Written by Nick Carraway
“We spend much of our time complaining these days and for good reason. I thought I would pass along some good news and positive vibes as a proverbial lime wedge for the tequila shot that has become our lives these days.
My district sent out a questionnaire during the break for the vaccine roll out. Of course, Texas did not see it necessary to vaccinate every teacher in the first round, but those of us with underlying health conditions could go to the front of the line. My diabetes got me a spot yesterday for the Moderna vaccine.
They used the local football station for a housing site. I reserved a time for after work and got there about 20 minutes early. They checked a QR code to make sure we were supposed to be there and took our temperature. By the time my appointment came up I had already been vaccinated without having to leave my car. I will get the second round at the beginning of February.
I know the roll out of the vaccine has not been ideal and there haven’t been nearly enough of them to go around, but I was very impressed with what the governing agency here was able to come up with. It was well organized and relatively painless. Government can work when you give them the resources to do it. I can only hope we can see more of this in a little more than two weeks.”