Archive for December, 2020

Mirror Mirror

December 02, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Another contribution from Nick Carraway.

“When I got my masters in school counseling I took a few psychology classes. I know enough to be dangerous. I know all about Freud’s defense mechanisms and how many have attributed projection to the president. It makes perfect sense from a clinical standpoint, but I don’t necessarily buy it.

There is something else going on. Most people exist in shades of gray. We cut some corners here and hold fast to some rules there. So, most of us have some conception of people that behave with sinister intent and some that behave with pure intent. We therefore collect evidence and use that evidence to determine which is which.

Occasionally, you run into someone that is almost cartoonish in their level of evil or goodness. Therefore, they see the world through that prism. We’ve seen the president react that way to soldiers giving the ultimate sacrifice or others that give of themselves without expecting anything in return. It literally is a foreign concept to him.

It’s not projection. He literally cannot fathom someone doing anything on the up and up. So, anything that happens to him must be done by someone with equal malintent. That’s why the election has been stolen. That’s also why he has to sell anything that isn’t bolted down. He sells pardons. He sells favor. He sells access. Nothing can be done for its own sake. Heck, even his charity was just a piggy bank for himself.

So, when I heard about him selling pardons it just seemed so perfect. Why not? The church used to sell indulgences and you could make a half-hearted claim that the funds from those went to a good cause. Here is just more transactional greed. That’s why he connects so well with dictators. Every day I’m convinced more and more that this guy needs to go to jail.”


That’s Nice.

December 02, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

New York City just posted the mail-in absentee votes today.

And not surprisingly, they went convincingly for Biden. In Manhattan, Biden received 90% of the mail-in vote, 86% in The Bronx, 85% in Brooklyn, 81% in Queens, 63% in Staten Island. And NYC has a lot of ballots, so Joe got about 700K new votes (for exact totals, you can go to Dave Wasserman’s twitter feed).

As a result, Biden has surpassed 81M votes, has nearly a 7,000,000 vote lead over Trump, and Trump is now below 47% of the total vote (46.9% for Trump, 51.3% for Biden).

Everybody duck!  Trump’s gonna do a tweet tsunami about how crooked that is.

It ain’t. He’s just not well liked in New York City and I cannot imagine why.

Just thought you’d want to know.


To Vote By Mail or Not To Vote By Mail. That is The Question.

December 02, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

So after Trump told Republicans not to vote by mail, he lost Georgia. Roughly 24,000 Republicans who voted by mail in the state’s June primary didn’t cast ballots in the general election, probably because Trump told them not to vote by mail and undermined their trust in the entire voting system.

Biden got 300,000 more votes in mail-in ballots than Trump, and that’s been intensely verified three times. Those votes offset Trump’s election day victory.

So now, Republicans in Georgia are encouraging their people to vote by mail after Trump built a cottage industry off destroying any faith at all in voting by mail or trusting people who ask you to vote by mail. Yep, as we country folks say, he was hoisted by his own petard.  And Honey, it’s been a blessing to see.

It’s likely that early January could be icy in Georgia.  It’s also likely that Trump voters are going to listen to Trump, not Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger or Georgia Governor Brian Kemp – two men Trump has vilified repeatedly.  So we could see another petard hoisted.

This might be fun.

Thanks to Henry for the heads up.


Somebody Hand Me A Banana

December 02, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Oh good Lord.  Maybe we should consider ourselves very, very lucky to have kept Mike Flynn under a legal gag order for almost four years.  The disturbed man wants to firebomb the Constitution.

The retired U.S. Army general [Mike Flynn] tweeted out a link to a post calling for the suspension of constitutional law and a new election overseen by the military to ensure Trump remains in office, despite losing the Electoral College 306-232 and the popular vote by more than 6 million.

Ya know, Flynn twice pleaded guilty to a charge of lying to the FBI about his little chats with the Russian ambassador.  I’ve always wondered what they were talking about. Now we know.

Thanks to SGray for the heads up.

I’ll Be Damned

December 01, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Look at this stuff:

Attorney General William Barr on Tuesday said there has been no evidence of widespread voter fraud that would change the outcome of the election, undercutting President Trump’s repeated baseless claims to the contrary.

“To date, we have not seen fraud on a scale that could have affected a different outcome in the election,” Barr told The Associated Press in an interview.

Okay, how long until he gets fired?

I wonder how out of touch with reality that Trump truly is that they have to send his lawyer out to make heavy talk to try to bring Trump toward reality if he hears it on the news.

These are Trumps tweets at the time I posted this – just minutes before before the news hit the wire.


Fire, meet gasoline.


Literally Shooting Your Mouth Off

December 01, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

The Hunk de Jour at the Beauty Salon is Chris Krebs, the former chief of U.S. cybersecurity, who went on the electric teevee to say that this election was fair and believable.

Trump, who hired this guy, countered by saying that this was the most corrupt election ever. Oh no, wait, not just in presidential history – really ever.  Nothing has been this corrupt since Cain and God had a little discussion about who was whose brother’s keeper and the tie vote was claimed as a win by God.

So Trump’s lawyers rush in to defend him and first shot out of the holding pen is Joseph diGenova, a man slicker than your average oil spill.

diGenova has thought this through and prepared a well research and thoughtful response to make in the name of the President of the United States of America.

“Anybody who thinks the election went well, like that idiot Krebs who used to be the head of cybersecurity, that guy is a class A moron. He should be drawn and quartered. Taken out at dawn and shot.”

Well, there you go.

Krebs had an answer this morning.

Thanks to SGray for the heads up.