Archive for March, 2020

Pass the Lysol, Please

March 09, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Remember last week when Trump said that he was shocking all the doctors with how much he knew about Coronavirus and that he must have gotten that from his famous scientist uncle.  You know, through genetic osmosis or something.

Now he’s come down with a festering case of creative paranoia.

Stories about Trump’s coronavirus fears have spread through the White House. Last week Trump told aides he’s afraid journalists will try to purposefully contract coronavirus to give it to him on Air Force One, a person close to the administration told me.

Okay, admit it, that wish has crossed your mind.

He has also asked the Secret Service to screen everybody who come on the grounds of the White House to see if they have a cough.

But yet – today, he has a central Florida fundraiser and had a couple more this weekend.

Little known fact: You know how washing your hands in Lysol will kill the virus?  Yeah, well, you can use money instead.

Thanks for SGray for the heads up.

Oh Poor Louie UPDATED

March 09, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

You know I would never, ever rejoice in the bad luck of another person.

Unless, of course, when it is my Christian duty to do so.

Like the people on this list:



Oh Lord, have mercy on me, that’s almost the exact list I made.

Thanks to Kyle for the heads up.

UPDATE:  IRONY IS NOT DEAD.  Well, as it turns out Matt Schlapp was actually able to guarantee the safety of at least one Republican.


Thanks to Deb T for the heads up.

Preet Goes Tweet

March 09, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I’m beginning to think that Preet Bharara is a whole lot pissed-off at Donald Trump.

I guess you’re going to have to sign-up for Twitter to follow some fun stuff.  You don’t have to tweet.  Just make up a name and get an account.  I have an account but I don’t tweet.

Anyway, Preet starts off with this ….



And then he goes on for tweet after tweet after tweet with everything hoaxy (my new word) that Trump has done.

Seriously, it goes on and on.

After a while, George Conway butts in and says, “Preet, you’re gonna be up all night.”  Now that, Folks, is entertainment in these troubled times.

Huff Post, in their usual dampening all the fun way, tells about it.


Thanks, Trump

March 09, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

When Momma passed, she left my brother and me some stock at the blue chip oil company my Daddy spent his life working for.  They bought the stock little by little as the small family-owned oil company grew to a giant blue chip monster that went public and quit having Christmas parties for the employees kids and large company picnics at the beach and where the owner and his family knew almost every name of their employees.

Momma and Daddy sent their kids to college on the dividends the stock paid. Momma hoped that her beautiful new great grandchildren could go to college on her stocks.

They closed the markets this morning.  When Momma passed it was worth $82 a share.  This morning it was worth $15.  Thanks, Trump. Your erratic behavior and the fact that no one can trust a word you say caused the markets to tank.

The only comfort I can take is that you hurt your rich friends a lot more than you hurt me.  And that Momma hated you. I am very certain that she’s already told Sweet Jesus about those babies at the border. So, heads up, Buddy.


Ted Cruz Exposed to COVID 19 at CPAC – Now Quarantined

March 08, 2020 By: El Jefe Category: Coronavirus

Ted Cruz has announced that he “briefly interacted” with someone at CPAC who has now tested positive for Coronavirus, so he is self quarantining here in Texas.  Unfortunately, he was not in his hometown of Calgary, Alberta when he was informed of his exposure to the virus.  Let’s hope he doesn’t expose any Americans to the virus while he’s here.

Did Trump Roll Back Protections for Seniors in Care Facilities? Yep.

March 08, 2020 By: El Jefe Category: Coronavirus, Trump

Another Snopes report has confirmed another effort by Trump to erase the Obama administration, documenting how he undid regulations and uses of stiff fines to force senior care facilities to protect patients under their care.