Republican Operatives Spy on a Meeting at the DCCC

February 14, 2020 By: El Jefe Category: Uncategorized

File under a Nixonian CREEP and actually creepy, Politio is reporting that Republican operatives did a peeping Tom job on a meeting at the DCCC headquarters Wednesday night, shooting photographs of slides being shown at a strategy meeting in the conference room there.  I’ll refrain from criticizing Dems for being stupid enough to have this meeting without the blinds being drawn, but shame on the GOP knuckle draggers for actually shooting photos through the windows.  Not only did they shoot the photos, but then published a full report which was obtained by Politico.  They then bragged about it.  Sidenote: the NRCC has declined to sign an agreement with the DCCC to not use hacked or stolen data.

The state of our politics today, made worse by the mobster infesting the WH and tearing down every norm established for proper governance of our country.

And to John Cornyn and Ted Cruz…this is on you.

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0 Comments to “Republican Operatives Spy on a Meeting at the DCCC”

  1. Gerrymandering to the point of unconstitutionality. Voter suppression. A long-term lowering of standards from Reagan to G. H. W. to G. W. to Palin to Gohmert to Cruz to Gaetz to Trump.

    The Republicans have been demonstrating that they have no interest in preserving the union or the Constitution or decency. We’ve known it for years, now. Power is their only goal — certainly not a democracy or even a republic. Just power.

    Out, damned spot.

  2. There appears to be no bottom to the depths they will sink.

  3. Leave the blinds up and show fake slides!

  4. charles phillips says:

    Pardon my language, Mz. Juanita, but it’s well past time the gloves came all the f@@king way off!

  5. I’ll guarandamntee that the Rethugs have complete audio recordings of every word whispered or spoken by every Democrat at that meeting, and manymost of their others.

    You may not care to be “…criticizing Dems for being stupid enough…”, but I’ll gleefully rip their faces and guts off; the goddamned cretins.
    The Dems have been plagued by this kind of lack of security consciousness for decades.
    This is 2020, the science and art of surveillance has radically improved over previous times.
    WTF is it going to take to wake them up? To hope for the criminal mob known as Rethugs “to sign an agreement” is just insane.

  6. Watergate. Happened before many of us were born and some were very young children, but a real distinction in how Republicons have traveled the distance in the wrong direction to ethics are for schmucks and our Orange Foolius* in your face we won.

    Media language has become meaningless with pizza gate and other imaginary ____gates. Lazy. Call it a gate and the facts be damned, it’s a story, particularly if the protagonist is a Democrat. It’s not “just” cable news. We yanked that and have two devices to provide a variety of programming, but the narrative of the ‘news’ options is equally as slanted as Fox Not the News.

    2020. We’re in this alone. Expect no help from the media or the DNC. But maybe take a lesson or two from Antifa, the organization that is successfully opposing the fascists. Learn the difference of what progressive candidates will do when elected. Note the difference in policing between these two locations. Portland, OR has a new police chief, Jami Resch. DeeCee has argy bargy ‘redefining’ the Constitution.

    Read Dave Neiwart. Read the SPLC newsletter Hatewatch. Be informed. Donate to the ACLU and the SPLC. Get out and march with Antifa.

    And vote. Local elections are as important to you as national.

  7. The 12 % of Bernie supporters who voted for Trump will do it again if anybody else is nominated.

    It doesn’t matter how stupid the DCCC is. The DWS and Brazile damage taught them nothing.

    The JBS or whatever their new name is have been winning local elections for 25 years. One by one. They now control the EC. The national Democrats never saw it coming, not for 25 damn years.

  8. Mr. Phillip@4 and Crone@7, yes and yes. Katherine@3, I like your thinking; effective.

    Respecting that everyone’s financial resources become limited in an election year when so much needs to be done or that physical limitations may limit what a person can do in terms of “taking it to the streets,” people can call and e-mail their elected ‘representatives.’ Volume does count, so make some noise. When you have the time, volunteer; maybe babysit for those who can take to the streets or simply send a kind word to your nearest Antifa group to whom support means a lot.

    Sandridge @5, like the old twist on what Einstein didn’t say: “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results” just follow the record of Moscow Mitch in the Senate before expecting a Republicon to honor anything. Any Democratic candidate promising “bipartisan collegiality” needs a swift kick into reality.

  9. charles phillips says:

    Jane and PKM @8 My plan is to donate to the opponents of every republicon running this year, Senate wide. Getting rid of tRump is no longer my priority: retaking the Senate is.

  10. Mr. phillips@9, most excellent plan. Our oldest starts school this year, and while we should be saving for the boys’ future education, we’re going all in this year to be sure they even have a future; Amy McGrath, Jaime Harrison, MJ Hegar, and Mark Kelly, plus Clint Koble taking out Mark Amodei (R) in our district.

    Caucus in a week here and we’re still torn between Senator Sanders and Warren and seriously considering “going the way the wind blows.” If the younger voters present are of the same mind they were in 2016, we may “give” our votes to side with them. If that is what it takes to get out the youth vote, not exactly a ‘grand’ gesture, but we’ll join them on the second or third round.

  11. charles phillips says:

    PKM, buona fortuna! That’s Italian for deagh fhortan!

  12. Jane&PKM, we have been very involved in school board elections for 20 years. Before that it was mostly other locals.

    We are nervous about keeping Lizzie Fletcher in congress. The Rs are coming after her with all the have. And the way Trump is spreading around money is scary. He’s already bought 1/2 the senate.

    Our last serious electioneering was to host a pop up office for Beto. And a B&B for California workers.

    Even our kids are too old for Antifa. But the NYC ones do a lot to enable antifa.

  13. Jane & PKM says:

    Republicans have the judiciary and Presidential pardons at their disposal now, tested and proven repeatedly, so when an operative comes into a meeting and says, “Hey, waddaya think? Should we try that Watergate spy thing again?”

    Everyone’s on board.

  14. Jane & PKM says:

    Crone, keep on keeping on! Good point, we need to keep a watchful eye on helping Democratic members of both the House and Senate remain in Congress, while taking as many Republicon seats as available. What say WMDBSsters, let’s help Crone keep her Congress critter:

  15. In OH, the Republican Party leader also refused to agree not to used hacked material. They accused a democratic candidate for a Congressional seat of voting twice. Proven false but they are not relenting. Like Trump, all they need to do is open an investigation. Dems need to realize that this is a war.

  16. Do not forget the bogus “Census Mailings” the RNC has been sending out.
    To that point Rep. Katie Porter called out demented donnies minion in charge of the census on this issue ( )
    At the end the census puppet said he would check with his agency on any complaints etc.
    I received one of these and I reported it to the US Postal Service not the census. When I reported it I was told I was only one of many.
    What I am afraid of is by only saying he will check with census on complaints they will over look a plethora of complaints to USPS.
    I live well outside of Rep Porter’s district (and state)
    I cannot find an email address for Rep. Porter’s office that will allow me to email her office.
    If there is someone who is in her district or has mean to pass a message on please point out that the Census bureau should look beyond themselves and contact the USPS on this issue.
    (alas I do not have any confidence that my rep would do this service)

  17. Jane & PKM says:

    K, use the CA zip 92612 in your e-mail or call one of her offices.
    We have KY and SC zip codes for ‘getting through’ to Moscow Mitch and Leningrad Lindsey etc.

  18. To any patrons that might not dig videos or cartoons, and therefore haven’t read this yet.
    Anyone reading these words needs to check out Jim Wright’s latest post on Stonekettle Station. It’s a moral imperative.
