Archive for December, 2020

When The Truth Pops Up And You Don’t Recognize It

December 23, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Mike Pence.  There’s something out of whack in his brain.

Pence was in Florida trying to talk trash about you and me.

Pence told a rally crowd in Florida that progressives and Democrats “want to make rich people poorer, and poor people more comfortable.”

Honey, Honey, Honey, I could tell you a lot worse things about me.  A lot.

Thanks to everybody for the heads up.

Lucky Us! Lucky Us!

December 23, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Newt Gingrich is back!  Oh damn, I’ve missed him.

He has decided that he will not accept Joe Biden as president because the election was neither “legitimate or honorable.”  Seriously, that whore used the word honorable. And I think he expected that people would not snort laughing.

Gingrich wrote in an op-ed published Monday in The Washington Times. “My unwillingness to relax and accept that the election was over grew out of a level of outrage and alienation unlike anything I had experienced in more than 60 years involvement in public affairs.”

See, here’s the problem, I don’t think he believes that public affairs is the same thing you do. And ya got that whole 60 year dilemma. He was elected to congress in 1978 and he left congress in 1998.  By even fancy math, that’s just 20 years.  He’s now being supported by his wife, the ambassador to the Vatican.  I guess she’s busy packing while he auditions for a job at OAN.

It’ll be like it used to be – Newt is the fountain of where all cheap jokes flow.


Something for Sidney Powell

December 23, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Just when you think Donald Trump has the weirdest set of lawyers ever assembled, along comes East Texas with its cast of unique characters to spread joy amongst the peasantry.

Rickia Collings has filed a lawsuit in the United States District Court, Eastern Division of Texas.  Rickia appears to be filing this suit along with his/her lawyer, Capricornus.  For a little while I thought maybe it was a misspelling of Copernicus, a man so cool that law school graduates wear his hat on graduation day.  But it’s not. This is Capricornus, something unfamiliar to me until today.

According to this lawsuit, Capricornus’ legal address is Saturn. Just so you know.

Through the miracle of modern journalism, I have a copy of the lawsuit. I want to warn you up front that one of the pages is scanned upside down, but you’ll hardly notice the difference.

This is a lawsuit under Title VII of the Civil Right Act of 1964. I dunno, but maybe this helps.



You can read the whole complaint by clicking right here.

This planetary alignment, Donald Trump, and the mysterious disappearance of murder bees is causing unearthly things to happen when this lawsuit is not the weirdest crap lately – Sidney Powell holds the license on that.

I think we need to get out those orbs again.


Thanks to Mike for the heads up.


Teacher Talk

December 23, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Brought to you by Nick Caraway. 

The Carroways were having a lively discussion the other night about the vaccine. Ms. Carroway is one of those fake doctors that Epstein and all of the Fox News junkies were talking about. She got her doctorate in BioEngineering a little over ten years ago. I was able to call myself a doctor’s husband and we were also able to bet on whose family would be the first to ask for a prescription. Mine was first by the way when my uncle asked for the hook up.

I’m blessed to have my own health expert in the house through this whole ordeal. She’s talked about working for the CDC, but that would require a move. Left to my own devices would be disastrous. My D in freshman Biology isn’t impressing anyone. Most of us could learn a thing or two about listening to experts.

Anyway, she pointed out the breakdown in logic of teachers being near the front of the line. We don’t have to be doing in person instruction. It’s a choice the state and local districts are making. It reminded me of a scene from the movie “Soul Man” from the 1980s. The bank told the main character that loans were meant for students incapable of paying and not ones whose parents were just donkeys (deference to momma). See, his parents were rich but chose not to help him pay for school. Similarly, the state could protect us but have chosen not to.

The vaccine should go to workers that have to interact with those that are exposed or already positive. It makes perfect sense. The logic is unassailable and yet we all feel somewhat short-changed. I’ve watched our campus fly past ten positives. I’ve seen football and basketball games suddenly canceled at our daughter’s junior high. I know Joe Biden wants schools open so maybe Governor Abbott might actually come through and move teachers right behind health care workers and seniors. That seems to be what we are hearing. If it’s true all won’t be forgiven, but it will be a start.


Watch This Space…

December 22, 2020 By: El Jefe Category: Uncategorized

In an interesting twist, the NY Times is reporting that Trump’s longtime banker has suddenly resigned from her position at Deutsche Bank.  The banker, Rosemary Vrablic, and her associate, Dominic Scalzi, have both resigned.  Vrablic brought Trump to  the bank in 2011, convincing her credit committee to loan him over $300 million in multiple projects despite his long record of defaulting on loans, not paying his bills, and screwing his equity investors.  A real estate loan she arranged for Jared Kushner in 2013 is also under an internal investigation.  NYC DA Cyrus Vance has several civil and criminal investigations underway into whether Trump committed fraud in obtaining the loans.

Watch this space.

Here’s The Bottom of the Barrel

December 22, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, you know it’s over when …

Crazy Pat Robertson says you’re crazy.

Televangelist Pat Robertson, a prominent conservative backer of Donald Trump, said Monday that the President is living in an “alternate reality” and should “move on” from his 2020 election loss.

And speaking of alternative realities, Geraldo Rivera says Trump should leave with “grace and dignity.” the closest either Rivera or Trump have ever come to Grace and Dignity are two hookers in Las Vegas.