Scotland Warns Trump to Stay Away. Oh, and There’s Other News, too.

January 05, 2021 By: El Jefe Category: 2020 Election, Coronavirus

There is speculation that Trump will flee to Scotland to play golf at his Turnberry resort to avoid attending the inauguration on January 20th.  Nicola Sturgeon, the First Minister and head of the Scottish government, caught wind of the potential plans, and warned Trump yesterday that her country is not allowing travel by foreigners for non-essential purposes, including him.  The airport at nearby Prestwick has been alerted to expect arrival of a US military 757 and to not allow his entry into the country.  Like the rest of the UK, Scotland is in lockdown to reduce the surge caused by the new strain of the Coronavirus.  In a briefing today, Sturgeon said this about Trump:

“We are not allowing people to come into Scotland now without an essential purpose, which would apply to him, just as it applies to everybody else. Coming to play golf is not what I would consider an essential purpose.”

AND, it gets better – today, Iran requested another Interpol international arrest warrant for Trump and 47 other US officials identified for their roles in the drone strike a year ago that killed General Qasem Soleimani, Iran’s highest ranking military officer.  The government is vowing to bring Trump and others to justice for this killing.

Just another Tuesday in Trumpland.

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0 Comments to “Scotland Warns Trump to Stay Away. Oh, and There’s Other News, too.”

  1. I wonder if Ireland will refuse to admit him, too. He’s got another golf course there.

  2. Well, if Scotland and Ireland won’t let him land, the pilot could just do a u-turn and fly him to NY. The SDNY really wants him.

  3. Grandma Ada says:

    Hmm, a red notice for his majesty, interesting twist. I’ve read about this Scotland landing plan and I just assumed he was going to catch a plane Vlad sent there for him.

  4. el lagarto says:

    I still think he’s heading to Florida. Whether after “pardoning” himself, or after stepping down a day or two early so Pence can be sworn in and pardon him — in either event, by the time he is no longer Prez he will be in Fla, where deSantis will shield him from extradition to NY or any other state (Ga?) where he may be facing charges.

  5. Steve from Beaverton says:

    After tomorrow’s circus in congress and the streets of DC, I believe he will flee the country. Question is who will provide transportation? After tomorrow, the realization of his legal problems will cause his diapers to fill up constantly. Good luck with that melanoma.

  6. Brad in Dallas says:

    My money is on Dubai, he’s got a golf course there, and they’re vehemently anti-Iran there. All that Kushner Mideast hocus pocus was around diplomatic ties between Israel and the UAE of which Dubai is a member. So he’s prolly paved the an emirate hideaway.

  7. Mark Smeraldi says:

    This is why the Romans built Hadrian’s wall. Ignore history and you’re gonna repeat it. (Maybe you will anyway but why load the dice against yourself/)

  8. Harry Eagar says:

    No, Trump is not concerned to get out of reach of American prosecutors by flight. He thinks he has other, better options.

    I am more interested in the Interpol warrants. I support executing them. Time for US government terrorists to face the music. (Note: Kissinger still lives.)

  9. If the 757 is used as AF1 at times, it should be capable of inflight refueling which would make Moscow within easy reach

  10. He may be going to Scotland, but not to play golf. Nobody plays golf in Scotland in January.
