Social Security Number”…

    Then there are multiple verifying proofs acceptable :

  9. Freedom! To live where he wants! Underground in a burrow peering out the emergency exit like a groundhog looking for his shadow! Freedom to pick his own personal groundhog day!

    New version of a shadow government.

  10. I don’t know if bitter is the prevailing emotion right now. if I were her, I would be damned relieved to have that whole deal in the rear view mirror.

  11. The Surly Professor says:

    Uh, this is the same Oaf Keeper Rhodes who wears a black eye patch? Which did not come from hand-to-hand combat with savage CRT-crazed Antifas, or fanatical Muslims trying to build a mosque somewhere. Instead he dropped a loaded gun in 1993 and shot out his own eye. Bonus craziness: he was allegedly a firearms instructor at the time.

    Sandridge, thanks for posting the registration info. Apparently large numbers of people are being rejected, especially in large urban areas where there may be some folks trying to sneak by and get to vote for a non-Republican. Here’s an article with actual numbers. A key problem is if someone registered in the past with a SSN and tries to register with a DL number, they’re rejected. And vice-versa; past registration with DL and current attempt with SSN gets you rejected:


  12. e platypus onion says:


    Yessiree, thomas’s wife is a perpetual conflict of interest and he never recuses himself from cases involving her.

  13. Sandridge says:

    The Surly Professor @11, I’ve heard of that R pile of chickenshit.
    As always the Dems are behind the curve.
    Why the hell can’t the Dems just ALWAYS ASSUME THE WORST and be prepared in advance for this shit?
    The Rethuglikkkans have been doing things that way for decades, generations. We are in a WAR, you must act that way, think military tactics and strategy. If you want to have any chance of winning, or just surviving.

    Specific to that ‘media’ link story you gave [I hate those websites, ‘only’ 14 ads and 20 trackers blocked by my Opera/Vivaldi browsers], it doesn’t mention ‘last 4 SSN digits’ as required, but says ‘SSN’.

    Something is fishy though, the actual ABBM form doesn’t specify any ‘original appl’ number-type matching. In fact it’s just as I quoted above; so ‘legal’ might be in order.
    The article does state that you can just fill in both and it’s ok. So the Democrats should pre-emptively get the ‘message’ out, dammit!
    I certainly couldn’t remember what I might have first used for voter ID, it’s been more than a half century ago, and don’t know if one had to present when changing addresses, ~25yr last time.

  14. thatotherjean says:

    I don’t think Mr. and ex-Mrs. Rhodes are getting their security deposit back on that rental.

  15. Buttermilk Sky says:

    The only thing keeping Tasha Adams (the ex-wife) from getting five stars from me is her unpardonable lapse of taste in marrying this chud in the first place.
