Ted Cruz Exposed to COVID 19 at CPAC – Now Quarantined

March 08, 2020 By: El Jefe Category: Coronavirus

Ted Cruz has announced that he “briefly interacted” with someone at CPAC who has now tested positive for Coronavirus, so he is self quarantining here in Texas.  Unfortunately, he was not in his hometown of Calgary, Alberta when he was informed of his exposure to the virus.  Let’s hope he doesn’t expose any Americans to the virus while he’s here.

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0 Comments to “Ted Cruz Exposed to COVID 19 at CPAC – Now Quarantined”

  1. Build a wall around him.

    Brick. Sealed air tight.

  2. Mark Schlemmer says:

    I can only imagine that the Covid virus took one look at
    Senator Cruz and recoiled in horror. Like his own girls do
    when he proffers a good night kiss.

  3. Jane & PKM says:

    Sorry, Texas! Really sad part is how many people Teddie Crooze may have infected before this grandstanding gesture. He has no friends in the Senate, so Moscow Mitch and Leningrad Lindsey are probably safe.

  4. maryelle says:

    Quarantining Republican Congress critters, ,especially His
    Sleaziness, seems like poetic justice after all their cruel and greedy behavior trying to deny millions of people health insurance. How ironic that the source might be their demonic CPAC orgy.

  5. twocrows says:

    Please, can we make it permanent?

  6. RepubAnon says:

    But Fearful Leader says that Covid-19 is totally contained! Isn’t Ted Cruz contradicting the font of all Republican wisdom?

    On a side note – one wonders how many of the CPAC attendees followed the Trump Administration’s advice to ignore the warnings. Remind me to wear hazmat gear when near anyone wearing a MAGA hat.

  7. The linked story quotes him as saying he self quarantined to give everyone peace of mind.
    I personally would have more peace of mind if he’d quarantine himself in that retirement center in Kirkland, Washington. He’s 5 days or so past the incubation period with no symptoms, so he shouldn’t present a threat to them.
    But hey, they’ve got the most experience dealing with it of anyone in America.
    So he might as well get the best help our money can buy.
    I mean why take a chance? Amiright?
    He could show his righteous Christianity by emptying bed pans.
    No need for him to wear any P.P.E. We’ll just get Pence to pray for him.
    Hell, have him emptying all the sharps bins.

  8. Do I like Ted in a box?
    Snacking, pacing, watching Fox?
    Yes I like him in his house!
    If he’s quiet as a mouse.
    He can wander here and there,
    Around his yard, not everywhere!

  9. The glaring sign of failure is that a US senator canNOT get tested for this disease but must “self quarantine”.

    Does he define “self quarantine” to mean just his family and domestic help?
    Hardly reassuring.

  10. Old Fart says:

    If Cruz is unable to be on the floor of the Senate, does that keep him from voting? Or is that a majority rules thing…

  11. Rules are that Senators, and Reps., must be present to vote.

    But be assured if moscow mitch wants to move judicial nominee and needs the vote he will ignore history and just change the rules.

  12. And the coveted Dr. Seuss award for classical application of poetic wordage to topical events goes to Rick @ 8.

  13. And at the AIPAC conference, Pence, Betsy DeVos, Louie Gohmert, KellyAnn Conway, Matt Gaetz, and others were exposed.

  14. Rep Paul Gosar, that wacko dentist whose family has disowned him, is also self quarantined after coming in contact with the CPAC vector. Oh, and in his tweet Gosar called COVID-19 the “Wuhan virus”. I’m sure that wasn’t a racial slur, right? He got called out on it by many, thankfully.

  15. Hannah at #14 mentioned Gosar calling the virus “Wuhan virus” and asked if it’s a racial slur.

    Yes. All sorts of conservatives are trying to invoke “Yellow Peril” and “immigrants bring disease” rhetoric.

  16. WA Skeptic says:

    Huzzah~it’s about time.

  17. Old Fart says:

    @James, #14,

    Funny how that “yellow peril” thing doesn’t extend to iPhones and inexpensive goods sold at Walmart. When economics are involved the peril seems to dissipate…

  18. maryelle says:

    Ah, Rick, very clever nod to Cruz’ time-wasting
    reading of Green Eggs With Ham in the Senate.
    Now he can read it at home ad nauseum.

  19. Jane & PKM says:

    Rick @8, that was nice. Too nice. Could you do something with Teddie Crooze in the goal with the entire NHL lined up taking slapshots? Or, something with a tackling dummy; we’re not particular. We really don’t like the guy.

  20. G Foresight says:

    “Here are some of the other people who may have been in the green room on Thursday afternoon at the same time as the CPAC coronavirus infectee:

    – Rep Louie Gohmert;
    – Ronna McDaniel
    – Michael Knowles
    – Kay James
    – KellyAnne Conway
    – Betsy Devos
    – Rep Matt Gaetz
    – Diamond/Silk”


  21. Jane & PKM says:

    G Foresight @20, if memory serves, the Diamond/Silk duo were “guests” of Donnie* recently. May the timing be favorable. As for Bitsy DeVile, she and every Republicon should be quarantined on her multiple yachts and left forever seeking docking privileges.

  22. AlanInAustin ... says:

    For best results, CPAC members exposed to the virus should be quarantined in airtight boxes.

  23. Brad in Dallas says:

    Could give a crap about the health of our Cuban-Canadian Senator, why won’t any news reports tell us anything about the person doing the exposing? They’re either a dark genius or, if an actual Republican, a level of stoopid that’s novel even by today’s Trumpian standards. Either way troubadours should be writing four hour ballads about the person.

  24. maryelle says:

    To be fair, the incubation period, when there are no
    symptoms, can be from 1 to 14 days, so CPAC Patient
    Zero may not have known he/she was ill.
