Too Funny to Not Post

January 05, 2021 By: El Jefe Category: Uncategorized

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0 Comments to “Too Funny to Not Post”

  1. Mike in MO says:

    Okay, I have to ask. Is the 1 OZ weight the candy by itself or combined with the Medal of Freedom since Trump started giving them away like candy?

  2. Darn it!!!

    Now I want Cracker Jack, and I’m not going anywhere till tomorrow…

  3. Steve from Beaverton says:

    The popcorn and peanuts are worth more than the presidential medal. I expect My pillow guy is next.

  4. They’d give them away, except that they have to pay people to take them. They’re badges of shame, except in Russia and Turkey, since The Trump Presidential Medal of Freedom is only given out to those who have betrayed the United States.

  5. DaddyWasATexan says:

    It’s really sad how he’s managed to cheapen just about everything. I was just thinking today about the worthy–actually worthy–people who should be honored.
    I’m hoping the new administration will restore some of the dignity to this honor. I’d nominate Dolly for the first award. Between her literacy efforts and donation to Vandy for vaccine research, she’s earned it.

  6. This Biden inauguration ‘countdown timer clock’ is hypnotic [link below]. I’m going to leave a small window of it on my screens just to keep track.

    It is 2 weeks, 0 days, 14 hours, 38 minutes, 3 seconds [and counting DOWN] until Wednesday, January 20, 2021 at 12:00:00 noon (Washington DC, District of Columbia time)

  7. When the recipients are picked by Trump it’s definitely the most cracker of awards. From a real jackass.

  8. Jane & PKM says:

    Sandridge @5, as Ms. JJ recommended a few days ago, chocolate Advent calendars were available on sale the day after Christmas which would also count down the exact days until the ouster of the fu king moron, 12/26-1/20. Party down, eat some extra chocolate until your discounted calendar matches the remaining days. Probably a better discount tomorrow and bonus chocolate. Enjoy!

    Hey folks – don’t discount the value of a tRump award. Hold on to it. Once he’s a dim memory and we reclaim our national sense of humor, say 20 or 30 years from now, it might be worth something on e-bay in the gag gift section.

    Or, in the prison industry milieu it might buy the recipient a pack of smokes or a reprieve from a bar of soap this year.

  9. Sandridge says:

    The projections in the Georgia Senate runoffs are showing ~90%+ chance of the Democrats winning !!! JFC, unbelievable…

    Jane & PKM @8, I was just going to eat some more of my favorite cookies, chocolate coconut caramels. I always order about eight packages with my online grocery order, still have about six packs left. I can only eat so many…[never thought that I’d say that, but getting old…nic was ‘Cookiemonster’].

  10. Yep! It has come to this!

  11. The Surly Professor says:

    Jane&PKM: Yup, hold onto those tchotchkes. I’m sure my old Spiro T. Agnew watch will be worth a lot soon. Of course, it no longer works and never did keep time reliably.

    I’m hoping that 40 years from now, some kids will be going through grandad’s old steamer trunk and will pull out a red baseball cap and giant Trump flag, suitable for mounting on a coal-rolling pickup truck. And my real hope is that they’ll act like they found a KKK robe, and burn them!

  12. Harry Eagar says:

    I still have my illegal FMBM pin (For McGovern Before Miami). Illegal because it was deemed an exchange for a contribution — it is sterling and was worth, in 1972, about 10 cents.

    I have never seen another one. (Just checked eBay; there are 2 for about $10.)
