Archive for February, 2020


February 17, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, Ive been trying to think of something worse than being stuck on a cruise ship with Coronavirus.

I decided on:  having a virus of any kind anywhere in the damn world.

There are between 22 – 31 million people with the flu right now in the United States.  I had two different kinds of flu at the same time a couple of years ago and spent two weeks in the hospital because they didn’t know how to cure it.  Yes, I took the flu shot. No, it did not include that kind of flu.

I cannot understand why everybody is running around waving their hands in the air when we already have flu that kill people all winter long.

So, I will vote for the first candidate who promises to fix the damn flu.


Bar the Barr

February 17, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

More than 1,100 former federal prosecutors serving under both Democratic and Republican administrations have heavily chastised Bob Barr for his obscene behavior in the Roger Stone case.

Chastised is such a nice word. They asked him to resign and get the hell outta Dodge for being, as Thelma calls him, “Chubby Hitler.”

Oddly, they asked lawyers in the current Justice Department to report any future incidents of obstruction of justice to … uh, whoever will listen.

Strikingly, the lawyers called upon current department employees to be on the lookout for future abuses and to be willing to bring oversight to the department.

“Be prepared to report future abuses to the inspector general, the Office of Professional Responsibility, and Congress,” they wrote, and “to refuse to carry out directives that are inconsistent with their oaths of office.”

Oh yeah, that’s the ticket!  Trump will fire you and your brother. Furthermore, he’ll replace you both with a former Ralph Lauren model or Anthony Scaramucci.


Weekend Sing Along

February 15, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized


Republican Operatives Spy on a Meeting at the DCCC

February 14, 2020 By: El Jefe Category: Uncategorized

File under a Nixonian CREEP and actually creepy, Politio is reporting that Republican operatives did a peeping Tom job on a meeting at the DCCC headquarters Wednesday night, shooting photographs of slides being shown at a strategy meeting in the conference room there.  I’ll refrain from criticizing Dems for being stupid enough to have this meeting without the blinds being drawn, but shame on the GOP knuckle draggers for actually shooting photos through the windows.  Not only did they shoot the photos, but then published a full report which was obtained by Politico.  They then bragged about it.  Sidenote: the NRCC has declined to sign an agreement with the DCCC to not use hacked or stolen data.

The state of our politics today, made worse by the mobster infesting the WH and tearing down every norm established for proper governance of our country.

And to John Cornyn and Ted Cruz…this is on you.

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Barr Grows a Pair

February 13, 2020 By: El Jefe Category: Corruption, Trump

In an interview with ABC News today, Bill Barr said Trump’s tweets are making it “impossible to do my job,” and that he won’t be bullied into doing anything.  He also said, “I think it’s time to stop the tweeting about Department of Justice criminal cases,” and that he’s prepared for any consequences of crossing Trump.  He continued saying he can’t do his job with a continuous background of commentary from Trump on criminal cases.

It’s a rare split from His Orangeness; Barr’s sudden reversal is just one sign of the chaos at DOJ and the FBI that Trump has created.  A mutiny is certainly underway and Barr had to step in.

A little ray of sunshine in the dark abyss of Trump corruption.

Oh, and a message to Ted Cruz and John Cornyn…This is all on you.

Keep Hope In A Dive

February 13, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Well, campers, Hope Hicks is coming back to the White House as if there weren’t already enough hicks there.

Former Trump Communications Director Hope Hicks is leaving Fox News’ parent company to return to the White House as Counselor to the President, but in a switch she will report directly to Jared Kushner. Kushner is known to be working on the president’s re-election campaign from within the White House.

Hope left the White House two years ago immediately after she admitted to investigators working for  Mueller that she had lied for the president.  You just can’t have too much lying at the White House, especially as we get closer to election time and, Honey, Hope lies.

She’s gonna be reporting to Jared now.