New Twist

January 05, 2021 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

This morning there was a hearing in federal court in Georgia where Trump’s lawyers closed the courtroom to the public and the media.  Once again, Trump’s lawyers were asking the judge to overturn the results of the Georgia election.

Is anybody keeping score on the number of thumbs down Trump is getting?

Trump lost.  Again.


But there was a new twist.

Additionally, while the initial lawsuit relied on an egregious misrepresentations of fact and law, Trump’s attorneys apparently decided to throw yet another malicious and legally spurious assertion into the mix, arguing that Vice President-elect Kamala Harris is ineligible to hold the office. The birther theory, popularized by law professor John Eastman, has been universally panned by legal experts.

It’s becoming obviously apparent that the Republican Party believes no black people were actually born in America.

Thanks to Elizabeth for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “New Twist”

  1. And this is why the Trump focus is Georgia and not AZ, PA, etc. Because Stacy Abrams. His racism and sexism is dictating the Republican party.

  2. Steve from Beaverton says:

    I’m surprised Trumpf doesn’t fly the confederate flag at his rallies and at the WH. There was no question even before 2016 that the repugnantican party is the party for racists, but but under Trumpf it will be enshrined forever.

  3. AlanInAustin ... says:

    This is, in part, why I feel the name of the party should be changed. No — not the GOP or Republican part, but ours.

    We need to become the DEMOCRACY party. Let them be attack us and become the ANTI-Democracy party.

  4. Trump lost again? He’s certainly ahead on the number of times a candidate lost the presidential election. I lost count weeks ago.

  5. john in denver says:

    Marc Elias’ twitter stream says the score is now Trump&Co 1, the Sane conglomerate 62. Counting the original courts and the appeals, over 90 judges have ruled against Trump & his attorneys.

    No wonder Elias looks relaxed and happy in various videos on his site and news programs.

  6. RepubAnon says:

    What’s next – are they going to claim all Democrats are really lizard people, so therefore they aren’t “naturally born”?

  7. Grandma Ada says:

    I want to read a transcript. Was this a judge appointed by Trump? If so, I want to see a recording of the hearing!

  8. AlaninAustin, I love it!

  9. Mary Anne says:

    Biden received a huge laugh in Georgia,” We won Georgia, 3 times!

  10. Shenanigans in PA today. GOP leader took control of the legislative session away from Dem Lt Gov Fetterman at the swearing in of members. A Democrat who won his district’s race is being denied his seat because his GOP challenger got her feefees hurt and refuses to concede. And even though a court declared the Democrat the winner, the GOP leader refused to recognize him or swear him in, over the objections of Fetterman and other Dem legislators. I hope these GOP traitors get the book thrown at them.

  11. Jane & PKM says:

    Contest the election and lose 60+ times? The penalty for that should be no Republicon presidential candidates for the next 60 years. And, that group of 2020 Republicon Senators on the same ballots and machines as the fu king moron are invalid, too. Moscow Mitch, Leningrad Lindsey, SoSo Collins, John Cornyn …

    Republicons want to play? Let’s play!

  12. Harry Eagar says:

    Hannah @ 9. Thanks.I had not seen that.

    I hope Biden sees it and is disabused of his fantasy of working alongside Republicans.

  13. Harry Eagar says:

    I’m pedaliNg fast as I can but it’s hard to keep up.

    Only competent lawyer on Team Trump resigns from her white shoe firm.

  14. Trump and his minions are now known as “The Coup Klutz Clan.”
