I’ll Be Damned

December 01, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Look at this stuff:

Attorney General William Barr on Tuesday said there has been no evidence of widespread voter fraud that would change the outcome of the election, undercutting President Trump’s repeated baseless claims to the contrary.

“To date, we have not seen fraud on a scale that could have affected a different outcome in the election,” Barr told The Associated Press in an interview.

Okay, how long until he gets fired?

I wonder how out of touch with reality that Trump truly is that they have to send his lawyer out to make heavy talk to try to bring Trump toward reality if he hears it on the news.

These are Trumps tweets at the time I posted this – just minutes before before the news hit the wire.


Fire, meet gasoline.


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0 Comments to “I’ll Be Damned”

  1. Sydney Powell is available for Acting Attorney General!

  2. Trump really has lost it or he’s just that far into the con to get more money.

    As for Barr, he no doubt sees the handwriting on the wall and is worried about what will happen to him after Trump is evicted. We can only hope they both get the justice they deserve.

  3. Nobody said Barr was completely stoopid. This talk of disbarment has him running scared. Like everybody in the tRump maladministration, he trying to save his own a$$. He’s afraid he will be too radioactive to make any moola after he’s done wrecking the DOJ.

  4. How to make a phony voter fraud Super PAC go bankrupt like an Atlantic City Casino in 20 words or less.

    Looks like finances will be tight for the Trump family this holiday season. They may have to resort to some regrifting. Perhaps Melania can wrap up that I Don’t Care Do You? jacket for Ivanka.

  5. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Barrf is now trying to change the subject with Trumpf from his momentary bit of acting like a real AG in announcing no evidence of voter fraud. Now he’s naming John Durham a “special counsel” to investigate the origin of the Russia investigation. Knowing how Trumpf operates, he’ll probably now praise Barrf, and will call for impeachment proceedings- against who knows- Biden?? Retaliation. That’s the way his delusional mind wanders.

  6. Grandma Ada says:

    I’m a CPA and I was thoroughly embarrassed for my profession during the Arthur Anderson/Enron debacle. Lawyers out there should have some shame that a person in their profession could be so corrupt and will probably get away.

  7. Time’s running out for firing people.

    I wonder what would happen if Ivanka or Jughead tried to talk him down? Would he fire them? Can you say 25th Amendment?

  8. thatotherjean says:

    Shortly after you wrote that post, JJ, Barr went to the White House for a “long-planned” meeting with Trump (I suspect that “long” was about five minutes). I haven’t heard what the meeting was about, but I’d be willing to bet cash money that it involved a lot of yelling about “disloyalty,” and threats of firing/exposure of wrongdoing/throwing to the wolves. I’m rooting for the wolves.

  9. First, Barr can’t be fired, he has to be persuaded to resign. His resignation would leave Hair Furor without an AG for 7 weeks, critical weeks when he really needs a toady.

    Second, Barr, knows he’s displeased his master, so yet another investigation into the people who investigated the Steele dossier has been ordered. Apparently HF this the dossier sank him in 2020, but inexplicably not in 2016. Don’t try to make sense of this, if you did, I’d worry about you.

    Third, either this is random malignant narcissist flailing when there’s no clear target, or people around him are playing into his delusions as a distraction while a massive bribery and intimidation effort against electors goes on. This keeps me up at night.

  10. First, according to an old Supreme Court ruling way back when, if you accept a pardon you are stating that you are guilty. What you were “pardoned” for will stick to you all your life. Just heard that there is now ad investigation into someone who is trying to bribe the Golden Gibbon with a boatload of money for a pardon. More about that to be revealed as we get closer to Inauguration Day. As for pardoning himself, as I said, that would be an acceptance of guilt. As for prosecuting a former president, it can be done and it should be done and I have a feeling it will be done.

    Concerning vote fraud in Michigan, someone had the big TV in the office tuned to One America Network (OAN) and the televised proceedings from the capital of Michigan concerning voter fraud. What a helluva waste of money! This is actually aimed at the Governor of Michigan who is hated by tRump, along with a few people in Georgia and I bet a few people in Florida. DeSantis is not going to protecting Hair Trump if he really does take up residence at mar A Lago. The last thing DeSantis wants is to be taken down by the feds when they come for the big guy.

  11. Steve from Beaverton says:

    What is Sidney Powell taking or drinking while she’s composing her lawsuits? She filed another lawsuit that defies the notion she’s an actual attorney at law. This one asks the court in WI to force a Detroit voting location to release video of one of their locations. Wonder if she’s the unknown attorney that represented someone asking for a pardon in exchange for a pardon. I mean she was Flynn’s attorney.

  12. Trump may be a slow study but there’s one thing he has learned from FOX: make a spurious claim but then follow it with a question mark.
    Then, when people start filing libel claims you can say, “Hey! I was just asking!” Then you claim protection under the first amendment.

    Trump can learn something. Who knew?

  13. Jane & PKM says:

    Billy Blob Barr is just one instance of self serving Republicons bailing on the fu king moron. Billy Blob deserves whatever Twitter strafing he receives. Justice would be Billy Blob answering for all his crime since Bush1.

  14. WA Skeptic says:

    Didn’t ol’ Fred fall into dementia as he got to old age? Is that hereditary? It sure seems as if DJT has begun the walk into that scary place.

  15. Nick Carroway says:

    Back in the good ole days, I wrote for the student newspaper in college. We had a guest columnist that seemed to think he could get around libel laws by simply throwing a “I have a theory….” in front of any specious claim. He was gobsmacked when his columns were never published. The question method is pretty much the same. Sadly, social media doesn’t have the same ethical standards as a bunch of young teens and twenty somethings.

  16. Donna Wade says:

    So, how does the Idiot in Chief think huge amounts of mail-in ballots, with the highest voter turnout in decades, get delivered to counting stations? Someone needs to tell him that big trucks are useful for other things than photo-ops with him at the wheel. They actually transport things in mass quantities, like the mail. Only 49 days until that sumbitch is gone. That gives him 48 to resign, get pardoned by his holier than thou sycophant Pence followed by, hopefully, a swift trial in New York for a few of his many financial crimes. The gray bars of his cell will match nicely with his new undyed look, don’t you think?
