Archive for February, 2020

I Prefer To Think Of It As 3,285 Days UPDATED! And Now We Gotta UPDATE THE UPDATE and It’s Only 3:30 PM

February 11, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Roger Stone is going to prison unless Donald Trump dusts off his magic wand and practices forgiveness.

He was sentenced to 87 months to 108 months in prison.  Federal Courts use months instead of years for two reasons: (1) to confuse the hell outta reporters who can’t do math in their heads, and (2) they actually tried to use days so their legal fees won’t seem inflated.

That’s 7 to 9 years, 364 to 468 weeks, or 2,555 to 3,285 days plus a couple of leap year days thrown in.

That’s not long enough. Roger Stone is 67 years old. He’s apt to live another 20 years. We do not need a man with a Richard Nixon tattoo living among us again because he didn’t contribute anything the first time.  Am I right?

UPDATE:  This just in from CNN

The Justice Department will backtrack on its request that longtime Donald Trump confidante Roger Stone get up to nine years in prison, a senior department official said Tuesday, contradicting its own federal prosecutors in a highly unusual and politically charged move.


 … that sentencing recommendation, transmitted to a judge and signed off on by the office’s top prosecutor, had not been communicated to leadership at the Justice Department.

Yep, just gotta rub our noses in it.  This is Trump Justice.

UPDATE TO THE UPDATE.  This just in from CNN

A Justice Department prosecutor who asked a judge to sentence Roger Stone to between seven to nine years in prison has withdrawn from the former Trump aide’s case after reports that officials would seek to reduce the sentencing recommendation.

The withdrawal by prosecutor Aaron Zelinsky on Tuesday came after the initial sentencing guidance was sharply criticized by President Trump, raising questions about potential political interference in the sentencing of Stone. Stone was found guilty of lying to Congress and witness tampering .

Oh good lord, Trump just broke the justice system.  Hell, and he did it before nap time.


Bad Gumbo

February 11, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Last weekend the Louisiana Republican State Central Committee, the elected body that controls the internal governance of the state party, went all Mardi Gras on Mitt Romney’s ass.

They passed a censure resolution saying that Mitt Romney was being mean to poor, defenseless, picked-on Donald Trump.  Yeah, the same Louisiana Republican Party who refused to censure David Duke.

Now here’s the cup of crazy in the gumbo: the resolution was written before Romney voted for impeaching Trump.  If they’d known he was going to do that, I suspect they’d replace language like …

As US Senator, Romney has continued to deliver belligerent statements and comments about President Trump while largely ignoring far more egregious conduct and obnoxious rhetoric by Democratic members of Congress and presidential aspirants

with, “he’s a butt face.”  Oh, give me a break, they are only about 6 people in all of Louisiana who know what egregious, rhetoric or belligerent even mean, and exactly none of them were at the Republican convention.

It passed with a voice vote.  They were drunk and showing people their ta-tas.


Brokered Convention?

February 10, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, already there’s talk.

I dunno – we usually get our act together by mid summer.  However, I think people missed part of the process last time and aren’t anxious to coronate anyone.  I would not count on a floor fight because the Super Delegates kept just enough power to win.  They gave away just enough power to make it a landslide.

I’m not anxious for a fight in Texas.   When I was younger, it didn’t bother me at all.  Hell, I even wrote about it.

I think I’ve grown weary of all the whining and finger pointing.  Honey, we Democrats can nurse a grudge back from the dead and carry it around for fifty more years.  Speaking of which, I used to have a bumper sticker that said, “I don’t care if Nixon is dead, I still want him impeached.”  I guess that’s not funny now, considering that Bob Barr is trying like hell to find a way to retroactively impeach President Obama.

I think there’s a pretty good chance that the Texas caucus and state convention will be brokered, because it was in 2008.  That might be fun. But a brokered national convention? Not so much.


Miss Lindsey Got A Garter Belt and a Whip

February 10, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Why, lookie here who’s sassy talking now.



Not only, Graham claims, is Rudy Giuliani within half an inch of getting dirt on Biden from the Russians, he also says the Justice Department is “receiving information coming out of the Ukraine, from Rudy.”  While I tend to suspect it’s the same sources who had proof that Obama was born in Kenya, you gotta remember that all they wanted in the first place was an announcement that Biden was being investigated, not that anything ever came of it.

Graham toddled himself on the Sunday morning news program with an even bigger splash.


No, seriously, he said that.

He announced that Attorney General Barr has “created a process” where Rudy Giuliani can feed Biden dirt from Ukrainian sources directly to the DOJ, and the DOJ will then check it out.

Good Lord, half the Trump administration has already gone to jail.  And I think more are just waiting.


The Mississippi Mess

February 10, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

The Mississippi Mess from last Friday is becoming ten pounds of Republican embezzlement in a five pound bag.

It’s going federal now.  Well, at least until Bill Barr finds out about it and changes the investigation to Democrats who willfully breathed free air in Mississippi.

So it turns out that the nonprofit at the center of the Mississippi embezzlement scandal got millions of dollars in federal funds.  The federal grant money doubled in 2018 – after Senator Cindy Hyde Smith was appointed to the Senate, which is beginning to look kinda fishy.

In 2017, records show nearly $13 million in federal grant money flowed into the coffers of the Mississippi Community Education Center, the nonprofit organization used as the vehicle for a massive conspiracy and embezzlement scheme.

That grant money doubled in 2018 to nearly $27 million.

It’s unclear how much of that was actually utilized as intended, to help the poorest Mississippians in difficult times of need.

I’m betting none of it. At least as long as a Trump supporting Republican was holding the checkbook.


Mississippi Mess And Why I Hate Republicans #3,296

February 06, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

That old scheme – take from the poor and give to the rich.

Six fancy pants people were arrested in Mississippi for scamming what is suspected to be multi millions of dollars from state programs intended to help the poorest among us.

Two of those arrested were embezzling taxpayers’ money to give it to Republican politicians.

Dr. Nancy New, owner and Director of the Mississippi Community Education Center (MCEC) and New Learning, Inc. and her son Zach New, Assistant Executive Director of MCEC, were helping Republicans run for the House and the Senate.

Some of the money they stole went to —



Nancy’s son, Zach, works at …. New Summit Schools.

Two others stole money from the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families fund to send a third one to a high falutin’ drug rehab center in California. They said he was teaching a drug rehab program for youth in Mississippi while he was actually in California soaking up the sunshine at his own rehab center.

They took other millions for their personal use and the use of their personal businesses.

The newly elected Hinds County District Attorney Jody Owens said …

“The Hinds County District Attorney’s Office looks forward to working with the State Auditor Shad White and his dedicated team to end public corruption in Mississippi,” said Owens. “The misuse of government funds designed for families in need will not be tolerated by our office and those who break the law will be prosecuted to the fullest extent possible.”

Owens worked at the Southern Poverty Law Center before being elected DA so I suspect he’s fully prepared to go hunting for bear.

Honey, these entitled people stole so much money that authorities are still tracking it all down.

          Thanks to Alfredo over at the Dairy Queen for the heads up.